View Full Version : Allison tranny flush

08-28-2003, 21:06
Just flushed the allison and put in Transynd at 30k miles. Wow, is that stuff expensive, $30/gal from the local Allison dealer.

Read the instructions from hoot and dmaxallitech. They are very clear and easy to follow. Installed the 'deep' pan and longer suction filter at the same time. Also brazed a bung at back of pan to add a temp gauge sometime in future.

The only changes I made to their instructions was that after adding the initial tranny fill I flushed out the old fluid by starting the engine and running out 2 qts, then adding 2 qts. I did this until I had changed out a total of 18 qts. The fluid comes out fairly fast but you can do it by yourself.