View Full Version : Sounds like an F14

09-05-2002, 06:39
Anyone else have an A/C system fan that sounds like an F14?? I have the automatic A/C system in my truck if that matters. I removed the filters and cleaned out the junk but the system still ROARS. It's not the sound like a leaf stuck in the fan would make. This is a ROAR. It didn't do it when the truck was new and it doesn't do it all the time. It's not fan speed because when it's not making the noise I can turn the fan manually to high speed and it doesn't start making the noise.

BTW, suggestions for getting the left screw on the cover under the dash reinstalled are welcome!! :( What idiot engineer designed that???

Hate to have to take it to the dealer for something this stupid but it's REALLY loud and annoying.

[ 09-05-2002: Message edited by: FirstDiesel ]</p>

09-05-2002, 07:34
Hello FirstDiesel,

You are hearing the clutch fan assy kicking in. This is common with the A/C running and/or intermittently after you first start the engine when it is cold. I have yet to figure out the latter of the two.


09-05-2002, 08:25
Don't think so. I can vary the roar by varying the speed of the A/C. It will sometimes start right away as soon as the truck is started before the engine has even started to warm up.

09-05-2002, 08:53
Take a peak under the dash and check to see if a plastic bag got sucked into the intake for the vent system. I've heard of that happening. If that's not it, your ventilation ducting may have come apart in the dash or a flapper actuator is not moving full range. Just a few ideas.

You're right to be concerned, the Silverado ventilation system (especially in A/C mode) is the quietest out of all my vehicles, including BMW's top model. I've got to check out the filters on it, the truck puts it to shame.

Regards, Steve

09-05-2002, 08:57
I've been under there and don't see anything. Checked the filters too. Odd thing is it's not all the time. I thought maybe one of the flappers wasn't moving all the way but I can move the controls and reroute the air to other outlets and still have the same basic noise.

Oh well, guess it's off to the dealership for the DA. :(

09-05-2002, 14:47

The air noise sounds like something stuck in the air duct. Good luck finding it.

As far as the screw goes, I installed mine into the glove box. No rattles or vibrations for 20K. Looks like the screw was installed before the dash was installed into the cab. You can get it in, but I don't think the effort and time is worth it. I don't like doing it that way, but it's not a system critical component.

09-05-2002, 18:29
Check this out!


09-05-2002, 23:04
FirstDiesel, that screw is a PIA. It took about an hour+ to finally get that cover back on. The way I did it was: the first screw I put in was that really hard one where you have almost no room to work. I did it by sticking my finger up against the head of the screw and keeping an eye on the threads from the inside of the cover to make sure they anchor into the plastic nut deal on the base of the dash, then I gave the screw a twist as much as I could with my finger so the threads would catch. Then I took the 7mm socket, added a 3/8 to 1/4 reducer to get enough length but not too long(all my extensions were too long) gave a few twists then I fit my 3/8 ratchet and finished it. I know I'm rambling and sorry if it's confusing. I'll tell ya, if you're a big ole boy, well it might be a tussle. I'm 5'10", 160lbs and it was a squeeze. Good luck and God speed.


09-06-2002, 04:08
When I removed my filter, I took the first two screw out, the ones under the glove box first. The dreaded third screw, the one under the center console, I removed only half way. I could at that point drop the cover with it still attached. The plastic on this cover flexes easy so it was no problem. Once I replaced the filter, I poped the plastic cover back on with the two screws that came from under the glove box and then tightened the dreaded screw that is under the center console. This worked like a champ.

09-06-2002, 19:14
Appears that MrBill has come to the rescue with a great solution to a difficult problem. Your way sounds alot better than mine. I'll have to remember this next time I change those filters. Thanks MrBill. Yup, I sure do love this forum.


09-09-2002, 08:09
I had the same problem about a week after receiving my truck. It went away on it's own which leads me to belive that something (leaf) was stuck in the system. I now have 9K and no return of the roaring fan. If you do have to go to the dealer, please post the result.

09-09-2002, 18:25
Just got back from a 4 day trip to the racetrack. Noise came and went but mosting stayed. Drove me nuts when the fan was on high. Probably will visit the dealer but not for a few weeks as the S10 needs to go in for final warranty work before it expires.


NOW YOU TELL ME! smile.gif Now that I have the screw out!!

09-09-2002, 21:23
Pull out the blower motor and check for debris. My wifes 01 Youkon XL did the exact same thing. I pulled the blower (press a tab down and rotate it a little and the whole thing just drops out as a unit... super easy, but getting that &*$()#*$#!! third screw back on under the center consol was a PAIN) out and low and behold their was just a small (1.5") dried leaf that had managed to work it's way into the squirl cage blower. Cleaned it up, reinstalled, and presto... no more noise.

P.S. GM has a bulliten out to the dealerships that if a customer has foreign matter in the blower that causes the noise, it is NOT TO BE COVERED BY WARRANTY!!.

[ 09-09-2002: Message edited by: Searay90 ]</p>

09-10-2002, 04:02
FirstDiesel, sorry about that. I stumbled upon this by accident as I was taking that dreaded third screw out last. I thought "once this screw is out, it is going to be a son of a gun to get back in!" After backing the screw out a few turns I tried to see if the cover would drop and give me access to the filter. Low an behold, it did and it saved me the fustration of trying to find the screw hole by feel.

09-17-2002, 19:05
Well I just left the truck at the dealer to see if they could find the noise. The service advisors eyes bugged out when she heard it. smile.gif

We'll see how good they are on this problem. They haven't been real good on the S10 so far.

Figured I'd ask them to check to see if I had all the computer updates installed. Asked them about the bearing for the steering column and they had never heard of it. :(

09-17-2002, 22:22
Sorry guys, I plumb forgot to tell you that my dealer`s tech. told me sometime ago that you could change the AC filter without taking out that #%*"* screw in front of the console. THat`s what I like about the DP, there`s always someone out there with an answer, and then ther`s us that after we find the answer, we forget it. Now what was the subject?????????

09-18-2002, 17:59
Got the truck back tonight.

I quote "We took a huge ball of leaves and pine needles out of the fan"

These are courtesy of my neighbors tree that I have asked him repeatedly to trim. Now I'm telling!!!

I can't believe this system allows these leaves in so easily. I take them off the truck anytime I see them before I start the truck. I assume the air intake is in the cowl in front of the windshield, anyone know for sure?? It seems odd these leaves are getting in through the grill there.

The other thing that annoys me is our truck has air filters. Where are they??? AFTER the fan. WOW great idea!

BTW, I ask them to scan the truck for updates. They say it has all the current updates?? Truck was built on 3/27/02. I find it hard to beleive there have been no updates since then.

[ 09-18-2002: Message edited by: FirstDiesel ]</p>