View Full Version : GM Warranty Antics

07-21-2004, 14:38
Just got off the phone with Chevy dealer. They are saying that the fuel has metallic particles in it - possibly rust. The fuel filter is new and it has a new lift pump.

They only want another $740 to drop the tank to clean it before GM will authorize the warranty repair on the injector pump. It's a 95 TD with 105 K miles.

I have to think that a fuel filter will pull out any particles that could harm the pump. Anyone ever hear of this????

More Power
07-21-2004, 15:18
Yes, I've heard of this before. That's why it's discussed in the following tech page.



07-21-2004, 15:41
Thanks, I guess I just spent $740 . . .

07-21-2004, 18:57
They tried that crap with me on a non warranty pump swap. I told them to take their pump and rules and stick them you know where. I bought a pump from a standyne rebuilder for $600 less than the dealer could buy it from their source. To make the warranty good all I had to do was show that the fuel filter was replaced at the same time as the pump on the invoice. The steeler would not install the "black market" pump. The mechanic pulled me aside and said he would install it off the clock. I saved a few more bucks. As it turned out, the pump was replaced in the dealer shop on a Sunday afternoon. It seem that word got out about what happened, and now the dealership will install a customers pump without all the tank and line bullcrap. I later found out that the metal in the fuel system came from the pump that died. Sounds like 720 bucks to clean up the leftovers of a "warranty job"

07-21-2004, 19:10
This a good time to carefully examine the inside of fuel filter housing, ascertaining that the small nylon filter screen is in place on the coaxial stainless steel central tubes.

07-22-2004, 16:18
Dealer replaced my ip last month. No hassles about fuel quality or tank cleaning. I had allready dropped and cleaned it myself anyway to get rid of water and crap. Only problem was they left half the plumbing post air filter unattached letting fresh air (and dirt) into my intake. By the way, I used some sections of regular rubber fuel line to reconnect my fuel tank lines. What's the difference between that and "diesel fuel" line. Any concerns?

07-27-2004, 15:38
I had dealer problems," can't see it fail , can't honor warrenty" finially just went ahead and had a Diesel shop install a rebuilt inj pump.,

They paid me in full !!!!!!!( and check cleared ).

Screw the dealers....

07-31-2004, 11:17
They pulled the same crap on me when I bought my used 97 with a GM Optimum Warranty. They wanted me to pay for the tank flush to get rid of the metal that their bad pump caused. Fought long and hard , I actually sat at the dealer and started telling clients what they were doing and to not trust them....needless to say I left without paying a $$.