View Full Version : Allison Valve body update

06-10-2002, 20:17
In talking to my service manager at dealership, he said the general has a new valve body for the Allison. Does anyone have an info on the reason for a new valve body?

Mackin - I live in NY close to CT border would like to get together with you and show you my overhead guage installation. You can also hear a Banks 4" exhaust system at work. Would be great to work something out to get together.

Ed :cool:

06-10-2002, 20:40
Ed ,

Which side? Danbury ? Or Greenwich? ......I would really like to hear the BANKS ....... Be still my dream ...... Before I fork over some GREEN BACKS .........


Is it an Allison or ATS valve body? I'd be interested in the Allison not the ATS , not to sure on the ATS, no one is jumping for it , at the price of a high end exhaust system, you would think some one would have it . I have heard they can not produce what they claim ....... ??????????????? Holes and springs ....... Smoke screen ......... But I'm no ALLY expert ......


[ 06-10-2002: Message edited by: mackin ]</p>

06-10-2002, 20:56
Ed, Mackin,

Mind if I got a look too???

Let me know


06-10-2002, 21:27

06-11-2002, 06:13
Mackin and GMC - I live on Danbury side. Would be happy to meet with you both.

About the valve body, I do not think it will be a recall issue. Finding out info from dealership was like pulling teeth. They know it is there but do not know why or what for. Hope someone has connections with GM Tech's that might find out for us.

Having "Black Tie Affair" Ed

06-11-2002, 07:44
Somebody here must be able to find out about this valve body issue! I know we've got several people that work at dealers that post here. Ask some questions... this could be an important one!

06-11-2002, 12:19
Now you know how service managers get their reputation... smile.gif Don't look for a new valve body on the Allison before 2004. There are no significant problems with the current valve body, so there's nothing to release a fix for.

06-11-2002, 13:03
csimo ~ are you thinking the new one would be a step closer to activating the 6th gear? ~ odoh

06-11-2002, 13:28
Maybe a new valve body will mean more factory power?? :confused:

06-11-2002, 16:55

Pick a spot and time......

I'm off of 84 exit 17 ...... I'm 25 min from Danbury airport on a good day ...... Kent is better than an hour from me ...... Not sure where you are in NY, but I'm familiar with 84 right to Orange County ... Been to Warwick off of 17 , many times .... Sugar Loaf is a nice area too.... Not sure how far your out,Brewster? Newburg? Or farther? Seems like I'll be smack dab in the middle ...... I'll just step out my front door ....... And look for ya ........

Well, let me know, weather permitting ...... We will work out the details...... If your just outside Danbury we should go north to ?????????? Will decide when I know telegraphically were your at .......


[ 06-11-2002: Message edited by: mackin ]</p>

06-11-2002, 18:39
All of you should go to neutral turf.......say West Point.

06-11-2002, 19:30
Mackin and the CT Boys or all interested in meeting one another:

Hope about we meet at the Danbury Mall by the ice cream or milk place - don't remember the name.

I am at Highland Falls - the entrance to West Point.

Would Saturday the 15th at high noon OK???

Update on valve body - talked with service manager today - he said the valve body only addresses 2% of the trucks having problems shifting from 3 to 4. Would not give further info. I feel he knows more than what he stated.
I think no big dollars involved for dealership so not much info being given.

Having "Black Tie Affair" Ed :D

06-11-2002, 20:17
Marcus Diary ......... I don't care, can the GMC make it that far ,,,,, With out bringing his chief mechanic, Saturday is double time ...... Sorry just got done reading that other thread..... LOL tongue.gif It's all good fun ...... Remember GMC guys...... smile.gif


Thats a long haul from KENT ...... 2 hrs...... :eek:

I don't think he is JUICED ........

we should go his way a little . How far from Marcus Diary are you ........

06-12-2002, 13:13
Mackin - U pick time and place as we are flexible on weekends.

Ed :D :cool:

06-12-2002, 14:49
Hell I'll drive anywhere 'tis all my pleasure, I mean come-on I own a JUICED D-MAX,just looking for an excuse ....... It's up to GMC. I just thought I'd be neighborly and split the difference ..... Where is MR. Westpoint ...... Is he coming? I know where that is some friends I know live in and old Mental instatuit,hospital type a thing, converted to apartments near there,or just of the grounds,never been to there apartment ,but been told some stories ..... CREEPY ........

Well, GMC chime in there buddy .......Lets get it on ..... Oh ya it's supposed to rain this weekend so this may through a curve ball at it too .....


06-12-2002, 16:30
Just to let ya'll know I'm watching this thread to see when and where the meeting will take place. Sure would like to see 'the juice' in action! I live in Highland Mills, at least while I'm working in New York. Missed the Texas gathering due to time constraints ( C'mon honey, I know it's our anniversary but this kind of thing doesn't happen every year. oh well... I tried. ) but this is my second home, and I have the truck up here! Hope you don't mind an interloper, it's a stock truck so no threat ;)
There is supposed to be a car show on Saturday and a motorcycle show on Sunday at Marcus Dairy, just in case you needed another reason to get together. Of course, weather may change that...

