View Full Version : RUNNING BOARDS

01-25-2003, 17:13
Still waiting for my d/a to come in, and am thinking about ordering westin running boards with lighting feature. anbody have any input?

01-25-2003, 18:07

this the the fourth thread you posted about running boards. You are probably ancious to find out information and I understand that but as a courtesy to all the members here it usually only takes one thread to get your answers....


01-26-2003, 14:00
Sorry, but i have only posted this one post on running boards. i see no reason to post more then once. as far as i can remember.

01-26-2003, 15:00
WOW i see that my one post is showing 4 times, you were rite. i have been having trouble with my computer. maybe someone can delete the other three. thanks for bringing it to my attentsion. sorry about that.

01-26-2003, 15:30

I am running J&J Millennium running boards and really like them.

Take a look at my pic's you can get a good idea how they look....

here is a link to... http://www.j-jent.com/rbmilclatop.html


[ 01-26-2003: Message edited by: ccds ]</p>

01-26-2003, 21:59

I think you can go in on the edit button at the top of your message and delete your other threads if you want.


Heartbeat Hauler
01-28-2003, 07:07
What ever you do don't go with the Owens fiberglass boards. I have a set on mine, after taking almost a whole year to decide, and I am not pleased at all. I mean they look great, but they have not held up very well at the box portion. I have a dually so I ordered the box boards also and when I hook and unhook my 5er I stand on the box board to release the hitch. Well the second time I stood on the board( I'm about 200lbs)the bolt pulled through the fiberglass. I took it back the install shop and they put in long heavy shims and I thought cool no more problems....WRONG...next time I stepped up on the board it broke the fiberglass FENDER of my baby!! So now I have a busted left rear fender and no options. I'm thinkin I should have gone with the full length tubes that attach to the frame. Good Luck.
JP :(

01-28-2003, 09:11
I used the Prestigous fiberglass bumper to bumper boards & they look great & have held up well for over 1 yr now.
Their site is &lt;&lt;&lt;www.prestigious1.com&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;

[ 01-28-2003: Message edited by: chipper ]

[ 01-28-2003: Message edited by: chipper ]</p>

Steve Cornell
01-28-2003, 13:13

Congrats on the new truck, I'm sure your just as anxious as the rest of us were :D

I agree with CanadaKev on the J&J Millennium boards, I have a set on my 03 CC SB and am very happy with them and have had a LOT of comments.

I have several pictures of the boards as well as my thoughts and pictures of the installation process, just "click" on the 2500HD link in my signature below, scroll down and "click" on J&J Millennium Boards, Install & Information, or you can "cut and paste" this link

There are also links to the J&J site and where I purchased the boards.

It took me 4 years and 3 trucks to finally decide on boards ;)

01-30-2003, 11:40
I have the non-lighted Westins and they are pretty good. In some places if you have the lighted version and the lights do not work then it will not pass inspection. Stupid but true.

In my opinion (that and 89 cents will get you a cup of coffee) the lighted versions don't do a whole lot. The light of the truck (when you open the door) lights the area up more than the small lights at either end of the running boards.

Bottom line, I like the westin running boards.