View Full Version : TST or JUICE?

05-30-2003, 01:17
Ok, which one would you choose? The TST has more capacity, a built in gauge as well as a "in cab" controller. The Juice has better TQ and HP curves with less slip. Neither has a speed limiter bumper. Yes, the Diablo would be the ticket for increased tire size, monitoring and limiters. What really makes the difference between the two? As I have heard, the Allison takes about 200 shifts to "level out" or adjust to different programs. Does the trans "remember" a style of power? If it has a memory of old patterns that would seems to benefit the JUICE. :confused: I really like creative adjusting via~ TST but I do like the simplicity of the JUICE. I just cannot make up my mind. I wish that John sold TST products. :rolleyes:

Burner-------> :D

--- Have a great weekend !!!!

[ 05-30-2003, 08:40 PM: Message edited by: Burner ]

05-30-2003, 06:48
Are you sure Juice has "better" HP and Tq curves. Remember the Hp and Tq curves are adjustable on the TST. I'm still confused how you can put more power through the tranny with less slip. I believe the tranny will slip at the same power regardless of how it get's there.
FWIW I'm driving around at a setting of 9+9 now and the cruise is stable, there is apparently no or little defueling between shifts and I haven't limped the tranny yet. The Ally is extremely adaptive apparently if you give it time.

05-30-2003, 07:35
the adaptive time could be the key.....dave

05-30-2003, 07:48

Truth be told, I haven't tried mine yet. I've considered it, but the TST dealer program is kinda goofy. I also like to know WHAT I am running. The Predator has custom tune program loading capabilities. The Juice I can hook to the "Juicer" and see what is on it.

Rest assured, I do intend to hit the dyno and see how it works, but need to send my box in as the programming is already old, and not representative of what is being released. Dunno if I'll get it shipped out and back in time to dyno before the Rendezvous or not...

TST Tech
05-30-2003, 07:49
Most of a time if I hear a truck going into limp, it's when they first install a box and run it all the way up. I'm guilty of this too! I think a64Pilot and SDaver a correct in saying that the Allison is a learning type tranny. Have a great day, Greg

05-30-2003, 08:07
The Allison transmission computer continuously monitors driving style (accelerator inputs and loads), then adapts line pressures and shift points to suit. Therefore a sudden change in power output over and above the original maximum, will force the transmission computer to readapt, in the worst case, it may not be able to do so quickly enough to save your tranny from damage and in the best case it would just put the tranny in limp mode.

That's why a gradual build up of power over a 100 or more miles is the best policy for the more aggressive power upgrades.

05-30-2003, 13:26
Well, we might find out tonight. One banana member here is coming over to sell his Hot Juice to a non-member buddy of mine. With him he's bringing the newest, hottest, next day aired, version of TST's competition box and we're gonna hook it up to his 03 D/A. He's been pounding his truck with different boxes since it was brand new and his tranny is either a good one or they can learn, because he hasn't limped or slipped yet. So we'll see how it does with the TST and how the TST compares with the Hot Juice he'll be unplugging when he gets here. Another well known, heavy footed, member might show up and grace us with his presence and never ending wealth of knowledge. This is kind of last minute but, hopefully like Field of Dreams: if we build it he will come. ;)

05-30-2003, 14:04
sounds like he is calling you out mac..... :D dave

05-30-2003, 16:55
It may not be as technical as a head to head Dyno test, but it should finally answer some questions. :D

05-30-2003, 20:49
Which box smokes ........ less?

Burner-----> :rolleyes: :D

05-30-2003, 20:53
If you had a TST box set on 9 & 9 and HOT JUICE on level 4, which box would hit 1400 first? tongue.gif

- John, will the new "Juicer" have a temp limmiter like the TST controler? What kind of price will we have on a "full" set-up?