06-12-2002, 17:55

Just rolled in from work, Sat's are tough for me, I gotta get some tile job's done before I head out for vacation on Friday the 21st. Be burning some midnight oil I think, anyway the best day for me honestly would be Tuesday, late afternoon.

I know that's kinda limiting it to one day for you guys, but that's all I can do :confused:

Let me know if it will work for you guys, if not I'll have to catch ya another time.

P.S. Danbury is about 26 miles south of me so by my calculations I should consume 1.25 US gallons of Diesel to get there. :D

e-mail me at gmc2002duramax@earthlink.net

GMC ;)

06-12-2002, 18:43
Mackin, GMC, Dave and all interested - Tuesdays are not good for me. Have to be a weekend. Would really like to see the car show - How about Sunday at the Dairy?

Mackin - have a couple for me - had a bad day at the dealership. Trying to have my trans re-programmed for the 2/1 downshift. Got there at 8AM, they took the truck right in, 9:30 they inform me GM computers were down since last night.
Have to make a new appointment. :mad:

Let me know what you fellers decide on about meeting.

Having "Black Tie Affair" Ed tongue.gif

06-12-2002, 19:21
I can make Marcus Dairy from Cornwall in 45 min. (drive past every day right now)
Hope all You guys got weekend in Sept penciled in on calendar for CT get together. Web page with info hopefully up next week.

06-12-2002, 20:13
Ed ,

Shoot me an email ....... I'll toss you some numbers ...... I'll go Sunday ....... If it is not going to rain ....... Anyone else is welcome to go MARCUS DIARY .........


Did you start a list on the D-MAX member forum yet ..... You know I'll be there and I got a EMAIL from Bill (chevyhdman) he's coming ...... The rest of the guys will follow . So get the locals ready ......


[ 06-12-2002: Message edited by: mackin ]</p>

06-12-2002, 20:37
what time on Sunday????

Marcus Dairy car show is 5:00till ??? pm on Sat's and Sunday mornings is the Bike Show, weather permitting on both.

Let me know, maybe I can make it for an hour or so.


e-mail me, ya got it already


06-14-2002, 13:50
Ed, mackin, GMC-2002-Dmax, tonkater -

Any decision to meet this weekend?
At work now, watching it rain in Buchanan, forecast is rain most of the weekend.
Hope to get oil/filter changed in the morning - and plan to try to get the TCM / ECM updates since mine is how it left the factory last year. Hope I don't run into Ed's problem! Probably swing past Marcus Dairy on the way home, just in case.

Ed, looking at your sig, makes me wonder if I can get a 'Black Bow Tie' for my black truck's grill?! Or do you already have one???

06-14-2002, 16:47
Dave_WB3FYV ,

If it isn't raining and I get some BS done tomorrow,(if it doesn't stop raining, I'll need a hay bailer) I'll be there .......
Right now there saying thunderstorms late afternoon Sunday ..... So cross your "JUICE" wires I'll be there ...... You'all better show ... TOO ..... Don't leave me hangin eaten ICE CREAM on fathers day alone .........
Noon is the target time but subject to change, but probably not ........ If a new time is needed you got tonight tomorrow to speak YOUR peace .........Quickly now .........

MAC smile.gif

06-14-2002, 20:46
Topic moved to 2500HD/3500 HD Trucks & Drivetrain Forum.

06-15-2002, 14:25

Noon Sunday.

How 'bout it Ed? You started this!

Anybody else?

06-15-2002, 14:55

NOON ......... It tiss not raining ........ Hope your working ..... If not you should of left yesterday from Texas ........ LOL
looks like there is gonna be all black trucks there .... unless GMC shows up ...... Or the MaBurns shows up with the rare pewter.....

[ 06-15-2002: Message edited by: mackin ]</p>

06-15-2002, 15:07
Boys!! Sunday, June 16th 12 Noon, Rain or Shine,
The Black Trucks, and all others welcome, at Marcus Dairy in Danbury.

Mackin seems like rain is an issue with you. Does your truck leak???
:D :D :D

Looking forward to seeing all of you.
Having a Black Tie Affair - Ed

06-15-2002, 15:36
Rain sucks .......... Gives me an excuse to get some paper work and crap done ....... So when it is a "shining" I don't feel guilty about leaving it aside, for a rainy day ... tongue.gif


06-15-2002, 16:32
Mac hates the rain ....

I always thought he had enough problems with traction even when it's dry. Probably even harder to keep it pointed straight when it's raining ;)

Just couldn't resist... you guys have fun...sure would like to see some nice pics of all of those awesome trucks lined up...

Regards, Steve

06-18-2002, 18:34
Dave = WB3FYV the pics from Sunday are in and are looking good. Would like you to contact us at: ednchar@bestweb.net with your address for mailing so we can mail you your set.

Was great meeting you and Bill.

Nice truck was really impressed with the Texas Fishing Pole. I guess when you get juiced you will be trolling for a lot of "suckers", fords and dodges!

:D :eek: :D :D tongue.gif Ed