View Full Version : Transfer Flow Fast-Fill Fillneck To OEM Tank FINALLY Works

09-28-2003, 14:31
I've read Posts before about Guy's with the Transfer Flow Fast-Fill Fillnecks connected to their OEM Tanks, and having problems filling fuel with the larger truck stop diesel fill nozzles. I've adjusted my Fast-fill four times, and it FINALLY works properly. I own a 2002 Long Box, X-cab pickup with the 34 gallon OEM tank. Each adjustment took time, waiting for the tank level to drop near empty. Here's what I found.
I heard of others with problems filling with the large nozzle with this Fast-fill Conversion before I installed mine, so I thought I'd be careful following the instructions, and get it right the first time. No luck. I was careful ensuring proper fill and vent hose angels, with no kinks, and with the first fill attempt, I couldn't even fill with the SMALL nozzle 2/3 open.
First adjustment, I thought maybe the "Inline fill tube with vent tube" was not at the 3 o'clock position, allowing fuel to block vent tubing, so I adjust this tube up slightly, with no luck. Second, I stretched the fill and vent hose tighter, to try to get more angel on them and it still wouldn't fill at 2/3 open with small nozzle, or 1/3 open with the large nozzle was difficult. Third, I rotated the replacement fill neck 120 degrees counterclockwise, to place the vent tube near the 11 o'clock position, trying to get more vent hose angel, and it still wouldn't fill properly, and spit out fuel.
With each of these fill attempts, the fuel tank was only about 1/4 full, so I was sure the vent hose was not submerged in fuel, blocking the vent path. I concluded the fuel flowing in the fill hose must be flowing over the vent tube, blocking the vent path.
My forth adjustment, I removed the "Inline fill tube with vent tube" from the tank for inspection. It appeared the Teleflex Vent Hose slid up the metal tubing about 4-6 inches. This was probably allowing the flowing fuel to cover this vent tubing when filling and blocking the tank vent path.
I noticed while installing the vent tube into the OEM tank, I had to bend the vent tubing while inserting it into the tank, because a support for the box was in the way, and this would cause the Teleflex tube to get caught in the tank connection. When initially installed, the vent hose may have been pushed up the metal vent tube, shortening the overall vent tube length, causing loss of vent problem. I pulled the Teleflex Vent Hose of the metal tube about 4-6 inches, until it stopped. I then carefully inserted the vent hose into the tank, and reassembled all hoses.
On this fill attempt, I could fill with the large nozzle wide open, with no problems, no spitting fuel. As far as saving time, the time saved may only be about one minute when filling, but now I can fill with any nozzle. The flow rates were as follows:

Stock Fuel Fill Tube to OEM Tank ------------------ 13.5 GPM
Transfer Flow Fast-Fill Fillneck To OEM Tank --- 18.5 GPM

Hopefully this may help others with filling problems. That shouldn't have taken four adjustments, but it's working great now.

09-28-2003, 16:50
Hmm, now you have me thinking... I have the same problem but not as bad. I can fill with the big nozzle on 1/3 open or the little nozzle on full open, but shoot if I can get it to fill with the big nozzle full open that would be great! I fill up at those nozzles 90% of the time.

So as far as I can gather your last adjustment was with the tube, which is inside the filler. I will have to read your post again.