Burner-----> :D

05-30-2003, 20:57
sdaver, the great and powerful man behind the curtain, Mackin, graced us with his presence. Based on what he's working on with his truck he's definitely answering to the "I need more" demons in his head. As far as the Hot Juice, TST comparo it's kind of hard to come up with a result as an apples to apples comparo wasn't made. Banana (I'll let him decide if he wants to be public) pulled in with the Hot Juice on level 4 and stacked with another unit. He then unhooked everything and tried the TST on it's own. Basically compared to the Juice stacked he thought the TST was softer on the bottom end but pulled harder up high. The TST did make big, humorous amounts of smoke though. Then he stacked the TST with his stacker box and felt it hit harder down low but not as hard down low as with the Hot Juice. My other buddy who bought Banana's Hot Juice plugged it in to his 03 and he and Mackin went for a shake down. They were gone for a while and came back with an SES showing after the Hot Juice sent his truck into limp. Several attempts were made to clear the SES with the Predator but, it wouldn't go away. Eventually on his drive home the SES light did shut off. My buddy did say that before the Juice limped his truck that although it ran strong it didn't feel as strong as his truck had felt with my TST hooked to it but, in fairness he didn't get much drive time with the Juice on level 4 before it limped. We went for some rides, burned some rubber and then somehow we ended up at a bar.

05-31-2003, 07:58
Originally posted by sdaver:
sounds like he is calling you out mac..... :D dave I'll tell ya what Super, A TST Comp box in a handshacker will "take" a Buck and a quarter Hot juice, let the truth be known ...... Jesse truck pulls hard and strong right to the rev limiter mighty quickly .... Really nice .....
The same box in a "fresh" or beefed Allison will give it a run for it's money ....
The Allison is at a disadvantage stock and "well seasoned" .... Needs to be upgraded .... We didn't line up but the out come was easy to see and feel if we did ....
We will see what happens when mine is done being "Truly Bombed" ....

Cupcakes truck ??? TST Comp plus a VA pressure stacker ,WA mister I'll tell you the sum b!tch is a smoke'in freight train .... I will get some PICS of it before he does something different .... How does it run ?? Lets see if he joins in first, I take the fith,for now .... I think if we lined them up he would be =>???


:D :D :D

king D
05-31-2003, 11:31
mackin i do believe i know your mystery man and the stacker box.glad it seems to be workingfor him,when i tried that similar setup minus comp programming my truck ran like flat out ass,just sucked ,shiftd were awful and above 70 torque con slippage was so bad it had no pickup at all under full throttle.plus you asked about that stacxker your man may decide he doesnt want it and if one more passes and you still want it its yours....jess

05-31-2003, 12:01
Hey Jess, or anyone else, do you have any boxes you want to sell, I need somethin to stack with the Predator, it just doesnt smoke enough for me. ;)

05-31-2003, 12:17
Originally posted by WhiteDuramax:
Hey Jess, or anyone else, do you have any boxes you want to sell, I need somethin to stack with the Predator, it just doesnt smoke enough for me. ;) Go shove a rag in your air intake ..... That'll do it ....Then you can use the Predator to clear the codes ..... http://www.turbodieselregister.com/ubb/hihi.gif http://www.turbodieselregister.com/ubb/hihi.gif http://www.turbodieselregister.com/ubb/hihi.gif

Cupcake wont sell the VA box .....But If he hands it over to me the green is in the mail, Jess .....


05-31-2003, 12:54
I hate to make excuses but, when I did take Mac for a little burst what felt strong to him felt soft to me compared to how my truck was supposed to feel. We were having some issues with the in cab controller and I had to keep resetting it during our jaunt but, I assumed the truck felt low on power because my clutch was starting to show signs of slipping. The controller was acting up again today and would default to 0 modes everytime I shut the truck off. Then all of a sudden it actually accepted (instead of just displaying them) and stored the high settings and ran and smoked the way it was supposed to. Turns out my clutch was fine. I can only assume the glitch is within the in cab controller. So unless Greg aka, TSTTech chimes in here, his phone's gonna be ringing Monday morning. In other news, now that I have local access to a Hot Juice I'm gonna have my buddy set it to level 4 in his Ally truck and then we'll pull it out and plug it in to my 6 speeder. Then I can compare it to the TST myself in my truck and see which one actually makes more power without interference from the Ally. It will be interesting to see how the Hot OJ runs unleashed from the Allison. Without the TCM to deal with the OJ might be able to let it all hang out in a 6 speed truck. Anyhow, Mac, I'm sorry you didn't get the full giggle ride. Maybe next time. ;) Kind D, yes we're talking about the same knucklehead. It's too bad all the members are so spread out across this great country because if we could get some more quality meatheads together more often we could really have some fun. Lucky for me we've got 4 or 5 good meathead members (and maybe even our leader meathead) right here in CT. Anyhow my wife thought 4 Diesel nerds and their trucks in the driveway was plenty. :D

