View Full Version : First anniversary

07-26-2004, 17:39
First anniversary of me being a 6.5 TD owner, and TDP member. So far so good. Renewed my TDP membership.

In one year I have logged just slightly over 25,000 km without too much trouble.

I don't know if I'll ever get used to how black the engine oil is in this thing, but change it at each 4000 Km.

I don't tow anything, nor haul too much more than dogs and hunting gear most days, but we cover quite a bit of ground, and I am pleased with the mileage. In 24692.2 km, have consumed 3294.6 L of diesel, and average 21.12 MPG for all driving combined. Most are highway and have seen highs of a couple 27 MPG tanks, with 22 - 24 normal for strictly highway driving.

I am a fairly regular visitor on the board, but don't have too much to say, except thanks again to Jim and TDP for all the information on this site, and to all the members who provide support and advice for those in need, it provides a pretty cheap education for the rest of us.

07-26-2004, 17:53
Good mpg numbers. Since that is a 1/2 ton, what trans is in it? 4l60 or 4l80?

07-26-2004, 19:42
Congratulations on making your first year!

Man, I wish I could get close to the same mileage - only in U.S. gallons, of course;)

Seriously, though, I'm planning a family vacation through Montana and up into Canada the first week in September. Is diesel readily available up in the great north?

07-27-2004, 05:27

I have the 4l80E trans.


Diesel fuel is readily available anywhere in Canada, with the price in Manitoba typically today within a cent or two either side of 70 cents a litre, which works out to roughly 2.50 Canadian dollars per US gallon. The price may be slightly more or less farther west where you come up, but you won't have any problem finding it.

Marty Lau
07-27-2004, 09:23
Bob You old Chicken Hunter.........what the heck happened man I have missed ya? You should have come down to Missoula to the R/PO we need a couple of more 6.5ers to offset all them DuraBux owners. Just a about a month and our chicken season starts here in Montana! :D

07-27-2004, 19:02
Hi 16gaSXS,

I've been here all along, just not too much to say, not being an expert on diesel engine troubleshooting, I just listen and try to learn mostly.

That may change, I'm now officially in grade 2 I guess, so I should be somewhat wiser, at least in theory.

I wouldn't have minded going to the pull, but I expect to have the old truck on the road until it's completely worn out (it may be a long time 'til a durabux is in my budget) so I may get to one eventually.

Hope you had a good hatch, ours may not be that great with all the rain we had this spring, but time will tell. You never know, we hunt pheasants pretty close to Montana, around Crosby ND, and sharp-tails on Sept 15 around Estevan and Lake Alma Saskatchewan, so north east Montana is in our range finder, might run into you some day yet, I'd like to chase them sage grouse some day.