View Full Version : REMOTE CAR STARTER

11-21-2002, 12:31
Who out there has installed a remote starter and what kind did you install. What are the distances that they work in. I also heard the some one has a EXPORT unit that is available that has excellent range ability. Could some of you give me some additional imput. Would be greatly appreciated.

11-21-2002, 15:32
I installed a CrimeStopper CR2015FM. I have found the range to be pretty good. Some stuff, like being in a metal building will give you patchy reception. Mine works from the parking garage at work to the building next door. I works over most of the Super Wal-Mart. The export version is a higher power and also illegal under FCC regulations. I don't think you will be able to get one in the states. I have heard that the FCC is cracking down on stuff like this more, but cannot confirm.
The only con's I have with the system are:
1. No pulse after shutdown to turn off the RAP feature. I just let the radio play for 20 minutes if I have to shut down and not get in the truck.
2. Had to wire in a factory remote to get the factory alarm to arm with the aftermarket. (really a truck problem).
3. The two stage unlock is VERY slow. I ended up making it a one punch opens all system.
4. One of the remotes LCD screen was bad from the get go. Sent it back to be repaired or replaced.
For all of the cons, I would recommend it. I have my remote start hooked to the trunk pop. It works unless you unlock the doors and then it goes back to normal idle. It has gone off fast idle a couple of times on its own and I am pretty sure it's something with the remote start, but can't find out what. It has never shut down the engine however, which did happen with the wife's Avital.
If you install yourself, expect about 2 days total to do it right. That means soldering all of the connections and wrapping them up or using heat shrink tubing. Running the wires neatly. I even put in a new fuse block for powering relays, etc.
The wife's was "professionally" installed. The ac didn't work in remote start and when I dug into it, I found all of the connections were the wires stripped back and the alarm wire just wrapped around. They covered with cheap electrical tape that was coming loose. I spent another day reworking hers. It stopped it's dying in remote start problem.
Sorry for the essay and I hope it helps.

11-22-2002, 21:10
I use Autocommand....by Designtech international out of Virginia......check out there web page..... www.designtech-intl.com ....dmaxster :cool: