View Full Version : What else to check with IP before taking the truck in?

12-23-2003, 18:44
Hi All,

Well after calling around to dealers and talking to more GMC dealers than I can tell you I

12-24-2003, 04:28
Good Day!

Do a search on this forum for "FSD" and/or "PMD" - yours sound like classic FSD/PMD symptoms. Unfortunately, this virtually never throws a code. The search will tell you what others have done to get their warranty coverage. I think in most cases they get a new pump, which of course includes the FSD/PMD.


Brian Johnson, #5044

12-25-2003, 10:23
I just picked up my truck yesterday after they did a warranty pump replacement. You have pretty well covered the list. I did notice that they had on the GM work sheet to check the lift pump out put.

I have the long work sheet the use but it's really overly comprehensive. It looks like they want the mechanic to almost check every thing on the truck.

In general it looks like if you have good cranking speed, good fuel/pressure lift pump voltage, clean filter bowl, sensors all ok, compression etc, you should be ok. There are dozens of checks on the sheet but a lot of them are related to poor cranking and running conditions that would warrant a lot of diagnosis to determine if the pump was a fault. If you have the stalling problem it's most likely the FSD.

The FSD was bad which I knew as I was using a remotely located one until I got in to have it repaired.

They wanted to just replace the FSD but I convinced them to replace the pump. The Warranty work sheet has a comment on it that says that if they can't repair the pump to request a replacement from GM. It might be interprited that they are allowed to replace parts on the pump to fix it??? Most folks appear to be just getting a new pump but I don't know. thsi dealer wasn't even aware of the extended warranty and tried to tell me it was out of warrnaty and then also tried to charge a $100 deductable which was also voided out.

12-26-2003, 04:41
Thanks so much for the info! I'm dying to start really using the truck. Having it sit and waiting for it to go in is just killing me. I'm hoping they are open today so I can make an appointment.

Were they able to recreate your problem to diagnose? With my luck they won't be able to recreate it and will fix nothing! I figure I'll just keep complaining every time it stalls until it's fixed for good!

Thanks again for the info!

12-26-2003, 06:33
I don't think they took it out and drove it. I told them it was quitting and I guess they took my work for it. I told the service writer that there was a code 1216 set in the ECM acording to my Tech scan tool and I had trailered it to a parking lot up the street and drove it the rest of the way. I would aloow me to go that far without quitting. Actually I was using my spare FSD and just took it off there just to keep from having a argument with them about messing with the system.

12-26-2003, 07:11
Mine's more infrequent than yours. It'll usually happen once within 5-10 trips. Sometimes repetitively, sometimes just once then it'll be fine for a while then just quit again. I've got an isolator kit but I haven't put it on yet. I also don't want any hassles with them telling me that it may be the cause. I figure I checked everything I can and it