[ 05-31-2003, 01:07 PM: Message edited by: GMCTRUCK ]

05-31-2003, 17:52
Cupcake, Knucklelhead, Banana, Meathead....The verbal abuse I take from a bunch of Beerhounds I buy rounds for all night long ! Just for the record, I have NEVER had any type of performance enhancing "chip" installed in my truck....King D, your check will be in the mail in a week or two for your wifes sisters cousins aunts doughters (she's 35) panties you sent me ! ;)

06-01-2003, 07:20
Oh, and ladies, your assignment for the next A/A meeting is to find some Punk and his Goth girlfriend in a Mustang GT convertable to line up on my passenger side for a little burn....Oh, and make that a white GT.... :mad: Mackdaddy, you'll be a Hollywood film director after this shoot ! ;) :cool:

06-01-2003, 08:29
if you knuckleheads need a gtech I would be glad to send you mine.........problem whoose got a problem?..........addiction (probably) :D how does it go?........ "I feel the need....... the need for speed" hey mac you can be my wingman :D :D dave

06-01-2003, 09:53
Sdaver, which Gtech do you have?

06-01-2003, 10:38
the first one............I was not sure the new one would do all it is advertised to do with a diesel........$99.00 on ebay for mine :D dave

06-02-2003, 13:26
Just a brief follow up on my TST issue. Talked to Greg at TST this morning. Told him what it was doing and what levels it would reset to. He said those are the factory default settings so something somewhere is out of wack. Hasn't happened before as far as he knows but, I do have one of the original units. He said no problem and mailed me a new box, controller, and harness today. When they get mine they'll try to figure it out.

06-02-2003, 14:35
GMCTRUCK, How do you launch? I haven't decided if 1st or 2nd gear launch is quicker. I like first because you don't slip or dump the clutch but the engine doesn't build rpm that quick. The other problem is shifting. I'm getting pretty good at the 1-2 speed shift but you can miss it easily. Second may be better in the end. I'm used to my old big block 4 spd. First gear hard with no tire spin and you couldn't miss second if you tried.

06-02-2003, 15:47
By launch I assume you mean as if I were gonna time it or race somebody. 1st is just too low for the diesels rpm range. You'd be through 1st and looking for 2nd so fast that you'd be slower just from the time you lose making that extra shift. Even second feels too low to me for a launch gear, but let's remember this is a truck ZF 6 speed not the ZF box used in the Corvette. ;) I only use 1st to get going on a hill, get a load going, or if I'm gonna be moving the truck 50ft or less of a distance. And yes the 1st to 2nd shift can be tricky.

06-03-2003, 04:22
Ahh yes, smokin' tires and drinkin' cold ones, 2 of my favorite things!!
If you banannas, meatheads, cupcakes, or whatever need a Vericom(better
than a G-tech) and /or a tech2 for your next romping, gimme a shout....
I might even bring the Camaro and send you all home in dire need of new
underware!!!!! :eek: :D

[ 06-03-2003, 04:40 AM: Message edited by: RATDOC ]

06-03-2003, 07:45
Seat of the pants is one thing, but I haven't seen anything challenge my stacking combo on the dyno. The base box is the Juice, but you never know, I should have my TST set to Comp levels this week.


If you head that way with the Dmax and wanna blow away your Allison, I can have you spraying diesel soot graffiti on those guys! :D Seriously though, I doubt I'd ever line them up unless on a track as I'd really hate to trade paint... :eek:

06-03-2003, 08:55
Mack & GMC ----> When you copare the two boxes, which one smokes the least?

John, Will the Juice box in cab controller have a boost & EGT gauge? Will it have an EGT limiter?

