View Full Version : engine rebuild

04-03-2004, 13:57
In an earlier thread here: sudden missing and smoke (http://forum.thedieselpage.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=1;t=006159) I discuss the symptoms that my pickup has. I beleive that a rebuild is required and am wondering who offers low compression pistons besides Avant Salvage, Pennsular Diesel, and Kennedy Diesel. I have emailed the Avant's about pricing, Pennsular is listed at $107 each, and I see that Kenned has his listed at $995 for a set of eight. Other than these three is there anyone else? That kind of money for pistons seem a little high, but all I have ever dealt with are 350 gassers. I also know that some have done some custom machine work to lower compression, how is that done? Just simply machining a certain hight off of the piston?

04-03-2004, 18:55
Hey DD
I know a local engine rebuilder here who I trusted for the bebuild on my 6.5. He bought the pistons (18:1) from his regular parts supplier. I believe they were $97.00/ piece. He purchases an insurance policy for each rebuild from this same supplier. They want him to purchase the parts from them in order for them to provide the insurance coverage. I've put around 7000 miles on it and it's been great! smile.gif I believe they are available from GM....I think they use them in their marine applications.

04-03-2004, 19:06
I wasn't aware that oversized 18:1's were available from GM. I'll do a little checking and see if the machine shop I use can get them.

04-03-2004, 19:48
Any piston manufacturer should be able to build you custon slugs. I was researching this awhile back and my engine guy said no problem in a custom piston, can't remember $$$ though

S\W Off Road
04-04-2004, 06:51
Justin, You have the same questions as I do: Why the heck are parts so dog-gone high on this POS diesel engine? Seems like anyone that sells parts for them wants to retire on the first sale they get :eek: And if that isen't bad enough, I know of one guy that will tell you that the parts that others sell will destroy your engine. This guy is a real nut case and you can see him post on other forums but not here smile.gif Any who, Check ebay and you can find name brand pistons that you can trust like these: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=33623&item=2471341254

For the cost of what some want for a rebuild why would anyone want to keep the probmatic 6.5l? A Cummins would be my choice and then I could kiss all the 6.5l problems goodby.

Good luck, Mike

04-04-2004, 06:53
I'd give a call to all advertisers(DSG, etc.); some have reported good luck with <RebuiltDiesel.com >.

04-05-2004, 08:07
I went to the machine shop this morning and was qouted $876 for stock compression pistons, rings, rod bearing, and a gasket set. Does that sound resonable? I am having a hard time finding info from local people, I say 18:1 pistons for a 6.5 diesel and they give me this stupid look. The guy at the machine shop argued for 30 mins this morning about why I shouldn't lower the compression... I now see what some of you guys have gone through...

04-06-2004, 23:40
I just got the motor out. All cylinders are scored somewhat, and the number 8 had a deep ridge at the top. If I can get some good pics I'll post them. I now know the answer...

04-07-2004, 12:07
Hey Justin, You must have talked the brother of the guy at the machine shop i went to. I had the exact same experience. I eventually got them to CNC my pistons with a pattern similar to JK's. I ceramic coated them myself. If you want to have that done Email me at flint@cminet.net, cost is $300 for machining, also rebuilt diesel.com's engine kits are $695. Let me know