View Full Version : Bumper/grill guard

11-19-2002, 20:36
Has anyone installed a bumper/grill guard (ex. Ranch Hand) on their dmax, if so what kind and do you have any pictures????

11-19-2002, 21:34
I have a Stainless Steel guard made by GoRhrino. Manik makes a similar guard. Check it out ;)

[ 11-19-2002: Message edited by: CanadaKev ]</p>

11-19-2002, 21:47

I've got Ranch Hands front and back...LOVE 'EM! :D

See pics below. Better be really REALLY good this year! ;)

11-20-2002, 10:31
I put a ranchhand lookalike on the front of my CC and love it. I have pics also.

[ 11-20-2002: Message edited by: pullinpower ]</p>

11-20-2002, 11:09
Hey DIVA and PP, question about your RanchHand bumpers.

How securely are these things attached to the truck? As in how many and how big bolts do they use? Are your bumpers the same? I couldn't get a real good look at DIVA's but it looked like hers was a little closer to the truck. Now PP I know you've got a winch in there, but you don't have a bumper up there, you've got an engine catwalk complete with outside hand rail!

I'm wanting a brush guard, but I don't ( think I ) want a full replacement bumper. Am I going to be able to hook a chain to these things and pull myself out? Or will I still need a good set of tow hooks? How are these things going to fare against a deer at 55 MPH? I don't believe I saw anything designed to hook a chain to in DIVA's pics (PP obviously you have a winch), so is it ok to just wrap a chain around it somewhere?

Just more comments on how built these things are please.

11-20-2002, 15:34
Dieseldennis,the bumper I have is held on with four grade 8 bolts. You can hook a chain anywhere on mine and I dont think you could hurt it,as for the deer at 55 mph,as long as I could keep it out of the windshield it wouldn't move the bumper.

Engine catwalk with built in handrail :D :D

11-20-2002, 15:52
Any you guys ever hit a deer at 55mph. It doesn't matter what kinda bumper you have. It is going to hurt.

I have a ToughRodeo Brushguard. I heard that ranchhand was using lighter pipe/tube in thier bumpers and they were not as durable. (Just what I heard I am not talking bad about Ranchhand)

I still have the tow hooks on the front of my truck and will ALWAYS use them to pull from since I do not have a full replacement bumper.

"Brushguards" are just glorified addons. And should not be used for anything but intimidation against cars.

Fullreplacemnt bumpers are the real thing. If you want to push something or have your winch set up in them.

Just remember when pulling from the front of your truck. Get the strap or chain as low as you can and make sure it is on the frame.

11-20-2002, 17:08
My front-end replacement is held in place with 4 mondo bolts (mondo=HUGE...don't know the exact size). I put a similar unit on a Ram Cummins eight years ago, and have not seen any evidence that inferior and/or lighter weight materials are now being used. This thing weighs nearly 350 pounds, and believe me, it is one heavy-duty heifer! ;)

I still have the factory tow hooks and they are readily accessible underneath, and I have chained to them with no problem, but I did have to remove the KC's to keep from beating them up. It wouldn't be a problem to toss a chain around the bumper itself; I don't even think a nuclear blast would hurt this thing (other than some powdercoat scratches...). I would NOT trust a brush guard of ANY make to withstand the punishment these full front replacements can and do...they are mucho tuff! :cool:

11-20-2002, 18:36
Ranger354,I think I could take one on at 55,fresh backstrap that night also :D

11-20-2002, 18:46
The only thing that I'm looking at getting a brush guard for is so that when I hit the brakes and end up hitting a deer at about 20-25 mph that it doesn't total the truck. I've hit deer before and I don't want my radiator pushed into my engine. Would a Waag or GoRhino or (?) accomplish this?

I don't want a full bumper replacement yet - I still like the looks of my 2003 bumper...

11-20-2002, 22:03
If your looking for just a strong grill guard, look at the Ranch Hand. I have a Ranch Hand Grill Guard on the front of my truck. It is not a light weight by any means! It is bolted on at six points and retains the tow hooks. Have available either a lift, frame, or trusted strong friends when you mount the Grill Guard. If it drops while being installed, you will be in a world of hurt or worse.

I use the grill guard as a ladder and as a platform when working in the engine compartment.

I did a lot of research before I purchased and you will not find many grill guards as strong as this.

Check these pictures:


I am now considering a Ranch Hand Rear Bumper.

11-21-2002, 06:56
As I mentioned above I just heard that ranchhand had gone to a lighter weight material. I have not taken thickness readings on either brand. Nor have I fisically weighed them to tell which is heavier.

Remember to have that frontend realigned ater the install. Any added weight will throw the front end out.

The bumper on my jeep is welded on. Nothing stronger then that.

Pullinpower, have you ever seen a deer after it has been hit by a car. Even if you can get by the smell I don't think you would want to eat it.

11-21-2002, 07:21
Look at this web site. They are a company out of Junction, Texas. http://www.southwestfabricators.com/full_bumper_replacements.htm
If you want a grill guard they also have them. If you are looking at something to protect the front end from deer, cars, or whatever pops up then go with the full replacement. I have had these bumper replacements on each of the trucks I have owned. They are a small company and very good to work with. They will ship it to you, but since I hunt out in that part of the world they have installed each of mine (five in all). Every one they put on (unless you ask them not to)they bolt on then weld it. I have taken out two deer and rice burner. No damage at all to the truck. I have looked at the Ranch Hand and all other brands. For the price and quality these people are great. If you need a road trip the cost of diesel, time, and haveing them put it on still cost less than Ranch Hand. Give them a call they will be glad to answer any questions you have.

11-21-2002, 11:16
I have looked at the bumpers and replacements before hand. And no doubt they make some heavy duty stuff. I was just asking about the Ranch Hand as I saw some members had them. I'm also looking at a Reunel (sp?) gaurd/bumper.
I kinda figured the full replacments would be a little stouter than just a guard. But if the guard is manufactured the same as the gaurd in the full replacement bumper and it attaches at the same points the same way then why give up the good looks of the stock bumper?

Just thinkin out loud here. Ain't fisten to buy nothin real quick. But Christmas is coming! :D :D :D

11-21-2002, 14:25

The brushguard is not going to be as stout as the guard on the fullreplacement. They Do Not attach in the same place.

Hey SaltH2O,

How is the goose hunting in Katy this year. Got any leads?

[ 11-21-2002: Message edited by: Ranger354 ]</p>

11-22-2002, 08:57
I have seen lots of geese fly over, but don

11-22-2002, 12:55

I sold my Kenner a couple years back and went back to Bass fishing. I bought a Ranger and it sits in the barn. I just got off 3 weeks vacation and spent it all deer hunting. I did hear the redfish are jumping in the boat near the Port A jetties if you can brave the waves. Hard to fish during deer season when you spend all that money and time waiting for the Rut. the bucks just starting move the day before I had to go back to work. Oh well. You can email me @ Rangerjbf@aol.com. Then we can BS more about NON-truck stuff.