View Full Version : BOSE with XM and adding a subwoofer

07-04-2003, 14:44
Anyone with experience hearing an 03 with the bose and comparing to aftermarket stereos in 01s and 02s ? I am looking at adding 2 10" subs behind the rear seat with an AMP recessed in the enclosure between them. I need a feel for how the BOSE system compares to other systems both stock and upgraded. I do not want to touch the BOSE components (unless I rip it all out) as the speakers are amplified themselves. I know the head unit is nothing special, but seems adequate. the mids and highs seem OK, the base is a bit lacking. I have searched extensively but the older topics do not contain what I am looking for.

For those that do have enclosures, what are your measurements for the box ? Is the rear fabric panel easy to remove ? Anything else to look for to get a little more space ?

Ideas would be appreciated, thanks all


Wayne Dohnal
07-05-2003, 13:35
My unscientific evaluation says that the subwoofer in the Bose system does absolutely nothing. I removed my center console (containing the subwoofer) and was worried about ruining the sound. To see what the result would be I repeatedly disconnected and reconnected the sub while listening to CDs with high bass content. The result was I could hear no difference! Only when I cranked the bass to full could I hear a very slight difference with the sub in our out. My conclusion is that the only purpose for the sub is so it can be listed in the marketing literature.

The speakers do not have integrated amps. The 6-channel BOSE amp is also part of the center console.

07-05-2003, 13:45
The Bose system in my truck has a sub?? I don't believe it. My wife's Saturn VUE with stocker stereo has more low end than my Bose. I had an Olds Aurora with the Bose, and that had a sub under the rear deck. Now that had bass. This Bose in these trucks sounds no better that any other stock system I've heard. Definately on my list for mod. IMHO Bose = $ for name.

07-06-2003, 10:49
i did not mean to imply each speaker had its own amp, just that they were not amplified by only the head unit.

Wayne, have you looked at the amp and its connections ? Is it a typical GM plug or line level connections ? Does it lok like it can be replaced easily ? I am confused by the 6 channels, can only think of 5 (including the sub). What does the speaker wire look like ?



Wayne Dohnal
07-06-2003, 23:27
Here's just a general dump on the Bose setup:

The amp is in the center console, approximately under the floor of the storage compartment. The subwoofer is in front of it. The sub enclosure is molded plastic, with a port, and I'd guess it's between a quarter and third cubic foot. The driver is 5" in diameter. The driver is dual voice coil, which is why there are 6 channels in the amp. The amp derives the subwoofer signal (the head unit sends 4 channels to the amp). There are 2 GM-style connectors on the Bose amp. I found that you can buy the connector shells reasonably from a dealer, but you can't buy the pins for it. The parts guy told me that the dealer uses a kit with various connector pins. (I was afraid to ask how much the kit was!).

There is a single huge connector to a harness for everything in the console, including the lighting and power sockets. Two breakouts from the harness go to the Bose amp. Others go to the power connectors, rear seat audio controller, subwoofer, etc. The 4 audio channels from the head unit are individually-shielded twisted pairs. The 2 rear channels are routed through the rear seat controller on the way to the amp. The speaker wires are unshielded twisted pairs. I didn't want to strip a wire to measure it, so I did a side-by-side eyeball comparison with scrap wires where the truck wires were stripped at the connector pins. My conclusion is that the sub and rear speaker wires are either 18 or 20 gauge, and the front speaker wires are a size smaller at 20 or 22 gauge.

When I first pulled the sub enclosure out of the console (very difficult job) I thought its complex shape was some wonder of advanced acoustic engineering. I've since come to believe that it's complex shape is a wonder of plastics engineering to get the maximum volume crammed into the console's interior.

You could possibly just replace the Bose sub with your own. I opened up the amp and found that there are no level controls or any other adjustments. From the component mix I'd guess that the incoming audio is digitized, processed, then turned back to analog.

07-08-2003, 18:58
I have a 02 but my 03 trailblazer has the bose system and it sounds like crap. Anyone know are the speakers paper cones? Not that I am allowed to change it. I bought it for my wife and she doesnt want to change anything.