View Full Version : Seat upgrade

02-04-2003, 11:49
I need (want) to upgrade my seat. I've got the SL with the plain seat that has the center section that doesn't fold down(didn't find that out until after I bought it). It was real hard to drive it at first without an arm rest, but I got used to it. And then, you sit in a chevy truck with the upgraded seat and it's just so nice. I love the rubber floor in my truck, and I don't mind the crank windows and I've come to like the single cab, I just need a better seat.

Any ideas on where to go to get a good stock upgraded seat, or a good after market one? I check ebay every now and then and can't find any. Or anybody not like their nice seats and want some plain ones? Will travel and have cash for the trade. :D

02-04-2003, 12:45
Swayse, Ive been looking myself for the upgraded seats, One of our HD's has the nice seat with center console, The other has the Low class seats with fold down console/seat. I cant believe what a difference in comfort between the two. OMG if I had to plow all night long with the cheap seats....Id need a chiropractor to ride with me. Ive been looking at Ebay. I havent found anything good except for seats to an 03'. Maybe someone else could let us know of a good place to look.

02-04-2003, 20:59
An excellent place to find seats is in Indiana. Go to those pick-up conversion places. They sell the take outs at minimal cost. Good place to get rims and tires also. Here are a couple.


http://www.roadmastercabext.com/ (Hoot, you'll like this one)




http://www.rvandvansurplus.com/truck_seating.htm (This one looks good)

http://www.centurionvehicles.com/centuriontrucks/gmsignature.htm (The best one so far)