View Full Version : Wheels stuck to hub?

03-24-2004, 04:05
Had my first flat in the new truck (nail). I have around 4000 miles. When I went to take off the wheel I couldn't pudge it! It had siezed itself to the hub. :mad:

I had to give wheel/tire a good working over with a short piece of 2X4 and a 3lb hammer. Of course this does work out the tension from being 45 minutes late to where I wanted to go!

Is this normal? Is there anything that can be applied to the area to stop the bonding of the wheel to the hub?

03-24-2004, 04:36
Aluminum and Steel, when mated produce electrolosis. Dr. Lee would surely be able to elaborate further on this.

Only thing I would try is to use some Never-Sieze around the hub and rotor mating surface. A little on the studs never hurts as well.

I'm not fully endorsing this, as I've never personally tried it, so if anyone has anything to counter this practice, please post.

03-24-2004, 05:40
The fronts are not so bad, but the rears have a very close fit between the center hole of the rim and the hub. I had a flat on my right rear at night, in the rain in the boonies. COULD NOT get my rim off the hub! Finally had to hit it with a fix-a-flat, drive it semi-inflated 6 miles to a mini mart, air it up and limp it home. Once at home I soaked it with penetrating oil and finally kicked it loose with mucho cursing. A film of neverseez around the hub and under the rim is mandatory for the rears! Be aware that putting neverseez on the lugs will reduce the torque values about 20%. Spec is 140 ft/lbs, I put a thin film on my lugs and stop at 120 ft/lbs.

03-24-2004, 07:02
I did my first tire rotation at about 20,000 kms and by that time the rims were stuck so bad that the tire dealer took a sledge to them. Once removed he sprayed the hubs with "Fluid Film" so I have never had the problem again. Also I now rotate the tires at every oil change. I would hate to had to change a tire on the road with them stuck like that. :D :D :D

Colorado Kid
03-24-2004, 09:32
Been there, Done that!
At least mine was in the driveway! I went to rotate the tires at 10,000 miles and I was using a sledge hammer when I finally got the first rear wheel off. :eek: I was imagining trying to get it off with the factory suplied tools on a roadside.

I greased the hub (but not the lugs) with white lithium grease. At the 20,000 mile rotation and the 30,000 mile rotation (just last weekend)I had no problem.

03-24-2004, 09:40
My dad found a good way to get the rim off. Place a torpedo heater a foot or so away from the center of the wheel and turn it on for a while. (5 minutes or so) The steel hub and aluminum rim expand at different rates and will come off with little effort then.

Of course this doesn't help any if you are out on the road and have a flat. Unless you carry around a torpedo heater in your bed!

03-24-2004, 09:50
I rotated my tires the other day and one of my rear wheels was stuck. I had to kick the tire a bunch of times until it came loose.

03-29-2004, 15:12
Once you get the rim off, you can usually see where the surfaces meet by the markings on the wheel and hub. I have used a thin coat of grease to help. But then again, I don't deal with the salt that you folks up in the north have to deal with. ;)

03-30-2004, 15:25
I have had good luck by loosening the lug nuts half way and moving the truck back and forth.Works 99% of the time............JB.