View Full Version : who HASN'T had problems with factory extend mirrors?

07-09-2003, 12:05
I have heard a lot of talk from people having factory power heated/extending towing mirrors quite on them. Most have expereinced the problem when cold. Today with the thermometer on my truck saying 91 degrees my passanger side decided to stat stuck in. I currently have a whopping 2000 miles on my truck.

I was wondering if these things are just prone to taking a crap? Who has had zero problems with em and how old are they?

If they are that failure prone I might just end up trying to get the dealer to give me the $$$ for the 1 and buy a set of aftermarkets. I only extend/retract when washing my truck since the rubber boot seems to hold soapy water when its closed.

Dave Lewis
07-09-2003, 12:34
Take it to the dealer. There is a fix available but the parts are on restriction due to low quantities available. Get it in and have them order the replacement parts.

07-09-2003, 14:05
Its an 03. I was going to take it to the stealer but figured that if it was going to be a reoccuring problem I would just ditch em(kinda sucks since I liked em for the first 2000 miles when they functioned :rolleyes: )

But there is a real fix now??? :cool:

Thanks for the info

[ 07-09-2003, 02:11 PM: Message edited by: ratlover ]

Max Power
07-09-2003, 14:16
I have 4000km's with no trouble so far.

07-09-2003, 15:49
The good news is I've always been able to get them to work. I've had to fold them in and out to get them to work but never a complete failure. It's more of an annoyance than anything. I'm happy with mine.

07-09-2003, 20:12
Mine work fine as far as going in & out.But,when extended the mirror adjustment itself sort of goes out/up or in/down at same time instead of normal up,down,in,out.

Jeep Puller
07-09-2003, 20:15
I haven't had a single problem with mine so far . . . but if so many others are, at least now I'll know what's going on and to take it in to the stealer right away. I've only got 2500 miles on mine so far, so we'll see how long I go problem-free.

07-09-2003, 21:10
My driver side has been acting up the last few weeks. I have 3500 on my truck and have used them a few times. I had to help it a little to get it to work again and it worked fine for the trip, but I tried it again today and it was stuck again. I'm calling the dealer tomorrow to see what they say about this so called fix...

07-10-2003, 09:20
Started having problems with the passenger side not extending when it got warmer. Took it stealer and now problem is worse? If you fold it in and out, or apply a little hand pressure it will work. Pain in the A$$, but I still like them.
I don't see anything aftermarket that has all the features ( turn signal included)that makes sense to switch over to. While these mirrors due have some minor problems, they have very low wind noise, look good and functional ( except the few times you have to manually prompt them). I plan to keep taking it back during the warranty period until the General finally solves the few remaining bugs in these mirrors.


Bill Knieper
07-10-2003, 10:19
Mine are 9 months old and I have not had any problem with them extending in or out.
However, be careful and do not damage one. I smacked one against a pine tree and broke the glass and plastic inside. A new ONE from the stealer is $540 and $345 from GM Parts Direct. I thought about TTT mirrors but I do not like the looks of the big orange pod on them.

07-10-2003, 13:43
Mine are about 9 months old as well. Only problem has been with right side extending and retracting since shortly after purchase. If I bend it the problem goes away but the next time it's usually back. Recently I had checked and it wasn't working and then I went over a large pothole and thought to try it again and sure enough, it worked.

Look out for Astro mini van's! Their mirrors are at a similar height as the stock 2500HD. I found out the hard way on an illegally parked van. Destroyed his mirror. Mine just bent in. Didn't affect the issue with extending, that continues to be an issue before and after hitting him.

Also backing out a cottage road a whacked a tree with my left mirror last week. Bent and extended the mirror to full length. Bark chips stuck between the pleats. Bent it back, cleaned out the bark, tested it and continued to work fine.

Very Old Dog
07-10-2003, 17:56
Have only used them periodically towing our trailer, mostly weekends. So far no trouble. Truck has 4700 miles and is a little over 2 months old.

07-11-2003, 19:16
Mine started acting up this spring when it warmed up out side. Took it to my dealer and they replaced both mirrors and did some work on the inside of the doors and they have not missed a beat since. Truck was built in 10/02 and it has 15k on it now. smile.gif


07-11-2003, 22:20
Well now my passenger side stopped working too, have a call into the stealer.

07-12-2003, 13:39
Well I talked to the service manager today. He said that there was a tech bulletin, which advises them to reprogram the computer. He said that there is a sync problem and that this might fix it? But in closing he said if this does not fix it they would replace them, so he seemed as confident as me about this re-flashing the computer fixing anything.

So while they are there re-flashing the computer does anyone know of any changes in the program that might help things out elsewhere?

07-14-2003, 08:21
The blinding highbeam indicator can be taken care of at this time I believe.....

