View Full Version : Is It Another FSD failing ????

12-19-2003, 14:17
What do you all think? My truck has been running so sweet till of recent. I pulled codes #27, 84, 99; after I started having tale tale signs. First it was throttle surge after just dropping trans in reverse. Next It stalls in city traffic, quick drop to nuetral and restart.
Next, stall, & no restart, coast to side of road. Start on 3rd or 4th try. Now, hot starts almost 1/2 time; wait 15 - 20 minutes & your on your way.
becoming a royal PITA.

12-20-2003, 07:37
Sounds like classic FSD problems to me. I'd also go around and check/clean all your ground wires as well.

12-22-2003, 13:37
Could be FSD, but your codes are indicating the Accelerator Pedal Position device, a short cylindrical device that the gas pedal ties to. This is basically a 3-way rheostat assembly, and the rheostats gum up after a lotta miles. Some have posted that you can "clean" them by drilling a small hole in the side, spraying it inside w/a lotta contact cleaner (try Radio Shack or a good electrical supply joint), then letting it dry out, seal the hole so dirt won't lill it soon thereafter, & reinstall. Because your troubles sound like fuel delivery, & you're getting these codes, I'd concentrate there B4 attacking the FSD. Of course, it could be a combination of the two as well.

12-23-2003, 06:38
Some more symptoms have showed up.
Once engine has warmed up, anytime you touch the brake pedal, it will affect RPM. Hit the brake come to a stoplight or even to slow down, the RPM's will drop 500 - 600 rpms; like you just restricted fuel to 1/2 of what it should be.
Here is a kicker. While cruzin' @ 2000 RPM, I kept one foot on accelerator holding @ 2K while just tapping my brake pedal, It gave it more fuel, increased rpm's by 300rpm. Go figure.
I will try the contact cleaner method before I jump into a new FSD. Your thoughts ???

Phil Holmen
12-23-2003, 06:43
When you are tapping the brake while running at about 2000 rpm you are actually only unlocking the torque converter. Therefore relying on fluid transfer to drive thus the need for the 2-300 rpm increase.

12-25-2003, 14:38

First I pulled FSD. 3 out of 4 transistor nuts only finger tight. I snugged them all down & reinstalled on IP. This did not correct problems.
Next, I tried the accelerator pedal clean out with contact cleaner; due to my codes & advise off the page here. This did not correct problems either. My lab & I just spent 25 minutes waiting for that "thing" to cool down & let engine start.
Looks like time to shell out some $$$$$ for FSD & a cooler. Hoping its not the pump.
Please advise......