View Full Version : Fog lights to bright?

01-16-2003, 16:47
Anyone with an 03 get flased at night when there fog lights are on? It seems like 1 in 10 or 15 cars will if I am driving on a dark unlighted road with them on. Its kinda funny when they do cause then i show them the real brights. :eek: :D

01-16-2003, 17:21
I was never flashed using low beam and the '03 fog lights till I upgraded my headlight bulbs to Phillips Premiums. Since then, once every 2 or 3 weeks. Haven't made a note of whether the fogs were on every time or not. I know they were much of the time.

I've even had rigs flash me. I drive on a dark unlit road for about 20 miles every weeknight. This is always when it happens.

01-16-2003, 22:36
I don't know how well the '03 fogs actually work, but they sure do glare!

Still haven't figured out why everybody needs fog lights on in clear weather :confused:

01-16-2003, 23:11
I use my fogs in clear weather because they are more like driving lights. They throw a huge light pattern that really lights up the road. I almost like the way it lights up the road more than my high beams.

01-16-2003, 23:21
I get severe fog about 3-4 times each in the spring and fall and find the fog lights really light up the edge of the road and the paint which helps to keep me correctly positioned in my lane and not in the ditch.

I also find they give better visability than my high beams in sharp turns and S-turns for the same reasons.

But as to lighting up the road, you would be outrunning them at highway speeds and above. I find the high beam on my Phillips bulbs to be incredible. It's like you are driving through a lit tunnel.

01-17-2003, 09:02
My '03 GMC fogs don't throw too much light and never have been flashed but my Dad's '03 Chevy fogs throw a huge pattern and quite high. He has a 2wd 1/2t and sits low so I can't say if that helps or hurts. I'd agree the chevy fogs light up the road great. I run mine all the time. I like the way they fill in below the low beams.

breeze hotshot
01-17-2003, 09:45
I get flashed a lot in same situations.
The reason I use mine during dry weather is because of old eyes,
narrow roads and the ability to pre-wet my pants just before that 10 point buck
jumps through my windshield. :D

01-17-2003, 16:06
I had to lower my headlight assembly on both sides by two inches and the fog lights had to be lowered about two feet. Reason being is that when I put the truck about 20' from a flat surface (wall), the low beams were shining where the brights should of been and the fog lights were at the same height as the low beams. At night with the low beams and fogs on I could see the folks face just as plain as if I was standing right next to them. Plus they were heading for the ditch to get out of my lights.

Last night I had an "03" come up behind me with his low beams and fogs on and I had to slow down to let him go by. In fact everyone let him go by and wouldn't pass him. Wonder if he was gettinga complex???

Either adjust the headlights and fogs yourself or take it back to the dealer. You'll be doing the rest of us on the road a favor.

01-17-2003, 17:08
Maybe the stock 03 fog lights are better then the 01's that I melted, but really they are for the cool factor not very usefull....More a driving light then fog light IMO.....My 01's were total JUNK !!!!!!

Now if you opted for a KD harness with bulbs, upgrade your air dam to fit some Piaa lamps get your self a fog / driving light over ride switch, and if your lights are not aimed properly, and you have all guns blazing, you'll be seeing Planes banking hard right or left..... :eek: :eek:


01-17-2003, 19:36
LOL - I never have been flashed since I got my Kennedy harness & bigger bulbs, except the ONE time that I had my fog lights on to check out how they worked at night. I suppose I had better check 'em out - they're probable pointing at the sky...

01-19-2003, 12:32
breeze hotshot
Gimme an email miketheboo@hotmail.com

---Plus they were heading for the ditch to get out of my lights.---

I know what you mean. With the onset of OLD AGE, bright lights are a pain, especally when they aren't need. Suppose they make the truck more macho.


01-29-2003, 00:34
Does anyone know if the 2003 fog lights will replace the 2002 (imitation!) fog lights.

01-29-2003, 08:46
The 2003 lights are much larger, and from what I hear, you STILL can't see jack squat with only these lights on. They basically make little/no difference, other than glaring the hell out of oncoming traffic.

01-29-2003, 10:18
I get flashed all the time with my stock fog lights on my '01. :D :rolleyes:

I will say this one good thing about them. They may not be bright enought to light up more than 15' in front of you, but I use them a lot when I'm driving up to the barn at night, when I'm driving around the rodeo grounds, and when I'm trying to creep around without getting too much attention when I'm hunting. They are good for that. Just enough light to see where I'm going without spooking the horses.

Reb [><]

01-29-2003, 10:26
I haven't done any testing of the 2003 fog lights but my seat of the pants use tells me they work extremely well. A good fog light will cut the beam to a safe horizontal level. Perhaps these don't cut the beam very effectively but they DO put a lot of light on the road. There's no question about that. As much or more than any factory fog light I've ever used.

They aren't driving lights and are not intended for use on their own. Fog lights are useful in fog and rain as they light up the pavement/paint with a minimum of reflections and diffusion from the moisture in the air. Same reason why you see worse with your high beams in fog.

Traditionally, driving lights are designed to accentuate your high beams at higher speeds of travel and turn off when you turn off your high beam.

Personally, I think the '03 fogs are quite effective but they might suffer from not cutting the beam off enough, thus irritating oncoming traffic. They are also subject to getting dirtier quicker which can affect the pattern of the beam. Not sure if that's a factor or not.

01-29-2003, 21:44
Two weeks ago I was pulled over by our local deputy sheriff and he told me to turn off the fog lights...they were too bright....I contacted my dealership and they told me this is the first complaint they have received....They told me the deputy was just giving me a hard time....I am glad to hear that other folks are having similiar experiences....jimmieZ

02-03-2003, 22:51
I agree with my fellow 03 owners, they are very effective. I have a 01 Suburban and the fogs are worthless. While heading home one night on a country road a deer ran out on the road and went under the passenger side front tire and hit the fog light to boot. I never saw the deer, which died instantly, and the lamp is now out of align. These new lights have a spread which has already prevented this from happening again on my new Max
The good new is, I believe these new fogs have a level ajustment. A long silver screw with a white bushing by the bulb. This could be the reason why some are obnoxious and some are not. Great addition to the low beam as they are wired not work with high beam. I am hoping Kennedy will remedy that. High beam alone does not give that great spread. Deer are a problem in Georgia.