Burner-----> :D

06-03-2003, 09:33
thanks for the heads-up about trading paint, but I wasn't worried........both
me and Toddster(er.cupcake) have black '03 GMC's.......same paint!!! :D
As for the soot show, my friend's Peterbuilt has that covered.

06-03-2003, 10:54
Burner, the newest TST comp box that Toddster has puts out big, bombed Cummins type smoke. The most I've ever seen out of a Dmax. That doesn't necessarily mean faster though. As far as racing goes it's illegal and I won't take part in any such thing on the street. ;) Besides if anyone does pull away from me I try to nudge their rear quarter and spin them out before they get too far ahead. I guess that would have to make me a sore loser. smile.gif

[ 06-03-2003, 07:39 PM: Message edited by: GMCTRUCK ]

06-03-2003, 13:18
Originally posted by GMCTRUCK:
Burner the newest TST comp box that Toddster has puts out big, bombed Cummins type smoke. The most I've ever seen out of a Dmax. That doesn't necessarily mean faster though. As far as racing goes it's illegal and I won't take part in any such thing on the street. ;) Besides if anyone does pull away from me I try to nudge their rear quarter and spin them out before they get too far ahead. I guess that would have to make me a sore loser. smile.gif Spoken like a true Dale Earnhardt fan .... May he RIP ...

Bring it on John K,I think you would be very surprised of the outcome.... ;)

:D :D :D

06-03-2003, 14:11
First I gotta find a trans that works...

06-03-2003, 21:35
John, what about Sun Coast?

Burner-----> :D

GM Converters . . .

LCT 1000 Allison

The Allison transmission has long been synonymous with heavy equipment transmissions. Designed for workhorse pickups, the 1000 series offers all the features that have made Allison legendary.

With five forward speeds, a 3:10:1 first gear, a 0.71:1 overdrive fifth gear, advanced electronic controls, the 1000 promises to be a huge step forward in automatic transmissions for the diesel engine. Having said this, it became immediately apparent that with the increase in over-stock power levels there were some design deficiencies to be addressed.

One of the excellent features of the 1000 is the fail safe or self protection mode. Upon sensing a slip or over-torque condition the control module will place the transmission in neutral or limp mode to prevent damage to the friction elements. After extensive research, we have identified the areas that need correction, and we have developed the tech and parts to raise the 1000's torque capacity.

Due to the cost of labor and down-time, we do not recommend partial repairs. The fact that the transmission will be removed to accomplish the modifications we feel it is prudent to address all of the issues with this transmission. The additional expense will be a smart investment for durability and performance.

This installation you can then take your Duramax to whatever power level you want!

GM Torque Converters
Product Number Description
GM-1000-1 Torque Converter Single Disc for Durmax Allison
GM-1000-3 Torque Converter Triple Disc for Durmax Allison
GM Transmissions
GM-1000-2X Durmax Allison Transmission 2 W/Drive
GM-1000-4X Durmax Allison Transmission 4 W/Drive
All Transmission Prices Include PRO-LOC Single Disc Torque Converter and Mag-Hytec Pan
Custom Converters

Sun Coast Converters, Inc.
819 Navy Street
Fort Walton Beach Fl. 32547
Local: 1-850-864-2361, #1-850-864-4801
Fax: 1-850-864-0943

06-04-2003, 07:44
I'm waiting for a guinnea pig to try this trans on Thursday! He's got enough power on tap (as of today's UPS delivery) to fry the stocker so time will tell...

06-04-2003, 08:55

TST Tech
06-04-2003, 09:31
Your new TST PowerMax comp should be arriving Thurday. Have fun with it! Have a great day, Greg

06-04-2003, 11:11
Thanks Greg, will be watching for it?

One qusetion:

If a guy doesn't use the pyro probe, do we need to short the pins, or will it be best left open?

06-04-2003, 11:53
Kennedy, Did you already try the latest version regular TST? I thought you had an old version and it seems like the one in the mail is the Competition version. Just wondering.

06-04-2003, 12:54
In talking to Greg, it was determined that we could emulate the std version power level by selecting #2 so I figured why not kill 2 birds...

