View Full Version : Allison Trans. Fluid When to change it?

01-03-2004, 20:17
A friend told me that the older allison tranny came from the factory with break-in oil. According to him the truck manuals did not call for an oil change early enough to prevent eventual problems with the transmision. Can anyone tell this newbe to diesel trucks if this is true or not? If it's true does it affect the new models trucks (04) as well? What is the reccomended milage to change fluid and filters on the first round? :confused:

01-03-2004, 20:58
It was factory filled with Dextron III fluid. It's what GM spec'd to be put in there. Allison says 25,000 miles for Non-TES 295 fluids, like Dextron III, as a severe service drain interval. If you want the long intervals then Castrol TranSynd is 50,000 miles for severe service interval.

Dextron III isn't a break-in fluid, but it isn't a synthetic either.

Change the spin-on filter after a few thousand miles, be careful to save the magnet and don't drop it, and go to www.allisontransmission.com (http://www.allisontransmission.com) and download the Operators Manual and the Mechanics Tips PDF files. Lots of good info in them.

[ 01-03-2004, 08:08 PM: Message edited by: Hound ]

01-03-2004, 21:09
Thanks for the info I'm going there now to download it. :cool:

01-03-2004, 21:13
No problem. The manuals are a bit burried on the Allison site, but they're in there. I can't recall if I found them by searching for Allison 1000 Series or quite how but you may have to use the names of the manuals to find them. smile.gif

01-03-2004, 22:18
Hound: thanks for the link, your right, some good info there.
