View Full Version : Turbo-Master install Quick Help.

Steve O.
11-11-2004, 18:34
Got the Turbo Master today. Just about done putting it in. As I have a '94, the instructions say to use the "yellow" hole on the new lever.

Have it on, but the new lever smacks into the turbo housing on a part of the casting that holds a bolt, right below the shaft. It seems to limit the travel of the whole assembly, at least more so than if I was using the earlier model "black" hole. Could this be right?

I tried to see the turbo I.D. but its worn. Looks like a "GM-1" but pretty sure it should say "GM-4"

I'm literally in the middle of this thing and don't want to button it up in case something isn't right.



Phil Holmen
11-12-2004, 09:06
Give Bill a call.. he will be glad to give ya a hand...

Steve O.
11-12-2004, 09:37
Phil, meant to re-post.

Got it in just fine. I was over-thinking it. The spring, once installed, does the trick.

I did try Bill after hours last night knowing he would be closed, but he called me first this this morning. Great guy. I'll post later on the whole things.
