View Full Version : Addicted to burners!

08-10-2003, 14:09
I'll be buying new set of rear tires soon due to this. Man I think I could burn a new pair of steelflexes down to slicks within an hour. I can't imagine how much fun I'll have when I've got all the goodies and Hot juice to boot.

Gotta thank Mac for that addictive test drive...
Gotta thank Dragon for taken' me along and show'n me how ta lay down some real rubba...
Gotta thank the new friend I made here the hooked me up with the box...
Now I wish I had the dually, it puts it over the top.

I put up some picks of my burners on my pic page with Dragon's. Level four yielded over 220ft. I also laid a light one w/o the brakes...hard to see, but its there.

Ty, Bruce.. you guys should recognize the spot, cruise down and have a look see, it'll make ya grin ear2ear.

Later guys,

08-10-2003, 15:42
Don't thank me =>Edge Products makes it ROCK ....

NICE http://community.webshots.com/s/image7/0/32/54/85103254yimjvA_ph.jpg

Now that's a Burner ....

Mac :D :D :D

08-10-2003, 18:13
I must be the last one to not have the JUICE. I'm gonna get in TROUBLE... ;)


08-10-2003, 18:18
No, you're not the last one! We may be the minority around here soon although a Stealth tuner may be in the future for me. :D

08-10-2003, 18:51
OK, WTF? You guys having fun and not telling everybody?!!?!?!? LOL :D

Ox, when did you get the exhaust and how about some pics of pipes where they exit. smile.gif

Man I tried to do some burners like that this weekend, but I must need to go to Mac School or something!!! :confused:

My truck on Hot Juice level 3 won't lay burners like that, it starts, but then the tires stop spinning when it shifts to second and then starts again. :rolleyes:

How much boost are you building??

08-10-2003, 19:23
TY-Given my track record with my SHO on 24 I may have to lend you my Juice to keep myself out of trouble. For those of you who don't know me, I use to have a pretty tricked out SHO. I got it taken away twice within a month running triple digits on my way to work. One of the many reasons I traded it in on the truck was to keep myself out of trouble. OOOOPS!!

03blueHD-those pipes aren't mine I took those picks under another members' truck at the last CT Dyno Day. Check the thread ATS dual question in the accessories forum for more picks and info. I just figured you guys would like to see them. I learned the perfected art of Dmax burners with Diesel Dragon. Ya gotta let it get into second then let it go. I've done the start stop shift to second start again dotted line burners as well, they're OK just not as fun as the 200 footers.
As for boost, not sure, I gotta get some of those round things with the needles first. I know, I know!! Just couldn't pass up the deal I got on the box.