07-14-2003, 15:21
My mirrors didn't work either so the dealer reprogrammed the computer as per the TSB. Mirrors worked for one day then back to the same old problem. When I hear a permanent fix has been found, I'll take it back. Otherwise I'll just live with the inconvenience of folding the mirrors in and out before I use them.

07-14-2003, 21:39
Cptsir, who's your dealer? Chev or GMC? Nice to know if someone local finds a cure.

Jack's Dmax
07-15-2003, 01:14
I have about 10,000 miles on my 2003 Dmax and so far no problems with the mirrors extending.


07-15-2003, 13:46
I talked to the dealer and he said that he has seen were the rubber boot sticks together from factory residue stuff. Not causing my problem :(

Is there a TSB or anything else out there detailing this or a fix? The dealer says he cant find anything on it but to bring it in. I have a feeling that he will take it apart and it will work for him and then become a PITA for me again...I dont want a vicious cycle or wasting tier/my time.

What fix were you talking of or could you give me any specifics? Thanks

07-16-2003, 01:48
23,000 miles on my '03 and no problems yet.... except for a spider living in my driver's site mirror who likes to make a new web every morning - I suppose I should spray the little bugger.

07-16-2003, 10:06
6 weeks and 5050 miles. No problems. I used mine extensively (in and out) over the past 10 days. I also extend mine everytime I wash it. No probs to date.

07-16-2003, 10:44
The power extension mirrors are supplied by Power Vision (http://www.powervisionmirrors.com/). I had a set put on my 1996 Suburban and was very pleased with their performance both on their ability to extend and retract as well the visibility afforded. When they became available for my 2003 truck I was very pleased, until I had extension and retraction problems which occurred intermitantly and unpredictably. I called Powervision and got the following explanation:

Power-vision mirror problem solution per phone call with them.

I talked to a rep from Power Vision re mirrors not extending. The problem is the tension on a nut on the clutch on the motors.

To repair:

Remove mirrors from housing by tilting mirror up and using a screwdriver to release a clip and allow mirror removal. This should expose the motor, which has a black housing that is removed after removing 3 screws. Once the cover is off there should be a 3/16 nut which should be tightened and that should solve the problem. He indicated the motor supplier did not tighten them enough so the clutch slips. If the motor needs replaced it is part # 88980584.

I took it to my dealers service department and they fixed the left mirror successfully but the clutch was too worn on the right one and it was replaced in warrenty and so far both work well.

They are a great mirror and I hope this info is helful to those experiencing problems with them.

[ 07-20-2003, 11:50 AM: Message edited by: VaDmax2003 ]

07-20-2003, 12:22
Mine have been trouble free since new in temperatures -10f to almost 90f. The passenger side mirror does vibrate a little sometimes but not seriously. Overall the quality doesn't seem as good as I would like but hopefully they will hold up. --Nick

Jeep Puller
07-31-2003, 00:44
Well that didn't take long! My previously trouble free mirrors started getting finicky on me yesterday, at 3300 miles.

Ratlover -
What dealer are you taking your truck to? I bought mine out of state and now need to start tracking down a dealer who'll work with me on my beloved DMax and do it right.

07-31-2003, 07:33
3500 miles and hasn't missed a beat

07-31-2003, 10:55
Now this you'll find funny. When I bought my dmax last week there was a dealer trade involved. I took a 1500HD from the dealership where I bought the truck to the dealership where my new one was sitting. The passenger side mirror wouldn't extend out but the driver side did.

I got there, swapped trucks, and tried out my new one.. Guess what, the drivers side wouldn't extend out but the passenger side worked.

Finicky buggers aren't they! :eek:

07-31-2003, 14:26
Athens....we might need to hook up:)

When I was looking to buy I checked out Freedom in Virden and they seemed to be honest. Only dealt with em 1 or twice for a few hours but the salesman was very helpfull. Matt a younger guy with dark hair if I remember right.

Green Chevorlet in Peoria, IL is were I bought the truck. Thus far they seem to be great. I bought my last truck off of them but it was used so I did all my own work(no warantee) I asked what thier thoughts on waranty were if I put the biggest plow recomended by the plow manufacture up front and they said(this was durring me buying so good luck proving it and take it as the word of a sales manager) that if I put a bigger one on than recomended they would work with me.

I am taking it in for the mirrors and a free oil change this weekend. I will see if they freak about the Kennedy 4"-5" exhaust(they said exhaust would be no problem). They also didn t say anything when I brought my truck back after a week with 265's on it. I havent had to push a waranty claim yet so hopefully they stay cool. Actually hope I never need waranty work.

They always give me a loaner too(even though I live 75 miles away and they know this). I have the blue team on it and I like them(they did a bit of work on my 97)

Dont go to Friendly Chevorlet in Springfield, IL though. There is a reason that I drove 75 miles one way to peoria and drive and will drive that far for work. They seem to be the typical try to screw you any way possible type of dealer IMO and from the experiences of friends.....

Then again they might be the type that will try to screw you till they relize that you wont easily bend over and then be nice to you....I duno.....

