View Full Version : DTC 34?

12-19-2003, 06:31
I've been getting DTC 34 (SES light) first thing in the morning (when it is cold out) at the start up. I give it some gas and it goes away. After the initial warm up does not reappear? Any thoughts or ideas?

12-19-2003, 14:59
Would take a GM TECH-XX to tell for sure - could be dragging advance stepper , bad connections, or just low battery voltage.
You might cure it by topping off the batteries, going over cables, terminals, connections, grounds, connectors, etc.

These types of DTC's crop up every Fall, soon as the weather gets cold and damp.

12-20-2003, 10:27
And I thank you again gmctd. The Burb has had it easy being in NC but, now it is experiencing truly colder weather in Virginia. The SES does not come after the first initial morning start up, after that nothing else.