View Full Version : Question for mdrag or anyone else about 56 gallon transferflow & gauge readings.

04-22-2003, 18:42
Sorry to bother you again, but I am wondering what kind of readings you are getting on your fuel gauge. I just put 300 miles on a full tank (56) gallons, and my gauge is still reading between the 3/4 mark and the Full mark . Does this sound right? I tried to check how many gallons = to gauge readings on the fill up and it seemed to be in the ballpark. I would get about 130 miles on the stock tank per the same gauge reading. What has been your experience? Thanks.

04-22-2003, 19:19
Cowboy Wild Bill,

I see similar results on my '01 with the 56 gal TFI tank. The GM fuel gauge is notorious for it's non-linear movement - staying in the 3/4 - Full range longer than expected, and then dropping quickly, especially when it reaches 1/4 tank. The larger capacity of the TFI tank just exaggerates this non-linear gauge reading.

04-23-2003, 08:48
I have had the same tank for about 40,000 miles. With highway driving, I go about 200 miles before the guage reaches 3/4. It takes at least 120 miles to move off full. At about 500 miles it is half way between 1/4 and 1/2. If I go all the way to empty red lines (panicville), it refills with about 48 gallons. The first time I filled it it took 61 gallons. You get used to the GM guage characteristics after while.

04-23-2003, 19:01
Thanks for the reply, I will just drive it and carry a can of fuel with me just in case and see how far it goes.

04-24-2003, 18:30
Taday my Kennedy Mega fuel filter was installed so I wanted to refill my tank to check mileage before and after the new filter.

I have a new 56 gal Transfer flow tank and my guage read just a tad shy of 3/4 tank. It took 22.8 gallons to fill the tank. I had gone 330 miles since my last fill up (the first on my new tank).