I will post an update though.

Jeep Puller
07-31-2003, 21:56
:eek: OK! Yea, Ratlover, I'll want to talk with you about your dealer experiences. I'm from Peoria, but never had occasion to deal with Green. I bought my truck while out of state so that dealer isn't an option. I called Friendly today to ask about my mirror problem and a reflash for the blinding bright-light indicator (irony from GM!) - and got what came across the phone as attitude. They tried to tell me the mirror was acting up because I hadn't "exercised" it! That made me nervous, but your post here has made me more nervous. Drop me an email at jashuck@gcctv.com.

08-01-2003, 12:06
to VaDmax2003

Thanks, its people like you (who bring real solutions to the table) that make this web site so great!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My guess is there are very few dealers who would take the time to track down the real soure of the mirror issues.

08-07-2003, 20:38
Jeep Puller----Ratlover

You are near the Chicago area? Its only a little further to come up to Grand Rapids MI for even better service then what you getting now.. Just ask around, you'll see :D

OCT 11---make plans to come up if you can... Diesel day!

08-08-2003, 07:47
Might have to make diesel day. And pick up some filters and a deep pan and such.....

Springfiled is about 4 hours or so from Chicago.

Is diesel day in grandrapids?

08-08-2003, 12:54
A followup on my mirrors. About a month or so ago they replaced my right hand mirror as the clutch was worn and also adjusted my driverside mirror clutch. I pulled my TT to OH a couple weeks ago and had occasion to extend and retract the mirrors a few times and now my driver's side mirror clutch is slipping and in order to extend or retract the driver side mirror I must hold the button longer or even give it some manual help. This then makes the passenger side clutch slip while it is trying to move the left mirror. For that reason my dealer has ordered me a new left side mirror. The lesson to be learned is that if you hold the switch to get the slow side to move it slips the clutch on the working side it may wear it out the working mirror clutch prematurely.

08-09-2003, 06:51
3000 miles and no problems, however, limited use.

gene smith
08-09-2003, 21:11
If these mirrors are that expensive im gonna sell them and get a pair of the ones from JK, i wonder if his has turn signals in them--- Geno

09-03-2003, 19:24
Well both of mine started working again, but I had it in the shop yesterday and had them check them. They reflashed the computer and said that there was a syncing problem and the reflash would fix it, we'll see.

Uncle Dimmy
09-08-2003, 11:07
My truck is 6 months old w/a little over 15,000 miles on it. My mirrors have worked perfectly each and everytime I've moved them in and out. Typically moving them in and out two to three times per week.

09-09-2003, 05:56
If your extended mirrors do not move in or out or one of them. Stop immediately, go give them a little pull or push in the direction - then go back to the electric controls and they should work. They also work manually by pushing them or pulling them.

OK, it's not a fix - but it solves the problem
and generally works again - electronically until you get the fix. Afterall you can still use them.

I have been fixing them for the last 2 months that way. Dealers sometimes create more problems fixing others. Eventually, they will replace the mirrors when the pressure builds from customers.

09-09-2003, 07:41
If you are having a problem with your mirrors I would take it to the dealer and have them look into the adjustment of the clutch as VaDmax mentioned. Running the mirrors with a slipping clutch might nuke things and require a bit more work to replace. Besideds....we shouldnt have to put up with anything 1/2 working on a brand new truck. Make the dealer fix it.....

Here is a link to my update post

09-09-2003, 08:39
I just had my drivers side mirror replaced yesterday. Initially they had adjusted the clutch in it but when the passenger mirror began moving slower than the drivers side it wore the drivers side clutch out. Then when the passenger mirror was replaced a couple months ago the drivers side would move very slowly. Now that both have been replaced they move in and out in unison without clutch slipping as they approach the fully extended or retracted position. The bottomline is, if one is slipping it puts excess wear on the working one and that clutch will wear out. Therefore, get it fixed or replaced before you ruin the other side. My dealer replaced both of my mirrors without any hassle when clutch adjustment was ineffective in solving the problem. As I have mentioned in a previous post I had these same brand of mirrors (Powervision)added to my 96 suburban in 2000 and loved them for pulling my tavel trailer and was very glad they were available as a factory option in 2003.

09-18-2003, 15:20
have 30k on my 03, one side quit at new, then worked in summer, then both quit, have taken to stealer with no luck, one thing, i did see is everyday use of them keeps them working longer, will take back with so called fix, thanks

Jesus Freak
09-27-2003, 10:00
Hey great topic, I've wondered about the longevity of these mirrors since I bought mine... I have 5100 miles on my truck and have used the mirrors alot with no problems. I really like the heat and the extending, but I can't see them lasting the life of the truck...
Keep us posted if you find a nice after market set...


09-29-2003, 06:33
I extend mine often, everytime I tow or wash my truck, at least once a week for one reason or another. No problems so far smile.gif