View Full Version : How long is long enough?

06-29-2002, 12:18
On the way home from breakfast this morning I drove along listening and feeling the front end rattle. Thinking to my self, I wondered how long will it take GM to get their acked together and for once fix this problem with the steering. It's now been almost a year that I have had my truck, and from what I have read on this page this has been an on going problem for a few years now. I can see that some owners will run their warranty out before it gets fixed. To me this is B.S. I would like to hear what any of you think, and if legal action needs to be taken. Now I am the last person to want to get the government involved, but this has gone on too long.

Thanks, SHOPMAN426.

Mike. :mad: :mad: :mad:

[ 06-29-2002: Message edited by: SHOPMAN426 ]</p>

More Power
06-29-2002, 13:32
Did you have this problem before lifting the suspension, installing wider (& possibly different offset) wheels and taller tires?

My 2001 GMC 2500HD doesn't do this with stock wheels/tires - and 21,000 miles.


Silver Bullet
06-29-2002, 14:51
SHOPMAN - GM has a fix for the steering rattle...try the wonderful search functionality of TDP. I would try searching on "rattle" or "steering".

06-29-2002, 23:05
More Power,

The rattle started from day one. I ran the stock wheels and tires for the first month. My new wheels are 8" wide but I am running the same offset. Even after turning up the bars a little it is still the same. I have read about others trying to get the rattle fixxed, but it sounds too hit and miss at this point. I guess I am looking for an offical TSB on the problem, and not a, "hey this might fix the rattle".

Thanks, SHOPMAN426.


07-03-2002, 22:23
WHY ISN'T THERE A DAMN TSB FOR THE BEARING YET.??????????????????????????????????????

Matt B.

07-05-2002, 08:43

I am in the process of legal preceedings with General Motors...I am planning on using the Massachusetts Lemon Law (See below). I plan on going for the Market Value angle, since anyone who rides in my truck (Prospective buyers included) asks "What the hell is that rattle"?

The attorney's office I am working with seems to feel there is substantial evidence (thanks to the internet) to prove gross negligence on the part of General Motors. They are doing tons of research right now to use cases like the saddlemount gas tanks as proof past questionable business practices.

We'll see!

Clipped text from http://www.state.ma.us/consumer/Pubs/lemon.htm

"The Massachusetts Lemon Law protects consumers who have serious defects in their new cars. The law defines a lemon as a new or leased motor vehicle that has a defect which substantially impairs the use, market value, or safety of the vehicle, and which has not been repaired after a reasonable number of attempts. (M.G.L. c. 90,

07-05-2002, 17:02
I don't understand this. 2 or 3 people have reported having the dealer replace a bearing and this fixed the problem. Why is a TSB needed if the dealer is doing it and I certainly don't understand this attitude of sueing over something that the dealers seem able to fix.

07-05-2002, 21:26
My dealer won't fix it without a TSB, that's why I am questioning this.

Matt B.

07-06-2002, 06:14

See the thread "Steering Rattle -Who has it discovery". You will see that I have been plagued with this problem since delivery in Apr '01. I have had the intermediate shaft replaced 3 (THREE!) time by two different dealers, the lube job by another. The rattle is now worse than ever! The dealers in this area (All of them) will not attempt repairs unless authorized by GM (TSB). My current dealer (Colonial Chevy in Acton, MA) wouldn't even attempt the repair when I said I was willing to pay for it?!!??! :eek:

I worked with GM customer service and they were able to find a dealer 20 miles away that was willing to do the repair...at my expense. I brewed on this for a couple of days and decided "that's enough". There is enough physical evidence to prove the problem is fixable and I my truck is still under warranty.

This is why I have resorted to Legal action. I am not sueing in the traditional sense....where you go after damages, mental anguish...and all that crap. I just want my truck fixed.

I got a call from GM yesterday, They are contacting the regional Service Mgr to set up a meeting at Lannan Chevy in Woburn. Hopefully my truck will get the updated bearing and my truck will be perfect.

Turbo Al
07-06-2002, 08:27
Take this for what it's worth. One my new Ford (1989) I had massive problems with keeping it in a straight line, after about 5 realignments I had had enough. I phoned Ford Credit Dept (loan from them) and left a voice mail to the effect that they can forget about the next payment and any more after that untill this truck is fixed, and by the way don't even bother to look for this truck because it is not here.
The response I got was almost unheard of, within 15 mins the original Dealer phoned me, gave me a P.O. (purchase order #) and told me to take the truck anywhere in the world to get it fixed, it doesn't have to be a FORD dealer, and we will pay for it. Long story short a very good front end shop had it fixed in 1/2 hr for a lousy $40.00.
I realize that not all of you went through GMAC but for those that did this may be worth a try. If you went through another institution try giving them a pleasent call and asking for assistance in this matter. I was dealing with Ford so I was not in the least bit pleasent.

Derek M
07-06-2002, 13:17
I had my 2500HD fixed with using the bearing. My brother got his 2500LD fixed with the bearing (same dealer).

Buddy of mine at work got a card/reminder in the mail that stated an ordered part to fix his truck (bearing k) was now available. This is a different dealer than the one I use.

Are we for certain there's not a TSB out on this issue? If there's not how did the "new bearing" come to being? Or is it the situation where our bearings are out of spec and are being replaced with in-spec bearing?

I dunno, just guessing. Seems odd that some dealers will fix it no problem and other will fight tooth and nail not to fix it. Seems like a major communication breakdown or something.