View Full Version : MDRAG I gots a question for you .......

06-06-2002, 19:12
Looking at your PICS the other day .... And when you took those shots of the engine compartment was it brand new? Or does it look like that today, also? If it does could you tell me what you use? My compartment is in need of a make over..... I know I need to protect the BOSCH box when watering it down .... It just seems the black plastic and such is NICE'Y bright ......

If you want to keep it a secret between you and me, I don't like to tell these guys all my secrets either ;) ...... That's ok too .. Give me a shout on that there E-MAIL addy ...... No spam ok ........


06-06-2002, 19:52

The pics of the engine compartment were taken when the truck was 1-2 months new. I have not used anything to clean the Dmax, but remember once I wiped some of the plastic parts down with protectant (and I believe that was after the pics).

Roll-n-Lock provided a 8 or 10 oz sample bottle of 303 Vinyl Protectant recommended for their cover, and after wiping down the cover I went to town all over the truck and used it underhood on some of the plastic. Very good product, doesn't leave a slippery surface, lasts through 3-4 washes, and does not seem to attract much dirt/dust.

Sorry, no secret formula or magic here. :eek:

06-06-2002, 20:02
mdrag ,

Thanks ....... This guy I knew that owned a detail shop had this car wash that he said would and does brighten rubber molding and such on the cars ...... I was drinking some beer with him at the time, and it was like ya ya what ever ........ Not really paying attention who knew .. Well, he moved to North Carolina. SOB. Thought maybe you knew .. If I find out I'll let you know....... Mr. Clean .....


[ 06-06-2002: Message edited by: mackin ]</p>

06-06-2002, 20:33

I keep all the engines in my vehicles looking fairly new by rinsing them down occasionally. Then maybe twice a year I go over it quickly with soapy water and a rag. After it's all dry I go over the plastic parts and hoses with armorall.

I don't worry about that vent on the EDU. As long as you only rinse and don't force water into it you'll be ok. I've washed mine a couple of times already.

06-06-2002, 20:37

Thanks for the tips ... Especially the EDU .. That is why I have shund away . But it getting to cruddy under there......I got to clean it ......


06-06-2002, 23:19
mdrag, Did you use the 303 on your whole truck? Painted surfaces, or just the plastic areas ? I use in on my camper (fiberglass sides) all over, but was hesitant to use it on the trucks paint. Thanks, Jim

06-07-2002, 09:19

I did not use it on the paint, just the black trim.