TST Tech
06-04-2003, 12:55
If you don't use the thermocouple leads I'd say it's a good ideal to put the two together. The box will work fine with them unhooked, but that will eliminate any problems that could occur with static. Thanks, Have a great day!

06-05-2003, 00:21
Are the Easterners willing to set up a get-together?????

06-05-2003, 04:22
Originally posted by RATDOC:
Are the Easterners willing to set up a get-together?????
Tom Have any ideas ??


06-05-2003, 08:51
I'd be willing.

06-05-2003, 12:08
O.K. so let's do it!! I'm thinking a weekend(day or night) is best and I'm open
to suggestions for where. Hopefully, this damn rain will stop within the next
year or two and then we could make plans!!!!! Seriously though, what works
best for you guys???? Let's NOT drop the ball on this!!

Lone Eagle
06-05-2003, 16:02
I wish you could send that rain out here. Later! Lone Eagle

king D
06-05-2003, 17:17
i would be up for a weekend of drinking and talking diesel let me know or better yet ry to make it to a race somewhere....jess

wild bore
06-05-2003, 20:19
Hey, I`d like to do that, could it be some where like a halfway point? smile.gif

06-05-2003, 21:09
Somewhere close to a dragstrip :eek: :eek:

I'm In :D

A little advance notice though,

GMC smile.gif

06-06-2003, 00:50
Alright, lets pick a track. If the meeting is gonna be around here, then Englishtown would be best...................unless you guys want to rent a track for ourselves for the day. If ya do then I'd suggest Atco........they give pretty good deals. Renting the track would require a MINUMUM of 12 DEFINATES and a 50% deposit. Otherwise we could all just meet at a cool place to hang that's close by a nice straight and level road. ;)
So what's it gonna be???

06-06-2003, 04:42
Originally posted by RATDOC:
Otherwise we could all just meet at a cool place to hang that's close by a nice straight and level road. ;)
So what's it gonna be???
Tom Jail .....

Mac http://www.turbodieselregister.com/ubb/hihi.gif http://www.turbodieselregister.com/ubb/hihi.gif http://www.turbodieselregister.com/ubb/hihi.gif

06-06-2003, 16:49
Originally posted by Burner:
I wish that John sold TST products. :rolleyes:

Burner-------> :D

--- Have a great weekend !!!! Just waiting for Greg to get a few details worked out...

wild bore
06-06-2003, 19:50
I don`t know any tracks up that way , so you guys pick one. If we do this at a track I better upgrade to the hot juice. :D

06-06-2003, 23:28
Hey Mac,
why jail??? I was talking about laying rubber, NOT Bubba!!!! :D :eek: :D
So what's good for everyone??? Track or elsewhere?
When should we hold this "spectacular diesel event"?? Any preferances as to day or night??
Where's the majority of us located..N.Y., CT., PA., N.J.,????????????

king D
06-07-2003, 04:06
i vote for every one coming to the rock this july for the diesel drag races ,but if that doesnt work i will still try to head up that way lets just try to keep the spot lower down in the upper state so us southern boys wont have so ar to drive

06-07-2003, 05:19
Woooo !!!!!

Hey you dudes want to plan an East Coast event go for it .... Wish I had the time to help ..... Wifey all ready has a diesel wedgie over all the time I spend now screwing around, lately .... If you plan I'll attend, all though ....

What's that ?? What's that for ?? :eek:
If I tell her better fuel economy one more time I think she will implode .... :eek:

A bar is ok only for a couple two three people .....
So I'm thinking some Saturday afternoon Hooters or Some State Park that allows 21 and over soda pop .... Or some commuter lot we can pitch a tent in for a while check out some rigs .... :cool:

I'm' able to bring the => Cooking gas ..... http://www.turbodieselregister.com/ubb/hihi.gif

Think about it let me know,where or what you want to do,or not ....


06-09-2003, 15:43
Heh Guy's,

My friend just opened a new Performance shop. I sure he would welcome us for a Diesel Dyno day. He just had a huge open house. If there are enough vehicles, you can make 3 runs for 50 Bucks! It's centrally located in Connecticut. What do you think? :D

06-09-2003, 15:58
Originally posted by Geerrhead:
Heh Guy's,

My friend just opened a new Performance shop. I sure he would welcome us for a Diesel Dyno day. He just had a huge open house. If there are enough vehicles, you can make 3 runs for 50 Bucks! It's centrally located in Connecticut. What do you think? :D I will be interested. I am sure we can get a few guys together :eek: .

