View Full Version : squeel on starting

11-21-2005, 14:18
My 96 6.5 96k miles squeeled on starting today. I was droping a deer at a butchers shop and I thought they started a exhaust fan or something. The squeel was quite loud. The sound went away when I put it in drive, dorave a few miles noticed the radio wouldn't work, couldn't close the power window I had open , the brake and abs check lites we're on. I stoped thinking I had blown a fuse or something. When I shifted into nutral then park the sqeel came back, I shut it off, restarted, it's been fine sence. This is bothering me what was it,did the starter stay engaged,why did it act like a power problem, do I have something starting to fail.

11-21-2005, 15:08
The alternator probably locked up or some other accessory.

11-21-2005, 16:58
I'd drop the belt and go poking around..turn things by hand..especially the vaccuum pump... feel and listen. If one of these (including the idler pulley) locked up the belt, you're getting no or low volts making weird things happen as you described.

Dont let it go, this is not normal, and it will happen again, most likely resulting in a blown belt with you stuck in the middle of nowheresville.


11-21-2005, 18:59
I would start it up let it get warm don't leave it in case somthing locks up, then shut it off pull the belt and see if when hot somthing is hard to rotate, alt or one of the idlers, if all seems ok check the back side of all the pullies to see if any of them show signs where somthing has been rubbing or was caught, look for discoloration of the pulleys. Don't stop looking this could either leave you high and dry or worst cause loss of engine if you over heat it.

11-22-2005, 02:32
Thanks I'll start looking

11-22-2005, 05:21
I had the same thing happen to me on my way back from Florida last year (it happened in Kentucky). It was the bearings in the alternator starting to go. I bought an extra belt, and actually made it back home to Ft. Wayne without it squealing again. When I got home, I removed the alternator and took it to a rebuilder, who verified the bearings were shot.

Good luck,