View Full Version : Lucerix Mirrors folding in?

HD Hauling
04-30-2003, 19:51
For the fellows that have these mirrors can you fold them in flat against the window like the GM mirrors do.
I have to fold the mirror in on my side to get into the garage.
I have heard that they don't.
The company called Bestop Automotive shows that they do.Does anyone have these?
I know a friend of mine that told me that a fellow at work bought a set of CiPa mirrors and he can't swing them in.He swings them to the front alright but when he opens the door they hit the hood.
So thats the question of the night?

04-30-2003, 20:09
No they do not fold completely in like the OE units.

04-30-2003, 20:27
I have the Bestop mirrors and JK`s right, they will not fold flat against the door. They will fold forward flat against the fender. but when you open the door----watch out.


Colorado Kid
05-01-2003, 15:21
They fold in some, but not flat against the glass because they hang down too low for that. As others have mentioned they can be folded forward until they touch the fender, and are probably in about as close as the folded factory mirror at that point, but you'll need to fold them back out before opening the door.

HD Hauling
05-01-2003, 21:18
Thanks fellows for the come back.
I'll have to check and see if there are any better mirrors out there that can.
I heard that there was a company out there that made mirrors for the Ford owners also made them for the GM owners.Has anyone heard of them?
Thanks again