Where in CT?????

GMC ;)

06-09-2003, 16:31
Originally posted by Geerrhead:
Heh Guy's,

My friend just opened a new Performance shop. I sure he would welcome us for a Diesel Dyno day. He just had a huge open house. If there are enough vehicles, you can make 3 runs for 50 Bucks! It's centrally located in Connecticut. What do you think? :D Don't be such a tease ...... What kind of Dyno ?? I'd be interested but you all ready knew that .....I can count a minimum two more heads plus that guy above this post ...... Toddster (aka Olds Metric Power Glide) And Jess (aka killer rower) .....

:D :D :D

06-09-2003, 17:34
Sh$t ya. I'd clear my schedule. Where's this shop? I'm about as central as you can get in this awesome :rolleyes: state. Do you think he'd mind if we set up a tent, some chairs, and a KEG? smile.gif Mack, kind of cold comparing Toddster's tranny to a Powerglide. If only someone in the know like Kennedy had warned people that stacking would result in slippage. ;)

[ 06-09-2003, 05:46 PM: Message edited by: GMCTRUCK ]

06-09-2003, 19:15
Originally posted by GMCTRUCK:
Sh$t ya. I'd clear my schedule. Where's this shop? I'm about as central as you can get in this awesome :rolleyes: state. Do you think he'd mind if we set up a tent, some chairs, and a KEG? smile.gif Mack, kind of cold comparing Toddster's tranny to a Powerglide. If only someone in the know like Kennedy had warned people that stacking would result in slippage. ;) Hey the Power Glide is well respected in the Hot rod community !!!!

We're a family of Slip Sliders, us who have the peanuts to step out side the boundaries, knowing the consequences .....

The Dyno I'll bet is in Manchester or near by..... I believe I have Geerheads E-mail ..... I'll try and get some more details .....I'm almost positive he has Tech II for us Power Gliders also....

Mac http://forums.thedieselstop.com/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smokin.gif

06-10-2003, 10:01
Have Tech 2.............Will Travel!!!!!!!!
Let's get this going....

06-10-2003, 10:35
Originally posted by RATDOC:
Have Tech 2.............Will Travel!!!!!!!!
Let's get this going....
Tom Good .....

It is in South Windsor CT more info to follow I'm sure ....

I'm also looking forward to seeing the shop owners 8 second G/N ..... Woo Doggie,that's a quick one .....

Mac :D :D :D

06-11-2003, 17:54
Heh guy's,

Let's have a diesel dyno day! How does Sunday June 22 sound? tongue.gif The shop has welcomed us with open arms. It's about 8 minutes away from Hartford, CT. Mapquest could give you a time estimate, for those of you are further away. Let's get a head count.

06-11-2003, 18:01
Hot gear lube aroma,tire smok'in ,tranny roasting .....

I'm there .....

Mac http://forums.thedieselstop.com/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smokin.gif

06-11-2003, 19:17
Originally posted by Geerrhead:
Heh guy's,

Let's have a diesel dyno day! How does Sunday June 22 sound? tongue.gif The shop has welcomed us with open arms. It's about 8 minutes away from Hartford, CT. Mapquest could give you a time estimate, for those of you are further away. Let's get a head count. Count me in :D

How many runs can we get in. I got some comparing to do. :eek: tongue.gif

GMC ;)

06-11-2003, 20:34
Sunday the 22nd works great for me. I'm always up for breaking something. Of course being a weekend it will probably rain like every weekend for the past month. :mad:

06-12-2003, 13:36
Count me in too!!!!

Forced Induction
06-12-2003, 14:11
I'd love to go also, but unfortunately I may be leaving for Wisconsen that day. I hope they change my day, then I could finnaly get some dyno info on my rig. What kind of dyno is it and where exactly is it located?? Just in case I can go smile.gif Don't count me yet, I don't want to mess up your head count.


