View Full Version : AC Operation

05-30-2003, 21:58
Living in San Antonio is somewhat unique. We have already had temps well into the 90s, and many nights have not cooled to below the mid 70s. It isn't uncommon for me to start the truck up when the engine is cold but the temp is hot (even in the AM) and want AC immediately.

What I have noticed is this. The AC doesn't get cool right away. It doesn't blow cool air until the engine is warmed up and/or I am going 30ish+ mph. My assumption is that even though the outside air temp is hot, the engine isn't warm enough for the fan clutch to lock up and blow lots of air over the condensor. Thus the air from the vents is warm until I get airflow through the condensor.

Has anyone else seen this? Any comments from anyone?


05-31-2003, 06:14
You may also be low on refrigerant. When first started for a min or two my fan clutch is engaged and disengages as the silicone thins out from slippage? , so in that case I should get cold air at first and then warmer then cold etc. and I don't, it's cold all of the time.

05-31-2003, 06:28
It may also be the refrigerant itself. I've always noticed that R134 systems seem to take a little longer to get cold and actually need a little driving to get cold. Starting and idling a R134 system doesn't seem to make a lot of cold air.

05-31-2003, 12:08
I think you need to have the freon level checked. I also live in a hot/humid climate. Same outside temps your taling about on a regular basis. I never shut my a/c off. It's on when I start my truck in the morning, and on when I shut her down at night :cool:
It always blows ice cold, right from the get go. Never any engine warm up period.

Big O
05-31-2003, 19:47
Plenty hot here too! I have a problem with my A/C from time to time. It may work fine 98% of the time, but some(just whenever) it will not blow colc a/c, like just the vent is blowing. Sometime it will go ahead and start blowing cold, other times I just turn it off/on and it will start blowing cold. :confused: :confused: