View Full Version : Question for King D

07-23-2003, 20:18
Just wondering how long it took to get your core charge back from BD if you have got it back yet??? Or maybe you kept the old Ally??? Everything holding together no slippage yet???

king D
07-26-2003, 15:53
hey heartbeat canada yes the tranny has been holding the power very well.i did keep the core so i am not sure on the time frame.shoot me an email with any other questions you may have and i will do my best to answer them ...cya jess

07-27-2003, 20:58
Hey King D

Thanks for the replies. I'm still debating between BD and Suncoast, no doubt both will get the results i'm looking for, just lookin at $$$$ seeing if its cheaper to get BD and pay the shipping or drive to Suncoast and get them to install(if they are still doin free installs)+ exchange. I will be callin both companies tomorrow and should have my decision finallized tomorrow night. Does ;) it still feel like a stock tranny when driving normal?????

Don't know if you can answer this here(if not, shoot me an e-mail at jtbuttenham@cogeco.ca if possible). I'm just wondering what you might be receiving this week, in the form of an other programmer????? Was gonna order the tranny this week and try to get a custom program with higher hp #s from Steve Cole, but wouldn't mind knowing alittle about this if possible. ;)

Gotta get things rolling as sled pullin season is runnin strong, and its time to pull out in front, instead of being just in the top 3 :mad: Thanks for any info, its greatly appreciated. Later :D

07-27-2003, 22:12
Good luck getting any more than 120 hp out of Steve Cole. He says he has a higher HP tune but treats it like the holy grail and won't sell it.

When I checked a week ago Suncoast wasn't doing the free install anymore.

king D
07-28-2003, 16:26
mt my brother has one of his race programs just got it about 2 weeks ago.it is very powerful but defuels more than the normal 120 chip does .in my opinion the edge comp chip has moer power than the reflash comp does but they are sending a new one with moer power so we will see .i hope to compare the new programmers this week

07-30-2003, 11:53
king D,

what's your truck running in the 1/4 mile now?

king D
07-30-2003, 15:07
best time i have ran on the track is 13.4 but that was with a 2.2 60 ft.i cant get it to hook up at the track.gtech times on the roaad are in the 12s but on the track the truck leaves flat or spins it butt off,front end mainly.just a note the gtech is normaly within .5tenth of the track clock i always run the tech at the tracjk just to see.i want to check out those straps yopu have to see if i could leave a little harder.have had a set of slicks ordered for a well over a month...oh well the battle continues

07-30-2003, 23:48
Here are some pics of the twin strap setup.

centerlink straps 1 (http://antiquetractorpulling.com/centerlinkstraps1.jpg)

centerlink straps 2 (http://antiquetractorpulling.com/centerlinkstraps2.jpg)

centerlink straps 3 (http://antiquetractorpulling.com/centerlinkstraps3.jpg)

What boxes/propane or combination did you run the 13.4 with?

king D
07-31-2003, 04:54
thanks for the pics.the time was ran using the edge comp,propane,and just unough nos to keep egtslopw.doesnt take much abnout a 30 nozzle kept egts under 900 post going out the end.i am gonna try bigger jets when i can get the traction issue solved.also wastgate was wide open

07-31-2003, 08:52
Have you run with just he box and no drugs?

Are you running the BD or Suncoast tranny?

I'm only hitting 1400 degrees in a 1/4 mile but your running a little more fuel with the propane.

The twin straps work great keeping the front wheels straight but you can only turn the wheel 90 degrees left and right.

king D
07-31-2003, 14:00
the 13.4 was run at the track with the bd tranny.the without drugs i didnt run the quarter but by gtech i would figure 13.7 or 8 if it hooks up well.