06-12-2003, 14:40
Unlimited Motorsports
I believe it is a Dynojet,can't remember if I asked ...
Place is big high bay doors,plenty of parking,gonna be a blast don't miss out ....
Rain or shine...Hope for shine,please ...

Rat hope you bring the Tech II so we have an extra...

More info to come perhaps as early as this evening by myself or Geerrhead ..... Talked to Joe (Geerhead)today ...

Chevyhdman is also a confirmed participant ...

:D :D :D

06-13-2003, 07:38
Count me in, my service manager,his wife, and my girlfriend. And well bring another T2. Dont worry the only reason my Service Manager is going is so he can right down all your VIN numbers, and report them to GM on how much power the Allison can take. :D :D . No seriously hes cooler than cool....Dont ask, Dont tell. My girlfriend asked if we can dyno her Saturn....I said we could compare it to a Dmax running on 4 cylinders.Is this set in stone or just an idea?

06-13-2003, 15:12
Hello guy's,

I'll try to answer your question's. First off, this is a definate GO! Rain or Shine. This is a huge facility, could easily park 100 Duramax's there! If it rains we'll have our party indoor's. The bay's are 50 to 60 feet deep, and there are 8 of them. They have a grill there to. We are welcome to throw our own picnic, beverages and all.
They just purchased a Dynojet 240. It has the optical sensor, which we will all need. The owner's are giving us a group discount. Sixty dollar's for 3 pulls. Additional pulls are just 10 bucks a piece. They did say to limit this to 20 vehicles. We can have as many people and trucks as we want however. Email Stnls18 8@aol.com to confirm your spot.

I look forward to meeting everyone on Sunday the 22nd. Door's open @ 8AM. :cool:

06-13-2003, 15:13
Hello guy's,

I'll try to answer your question's. First off, this is a definate GO! Rain or Shine. This is a huge facility, could easily park 100 Duramax's there! If it rains we'll have our party indoor's. The bay's are 50 to 60 feet deep, and there are 8 of them. They have a grill there to. We are welcome to throw our own picnic, beverages and all.
They just purchased a Dynojet 240. It has the optical sensor, which we will all need. The owner's are giving us a group discount. Sixty dollar's for 3 pulls. Additional pulls are just 10 bucks a piece. They did say to limit this to 20 vehicles. We can have as many people and trucks as we want however. Email Stnls18 8@aol.com to confirm your spot.

I look forward to meeting everyone on Sunday the 22nd. Door's open @ 8AM. :cool:

06-17-2003, 16:10
Evenin Guy's.

I can't wait to meet everyone on Sunday! smile.gif

06-17-2003, 22:27
Originally posted by Geerrhead:
Evenin Guy's.

I can't wait to meet everyone on Sunday! smile.gif Looking forward to it ..... What is the atmosphere of the neighbor hood ??? Most of the guys like to come in announced via tire squeal ... Not me of course .... Just not looking to stir trouble ... Someone has to ask ..... ;)

Right Tony ??


06-18-2003, 06:15
Originally posted by mackin:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Geerrhead:
Evenin Guy's.

I can't wait to meet everyone on Sunday! smile.gif Looking forward to it ..... What is the atmosphere of the neighbor hood ??? Most of the guys like to come in announced via tire squeal ... Not me of course .... Just not looking to stir trouble ... Someone has to ask ..... ;)

Right Tony ??

Mac </font>[/QUOTE]Me, squeal 33-12.50's, come on, would I do that :eek: , well I'm not sure that the Juice and the Predator has it in it.

Anyway.......... I will have two bottles of NO.7 and a little buffing equipment for Black DOG!!!.


[ 06-18-2003, 08:34 AM: Message edited by: GMC-2002-Dmax ]

06-18-2003, 10:05
Originally posted by mackin:
Looking forward to it ..... What is the atmosphere of the neighbor hood ??? Most of the guys like to come in announced via tire squeal ... Not me of course .... Just not looking to stir trouble ... Someone has to ask ..... ;)

Right Tony ??


Who you kidding? That thing couldn't spin it's way through a wet paper bag. tongue.gif Seriously though, I will be accepting donations towards a clutch. It's holding up on the street but, the dyno is a different story.

