View Full Version : What makes the Diesel Noise?

12-26-2003, 19:02
What makes the Diesel Noise?
I am still asked what make the diesel engine noise or make it so noisy. I am not sure I know exactly what makes the noises There seems to be several different sounds can you help me identify these common sounds?

12-26-2003, 21:09
In a spark ignition engine, a spark ignites the mixture and the flame front propagates rapidly and smoothly. Compared to a diesel, the deflagation is quite gentle in the 7-12:1 (insert other known values here) compression ratio.

In a diesel, at 18-22:1 (insert other known values here) compression, the superheated air charge ignites the injected fuel spray all at once without a smooth advancing flame front. The clatter is the result of the rapid burn that produces a mild shock wave.

A gasoline engine can sound like a diesel when detonation occurs. Detonation is an actual explosion (diesel and gasoline engines do not run by exploding fuel, but instead smoothly burning it), usually caused by one or more flame fronts meeting, whilst the piston is still compressing - the unburned fuel is then super compressed to a high density resulting in a very destructive explosion. Both diesel and gasoline engines can be destroyed by long term detonation (a.k.a. pinking or pinging in the gasser)

New diesel injection strategies, now employ a tiny pilot injection of fuel, just before the main injection pulse. This starts off just enough flame to smoothly ignite the incoming charge a millisecond or so later and thus dampen the usual clatter at idle.

C.K. Piquup
01-08-2004, 04:54
So with an increased fuel-rate(turned-up pump/hi-pop injectors),the noise is increased?

01-08-2004, 07:28
Good Day!

brittanic: Sorry to differ, but God made the diesel noise. He made it so we'd be happy with our trucks. (ANYONE can drive a gasser.)


Brian Johnson, #5044

01-08-2004, 10:47
I just wet my pants laughin'!

01-09-2004, 10:53
Moondoggie, I'm not sure about your theology but I like the theory!! Blessings back to ya!

01-09-2004, 13:17
Hey Spindrift takes a big man to admit he wet his paints!!! Just having fun but that was a good technical explanation maybe that

C.K. Piquup
01-10-2004, 05:47
With a turned-up pump and/or hi-flow injectors does God increase "the noise"?

G. Gearloose
01-10-2004, 06:17
"and God saw that it was good" :D

01-10-2004, 08:15
Originally posted by C.K. Piquup:
With a turned-up pump and/or hi-flow injectors does God increase "the noise"? God's law of physics says it will!

C.K. Piquup
01-10-2004, 20:49

01-12-2004, 04:40
Good Day!

oldmansax: You are correct