View Full Version : heavy smoke at startup

12-19-2003, 12:27
I am getting heavy smoke at startup for about 30-45 seconds. I also hear a slight miss like 1 cylinder not working right away 30-40 sec. The truck runs perfect warm and I checked glow plugs this fall however they are ac-9's . Could this be an injector leaking down after sitting? just glow plugs? Just hate to start throwing parts at it ,although I heard the quick heats are a good investment. anyone??

Jim P
12-19-2003, 13:54
My truck did this when it had a bad glow plug.

12-19-2003, 20:24
yup, sounds like a bad glow plug.

K.D. :cool:

12-20-2003, 03:41
I think I'll order some glow plugs today thanks!

smokey bear
12-22-2003, 12:27
A little smoke, no big deal. My old 82 covers itself in smoke when its cold, but runs great when she's all warmed up.

12-22-2003, 14:48
I ordered quick heats on saturday and hope to see them after christmas. I will be changing plugs for the first time.. I have been reading the posts so I think I know how to get 6 and 8 and also check the wiring.

12-26-2003, 19:27
Installed my quickheats today. Everything went well however #8 was not easy...I was able to to without removing the downpipe using several different tool combinations. We will see how the cold start is in the morning. I also noticed my turbo is still wet with oil, like its coming from the CDR. I may have to replace it also.

12-27-2003, 09:52
Started this morning with virtually no smoke however stalled twice before starting. I was just wondering what things happen when a lift pump is not working correctly? I can here it running underneath the floorboard after it gets the oil press. signal and then runs after the key if off for about 5-10 seconds.

01-03-2004, 04:55
Even after all new glow plugs it still fill the parking lot with smoke in the morning ,Its to the point where I go start my truck at work before everyone else because I am sick of hearing it from everyone about the smoke. Good heavy unburned fuel for about 1 good min. Other than that it runs out perfect!

01-04-2004, 20:25
Check the truck for a fuel leak. This can be done by installing a clear tube in place of the return line in front of the IP. If thats not it, you my have low compression. A compression test would be in order to determine engine health.

01-05-2004, 06:20
mine smokes pretty good too.it on occasion will miss fire on one cyl,but it's weird like the somewhat warm days it will miss and cold day hit and run perfect.i just don't worry about it.

01-06-2004, 16:44
Does it miss when started. Some electrical checks should be made to see of the new plugs are getting voltage and pulling current. The plug wires on the the even side are wicked about buring into. There is an article on the DP 6.5 TS section converning just this.

01-07-2004, 04:36
Gary I took a test light and am getting voltage to the glow plugs. I checked all 8 wires. My truck seems to start better if I crank it enough to start the lift pump, let the lift pump stop than re-try starting. The second time poping off seems to run smoother. Its too damn cold out to mess aroun now so I'll bear with it for a while. Thanks for reply...

01-07-2004, 16:43
I know what you mean about the cold weather, it was 7F here this morning. I did a variation of the cold weather start and lift pump mod published here on the DPs. I used a double pole, double throw relay on the cold weather start mod which pulls in the relay associated with the lift pump improvement mod. The end result is the lift pump runs when the ignition is turned on for 30 seconds, the ECM thinks it

01-07-2004, 21:45
One thing that usually gets overlooked is the collant temperature switch in the coolant crossover pipe. It give power to the fuel preheater in the IP. Mine was gone and it smoked silly for 4-5 minutes @-40 degrees. The CTS will have power on one side when warm, when below 90 degrees coolant temp it will have power on both sides. Due you have high idle when the truck first starts? This is related to the CTS also - at least with mine(cable driven).

Just something to check and easy to do.


01-08-2004, 04:22
I noticed I dont get a high idle if I plug it in. Is it because th coolant is warmer? Would that sensor throw a SES? I will look at that sensor and also look back at Gary's mod from fall. I'll get this solved yet! Thanks guys I'll keep posting.

01-17-2004, 13:17
Still scratching my head here nothing has changed. Just hate to start throwing parts at it. I have gone through the trouble shooting guide and sounds like I might have air in the system but from where? I noticed the lift pump is original and it sounds kinda funny not a steady hummmmmm. Maybe draining back? injector not sealing off while sitting overnight? Where do I begin to look

01-17-2004, 13:44
Good Day!

To check your lift pump, you might want to see my 4 Sep. 03 post. (http://forum.thedieselpage.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=1&t=004544#000011) (Click in colored text.)

If your 94 works like my 95 AND your lift pump system checks out OK, you can assure pressurized fuel at the injection pump (IP) by putting your shifter somewhere other than park or neutral, turn the key to crank (which it won