View Full Version : FI Pump Warranty Letter

12-23-2003, 13:53
I am presently haveing a pump installed under the 11yr 120k mile warranty on my 96 GMC truck. The GMC dealer wants to charge a $100 deductable on it. They weren't aware of the warranty when I took it in and I had to inform them of that.

Was there a letter sent to owners on the warranty by the US GMC division? The one posted on the Diesel Page web site was originated by the Canadian GM Division. If so I would like to have a copy of it to take to the dealer to show that there isn't any charge on the replacement. I didn't get a letter myself and have owned the truck since new.

If one is available I would appreciate someone sending me a scanned copy or faxing me one.

I know the problem has come up before and I would also like to have any info on how you got around it or the contact at GM customer service that resolved it.

My email is diesel65j@netscape.net.


12-23-2003, 14:08
Since this is your second freebee and you will not get the next onew free I would take steps to remote mount that FSD while they can get to it.
The dealer is not intitled to the $100.00 but if they want to charge you for something have them at least do something for the money.

Look at were mine is located in the bumper.

12-23-2003, 17:41
I resolved the problem with the dealer. He now agrees that there's no $100 deductable. I guess his "I'll call you back" resulted in a call to GM to check it out.

As far as mounting the FSD I have a spare mounted on a large home made heat sink from a inverter power unit but I'll run the replacement pump with the FSD mounted to it. It will be under warranty for several more years as the policy doesn't state any limit on the number of replacements allowed. The spare FSD will always get me home if the pump mounted one fails.