06-18-2003, 13:53
Originally posted by GMCTRUCK:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by mackin:
Looking forward to it ..... What is the atmosphere of the neighbor hood ??? Most of the guys like to come in announced via tire squeal ... Not me of course .... Just not looking to stir trouble ... Someone has to ask ..... ;)

Right Tony ??


Who you kidding? That thing couldn't spin it's way through a wet paper bag. tongue.gif Seriously though, I will be accepting donations towards a clutch. It's holding up on the street but, the dyno is a different story. </font>[/QUOTE]Got me there ....... ;) Hear it's going to shower so bring a big bag .... First I have to check my clutches,might be running a little late .... ;)

Mac :D :D :D

06-18-2003, 16:56
Looking forward to it ..... What is the atmosphere of the neighbor hood ??? Most of the guys like to come in announced via tire squeal ... Not me of course .... Just not looking to stir trouble ... Someone has to ask .....

Right Tony ??



It's an Industrial Park. It's near deserted on a Sunday. What time are guy's planning on showing up? smile.gif

06-18-2003, 17:21
What time do doors open for us?

06-18-2003, 19:07
Originally posted by GMCTRUCK:
What time do doors open for us? Eight ..... But the three Duramax'eters are meeting for Breakfeast at a yet to be disclosed location .... Wanna go ??? If you do hows about somewhere in Southington ?? Out of your way ??? Got a better idea, since were coming east to go north ?? Ho Joe, House Off,Brickfords,gimme something to work with .... Not a big breakfeast guy ....


06-18-2003, 21:23
Not a big breakfast eater myself and I don't want a full tummy when/if my clutch lets go on the dyno. May grab a Dunkin coffee and an egg MACKINmuffin on the way. Certainly not gonna go east to go north, but thanks for the offer. Should be fun anyhow. The more I read the more it looks like I'll be the only one there not stacking. Even Suzy has a new custom tune box in his truck since last time we got together. With the rain predicted it doesn't look like anybody's gonna be able to claim quickest truck either. :confused:

06-19-2003, 17:49
The rain will suck .... :( Dirty Black Duramax ..... :(

No traction ...... :( No smoker's,well good one's ..... :(

Mac http://www.turbodieselregister.com/ubb/cry.gif http://www.turbodieselregister.com/ubb/cry.gif

Reminder,Bring extra beer ..... http://www.turbodieselregister.com/ubb/hihi.gif http://www.turbodieselregister.com/ubb/hihi.gif

06-19-2003, 17:57
Well ladies, the custom box came today and is installed....Haven't gone for a rip yet, was too busy getting some kind of **** off my paint that covered the whole truck like glue ! :mad: Meguires wax/cleaner and three hours later it looks a little better....Oh yeh, got A/C and 4 wheel drive again too !

06-20-2003, 20:33
Originally posted by Toddster:
Well ladies, the custom box came today and is installed....Haven't gone for a rip yet, was too busy getting some kind of **** off my paint that covered the whole truck like glue ! :mad: Meguires wax/cleaner and three hours later it looks a little better....Oh yeh, got A/C and 4 wheel drive again too ! So what's the verdict Cupcake ??

Mac http://forums.thedieselstop.com/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shrug.gif

06-21-2003, 16:33
Originally posted by mackin:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Toddster:
Well ladies, the custom box came today and is installed....Haven't gone for a rip yet, was too busy getting some kind of **** off my paint that covered the whole truck like glue ! :mad: Meguires wax/cleaner and three hours later it looks a little better....Oh yeh, got A/C and 4 wheel drive again too ! So what's the verdict Cupcake ??

Mac http://forums.thedieselstop.com/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shrug.gif </font>[/QUOTE]Jury's out deliberating. Final decision tomorrow, 8:00 am. I'll bring the KLEENEX.

:eek: :eek: . Who's gonna bring the milk for cupcake.

GMC tongue.gif

06-21-2003, 20:41
:eek: Who's gonna bring the milk for cupcake.

:eek: Me and it is ICED !!!!!!!!

MAC :D :D :D