View Full Version : 2003 with bad Injector/Shudder?

09-06-2003, 00:59
My truck has 12k on it and I just started getting hesitation and shuddering off the get go. Dealer ran several tests and believes their is a fuel injector problem. Monday it goes in so they can "Tear into it" as it was put. I installed my pre/OEM Raycor shortly after the problem began. Maybe it was too late? Nevertheless 03's are also vulnerable! When the hell are they going to realize the stock filtration sucks the big one!!!

[ 09-28-2003, 09:37 PM: Message edited by: Cliffee ]

09-06-2003, 07:25
Cliff, I find it hard to believe, but I suppose its possible. What tests did they do to determine it? codes? I am curious to know why they are condemning it. I dont like it when they say "tear into it" :eek: :eek:

Does that mean they have no idea what the h#ll to look for but they hope they see something :confused:

09-06-2003, 12:38
They are going to do further test with TAC support from GM. So far they have been on the phone with TAC(GM) and have done several tests and it is pointing to a fuel injector problem. Tear into meant more in depth.
I find it hard to believe also and I hope they aren't to blame. I'll post whatever the fix was.

09-07-2003, 02:11
If you are talking about 2003 injectors, I have had my entire left bank replaced. I took her in because the truck took about 10 seconds of cranking before it started. Dealer said that some injectors were out of spec. (also dumping vast amonts of fuel into the cylinder(s)) and needed to be replaced. Got the truck back and she started like she should. He also said that the other injectors will need to be replaced, and it is just a matter of time. :rolleyes:

09-07-2003, 12:42

09-24-2003, 20:09
Just found out dealer has replaced 4 injectors and that were out of spec and couldn't be balanced correctly. Also relaced Fuel pressure regulator. Unfortunately this didn't fix my low speed shuddering problem. It is starting to look like something in the drivetrain. GM is sending a tech in. Makes me wonder how many others have balancing problems right out of production?

David Proske
09-25-2003, 12:20
I thought things looked better for the 2003 injectors; but this is depressing. I know these several 03 that we are hearing about is a needle in the hay stack compared to the number of 03 trucks out there, but it still ticks me off.

Very Old Dog
09-25-2003, 13:32
This is an interesting topic. When I had my 2001 Dodge Cummins, I replaced, on my own volition, all of the stock injectors with Bosch 275's for increased performance. And this did make a significant performance difference. Has any body done anything like this with their Duramax?

09-27-2003, 19:13
Check out "2003 injector problems 30,000 miles" over in the Duramax 6600 for my current ongoing saga...NOT FUN!!!!!

09-28-2003, 21:36
Well I got my truck back Friday. They replaced a Fuel Pressure regulator and 4 injectors at GM TAC'c request after doing several tests so Iam told. They also replaced a motor mount. I still have a little shudder thats driving me crazy in stop and go traffic that wasn't their until around 10k mi. If I just lean my foot on the accelerator I get a little shakin almost like a miss in the fuel system. After a little more pedal everything smoothes out. It does it very consistently! Any ideas?