View Full Version : Help 03 acting crazy

01-28-2003, 16:59
Hi all
Long time listner First few time caller :}

Any way I have a 03 cc dually with a brake controller problem. I took the brake controller out of my 01, plugged it in, then bam nothing.
Then I switched the wire like you all said, and still nothing. Now here is the funny part, if you hit the brake pedal the taillights light up but no 3rd brake light. Then if you press the slide the brake controller the 3rd brake lights work but the taillights dont light up. And to top it all off the controller dosent power up unless you use the slide on the controller.

Any help would be appreciated, cuz i have some cars to bring to the world of wheels friday and i dont think driving aroud with a brake controller in my lap is very safe. :}

thanks again
Tony :

01-29-2003, 00:20
Obviously your 01 controller harness is still miswired for the 03. I the problem everyone else had with the O3, but yours is different. Somehow you must have switched the wrong wires?

I would look at your wiring again and make sure you switched the wires correctly. Do a search feature on "03 brake controller" and see if there is any more detail that could help you.

Everything you described indicates a miswire, Keep trying and you'll get it right.

Good Luck!


01-29-2003, 00:30
Moved to Accessories forum.

01-29-2003, 13:32

Your wire harness is totally wired different from your '01 to an '03 my dealer did know that much. It's different from '02 also.

01-30-2003, 01:35
Thank you guys for the info, but as i am finding out is that i have a bigger problem brewing. I cant find any blown fuses, and the brake controller is not hooked up, and now the 3rd brakelight wont come on at all. Im wondering if i killed one of these new fangled computers. Any ideas? I cant stand it when my truck is smarter than me smile.gif

Thanks for the help

01-30-2003, 02:43

Which side of the trailer harness did you change/switch the wiring on? The brake controller cable or on the Trucks connector?

Your post stated:
"Then I switched the wire like you all said, and still nothing. Now here is the funny part, if you hit the brake pedal the taillights light up but no 3rd brake light. Then if you press the slide the brake controller the 3rd brake lights work but the tail lights dont light up. And to top it all off the controller dosent power up unless you use the slide on the controller."

The fact you could slide the brake controller and the the third B-light came on, tells me that
there is still a wiring problem! Somehow, the output wire of the Brake controller that is supposed to go only to the trailer electric brakes is incorrectly tied into your third light wire. Also VERY IMPORTANT! On my 03, I had to install a 40 amp fuse before my Brake controller would work. This terminal/ fuse block is in the Engine compartment by the firewall and is referred to as T1 and T2 ( can't remember)? You'll need to buy the fuse and install yourself or have the stealer do it. There are two empty Terminal/fuse blocks. One is for the Brake controller fuse and the other is for supplying 12volts to the rear bumper factory 7 pin connector to supply 12 volts to the towed trailer batteries, if needed.

The only thing I can suggest is double and triple check your connector wiring again. Make sure the changes to the connector you made where on the Brake controller cable and not on the trucks connector. Then verify the controller fuse is installed. If it still doesn't work, put the wiring back to the orginal position and remove the break controller and cable and take it to your stealer. It's possible you glitched the programming and need it reprogrammed.

Good Luck and check for that fuse.


01-31-2003, 00:54
Thanks 2 damax smile.gif I took your advice went out to the garage and check everything i cant even count the number of times. But the fuses are there and everything works properly except for the brake switch wire. So i bypassed it and went right to the brake pedal wire and it worked temporarly. Now to ad the icing to the cake, if i run my hazards for like 2 or 3 minutes, the dash/fuze panned start making this weird buzzing sound. (bad relay???)

I think i take it to the dealer on monday, but i hate to let them touch my baby.
Any ideas please ??

thanks again for the help