View Full Version : Blown hydraulic line to NV4500 clutch?

08-28-2005, 07:47
Went to look at a '93 2500 the other day. When we went to test drive it, pushed in the clutch and completely lost it. Thought it was the slave cylinder, but here the hydraulic line had ruptured in the last few inches before the slave cylinder. Not a hard fix, but was sort of surprised to see the shape of the line. Where it came down and bent to go to the slave cylinder, about three inches from the bend and then the whole way to the slave cylinder it was in obvious bad shape. Rust flaking off the line.

Now, that is right behind the front wheel so it would likely get a fair amount of road spray and they do salt the roads here in the winter. But it just seemed like it was in pretty bad shape compared to the rest of the truck (no body panel rust).

Any comments?

Turbo Al
08-28-2005, 08:58
I have had mine out once but I do remember it being all plastic, so may be someone replaced it with steel or Chev is doing funny things again :rolleyes:

08-28-2005, 10:01
Definitely a steel line, but the way that it was bent around I sort of wonder if it was stock. Perhaps it blew and someone bent a new line of steel figuring that the original plastic one was too weak.

08-30-2005, 16:42
Mine is a plastic line-juus had to replace the slave about a year ago. It was leaking a little.............. :( :( :( ....A little more than I had thought.I shortly thereafter replaced the clutch -cause it was soaked. Boo Hoo :( redface.gif :mad:

08-31-2005, 03:59
Talked to the guy selling it the other day. He said he had to order the line through GM and that it was a flex line of some sort. This one (the ruptured one) was a hard steel line. Possibly why it had problems as I could see the engine vibrations fatiguing it in just about the spot that it failed. Have to see what the new one looks like.

He said to call this afternoon to make sure that he had it fixed and then I'm going to go down tomorrow afternoon to take it for a test drive.

Turbo Al
08-31-2005, 14:48
That's what I thought -- the GM part is a hard black plastic with a lot of bends in it.

09-01-2005, 14:33
Interestingly, the one he put in is hard black plastic up through the engine bay, but it is hard steel down at the slave cylinder again. It does have a quite different arrangement to it down there than the last one, so who knows?

By the way, posted a question in the Member's Forum with a couple questions about front wheel noises and tire sizes.