View Full Version : Banging into 4 Wheel Drive

Commuter Cop
01-15-2004, 07:19
Due to the recent weather around here I've been using my FWD quite regularly. I've got the electronic selector and when I engage it even at slow speeds, 20-30 mph, I hear a quite noticeable "bang" sound. Is this normal?
P.S. it doesn't seem to happen if I let off the throttle first and let the RPM's fall to idle. :confused:

01-15-2004, 09:17
I just shifted between 4Hi and 2Hi about half a dozen times while out running some lunchtime errands. I'll get an occasional "clunk" and feel the front driveline connect, but no "bang." If it is actually an audible bang I think you'd want your dealer to check it out.

Turbo Al
01-15-2004, 09:52
I have been shifting back and forth a whole lot in the last 6 weeks --- quite a bit towing 6,000lbs --- and mine doesn't even clunk. I do have a lot of miles on the four wheel drive system. I have the manual shifter on the trans tunnel.

01-15-2004, 09:59
I've been doing the same in and out of 4wd switching. I get a small clunk sometimes; probably about the same conditions. I have the push button. I'll be curious if this is an issue to be concerned about. In my previous truck (dodge dakota pos) the shift in and out of 4wd was quite smooth.

01-16-2004, 08:21
Mine makes quite a racket sometimes too. I think it's a good idea to have your foot off the throttle whenever you shift in/out of 4wd. Seems to make less noise that way.