View Full Version : Seat Belt Problem

Stage 1
11-08-2002, 19:01
Just got truck home today and tried to take wife for a ride. She gets in passenger side and seat belt chokes her because it just tightens all the time. Is this an easy fix or need to go back to dealer on first day. What needs to be done so they work correctly, only locking when they are suppose to, and releasing when you back off the belt. It now keeps cinching tighter and tighter, this new truck is starting off on a bad foot w/wife.
thanks for your help

:( :(

11-08-2002, 19:15
My wife used to pull the seatbelt all the way out and hook it then let it retract. They have some sort of rachet for carseats. When you pull it all the way out it will start racheting so you can tighten it down on carseats. You can find out if when she belts herself in listen for the clicking as it retracts.

11-08-2002, 19:18
Stage 1
My wife had the same problem.
I don't clearly understand it but she says if she pulls it out a long way, buckles the belt and lets it retract, it continues to retract and chokes her.

If she just pulls the buckle down only far enough to buckle up, it works as designed.

I don't know, I don't have the problem but my wife wouldn't wear the belt until she discovered the cure.


Stage 1
11-08-2002, 21:03
Thanks chevmeister and nukedmax that was the problem, I just went out and tried it. Works fine until you pull it out so far.
:D Back to smiling w/new truck!

11-08-2002, 21:28
ahhh SMILES...mine are coming back--

We had our rear seat belts replaced because they did this to our kids...BUT they would also do it if we "pretended" to buckle something..WITHOUT pulling it out far, with etc... 3 complaints, finally got the retracter replaced.

Worse part about it is to stop the retracting, you have to unbuckle, and let it go all the way back-- NOT COOL with 2 little kids!
