View Full Version : Firewall insulation panel replacement

01-27-2003, 10:13
I attempted to post last week, not sure where it went...

Anyway, I wanted to first say thank you to everyone who posts in this forum. I have found a lot of very useful information here. Thanks.

I have a 2002 Duramax Crew Cab which I need to replace the firewall insulation panel. Seems a had a little cat problem. :-( I went to the dealer and the panel is priced at $95.

The only question is: Can this be done easily? It looks to be nearly impossible with the engine in the truck. I am guessing this was installed at the factory prior to putting the engine into the truck. I could leave it the way it is, but it looks horrible where the cat chewed on it.

Had anyone ever had to replace this and if you did, how did you do it?

Tim White

01-27-2003, 14:12
I bought my truck in florida and before I picked it up a squirrels destroyed the fire wall insulation.Dealer replaced it, it took them about three hours including taking it off another truck.I don't think they had to remove anything to replace it. Dave

01-27-2003, 15:50
Does anyone have the part number for the firewall insulation. I know a guy who's firewall was eaten away by some rodents also and the dealer couldn't find a part number. This was recently and I don't know if they found it yet or not. Thanks

01-28-2003, 13:36
I didn't write the part number down, but I had the Henna dealership in Austin (512-832-2327/parts) look it up for me last week while I was there, they found it. The first time I called about it, they couldn't find it. I am betting they got an update to their parts list recently...

Glad to see I am not the only one that had a "rodent" problem. Even the rodents like the Duramax! :)

I think I am going to attempt to replace this myself, not sure how far I'll get...


01-29-2003, 18:26
My insulation was kind-of eaten away by a rodent as well… A local RV place ripped the insulation away to install an in-cab shock/air bag controller when they could have just cut a small hole to route the wires. Anyone checked gmpartsdirect price? I was trying to figure out how much engine noise the insulation (drivers side only) would actually cut out.