View Full Version : Thank you and a Question

02-01-2003, 12:15
After 3 trips to the dealer a half hour reading here and my truck is back to working. NSBU switch, wouldn't you know. Thanks!

Now the question. The second trip in with the missing indicator lights (first trip in they reprogrammed), they found that it is missing 2 quarts of transmission fluid. No sign of any leaks...I am very consious of spots in parking area and there have never been any. The amount of dirt under my truck there would be definite signs of a leak.

The last oil change, 3000 miles ago, was done at the dealers, although checking the transmission fluid is suppose to be part of the deal, they would not swear that it had been done.

Any one have any ideas where this fluid could have gone?

02-01-2003, 15:16
I would keep an eye on it. Maybe it was low for a while.Sometimes you have to pull the stick and wipe it a few times to get an accurate reading. Also the temp of the fluid can make a difference in the reading. "Good Luck"

dave p
02-01-2003, 15:52
my transmission fluid was low from day 1. it is a good idea to check all the fluids when you first take delevery of a new vechicle as, i have found many were low on fluid. just because its new does not mean it has the correct amount of fluid. dave p :cool:

wild bore
02-01-2003, 15:56
Us Marylanders are catchin up on those dang Texans. :D

Cattlelady, have you had your trans fluid changed. How many miles on it? I guess if you do alot of hard towing, it could evaporate. But 2 quarts seems like alot.
BTW, where are you in md?

02-01-2003, 18:55
Whoa! 3 of us...I'm up near Wild Bill, Taneytown.

dave p--just a little over 16,000 miles on it. Nothing! And no more than 2 tow jobs a month on average Short trips, heaviest load was 4 ton, stone dust from the quarry, might have run a little more with a load of cattle once.

As to the fluid being there originally, I can't remember where it was on the stick exactly. That's a weird stick anyway. And who knows, this idiot dealer could now have it overfilled two quarts!

Just thought maybe there was somewhere it could leak and not be seen internally.

02-02-2003, 08:37
Just on a hunch...Check the transmission fluid level as outlined in the diesel supplement. I've found the many dealers really dont do this and get faulty readings.


Jim Cobler
02-02-2003, 15:32
This is my first diesel so I maybe all wet but with a gas Chev. v-8, I had some transmission fluid disappear on me. There was a vaccuum line between the engine and transmission that controled shifting. This line had a sensor of some sort in it that broke and allowed the engine to suck fluid from the transmisson into the engine and burn it.

Just a thought.

02-03-2003, 10:34
Jim Cobler,

Ain't no such line on the Allison on either the Gas or Diesel. The only way the Allison "uses" oils is to leak it out somewhere, or blow it out the breather. :D

02-03-2003, 17:19
It's looking more and more like they didn't check it right. I am now looking high. At 160 degrees well over the hot marks, even past the kinks. I want to run it up to 200 and see where it's at before I make a final decision. Haven't had time, it's hard to get it to get that hot!

But I think you hit the nail on the head. And all they've done now is overfill it. Sheesh, you really have to do things yourself to get them done right.

PS==I called and asked dealer what temperature they checked it at. They haven't called me back. LOL

Lone Eagle
02-03-2003, 18:24
Jim, You are thinking of the vacuum modulator of a time long since gone. Lator! Lone Eagle

02-03-2003, 19:28

At times like that is wish I wasn't right. At least it isn't serious. Drain some off before you run it too hot and splash some out of the fill tube. It would make a nasty flash fire.

Good luck,


02-09-2003, 19:12
But Mark, you probably saved me some nasty downtime this spring. I can see it now, trailer loaded with cattle and smoke coming out from under the hood.

I'd freak, jump out of the truck, open the trailer door and let the cattle loose. Unhitch the trailer and pull away, so as to save my nice Eby trailer. Heck with the darn truck! LOL

Thank you. smile.gif

02-10-2003, 15:26

You are welcome, just have to wonder about "our" dealers sometimes.


Allison Jettester
02-12-2003, 09:42
Where exactly is Wild Bill? I grew up nearby on a dairy farm, closer to Emmitsburg, but my father taught math and science in Taneytown in the 50's and 60's. It's a small world.


02-12-2003, 09:57
I don't know if the Allisons are set up this way, but previous Chevys had a seal between the transmission and transfer case. If this seal fails, it allows the trans fluid to flow into the transfer case - result: low trans fluid with no external leakage. Might want to check the level of fluid in your transfer case.

[ 02-12-2003: Message edited by: ChevDog ]</p>