View Full Version : OLD JUICE

red sled
05-29-2003, 19:14
I just received a juice EJC1000, Ver 3.0, dated 5/15/02; my problem is I have no instructions. Can I get installation instructions online, and can this be upgraded to the current version, and what about the cost?
Thanks for any help

05-29-2003, 19:20
Kennedy Diesel will do the "Hot Juice" 125 hp upgrade for I think $300 and quick turnaround too.
Just go to www.kennedydiesel.com and cruise through his site.

05-29-2003, 20:46
red sled

Hold on there lil doggy ..... ;)

You just might want to open the bidding on that hard hitting early edition at => ;)

If there are no takers ,version upgrades are free,not HP .....It can be handeled direct through EDGE or most vendors like JK ....Only a vendor can upgrade power level to Hot ...If you choose to try it, it is easy to set and plug in .... We can walk you through it ....The problem with earlier programs is that they are Non confirming as to which of the 4 levels you are in .... This is judged by seat of the pants .... Not easy ,exspecialy if you tow .... If you tow send me that box for safe keeping while you install gauges .... ;)

Mac :D :D :D

[ 05-29-2003: Message edited by: mackin ]</p>

05-29-2003, 21:30
what do you mean "open the bidding on that hard hitting"?
I have an early Juice thathas no level confirmation. I am wondering if I should send it in for update. My worry is that it may not be or feel as powerful as it does now. I know you had almost the same version I had. What do you think?
Does Edge charge to upgrade it to the Hot Juice?
Any issues with tranny slipping with HJ?
thanks for the help...

05-30-2003, 00:20
Besides the awful fishbite I had, the 3.0 is....um was my favorite. It had a strong hit that was seamless till the next shift. The Hot level is stronger, but at the 90 level..no contest. Plug that baby in. If you have no issues you may want to keep it. Downgrades are not available.

05-30-2003, 00:43
Why don't you hold on to the 3.0 for a while. From what I understand the "in cab controler" will be out by August. Wouldn't that be cool :cool: I would call Edge, Arron, and ask roughly when the "contoler" will be out. ;)

Burner------&gt; :D

05-30-2003, 07:20
save your call burner... i talked to aaron.... might be a 3 week wait yet..... already told him that my visa is starting to get itchy!

05-30-2003, 11:07
I would hang on to that 3.0. I like my Hot Juice but it sure dosnt have that pull after a shift like the 3.0. Atleast put it in and get used to it before you upgrade. Then you will be able to see the differance. Have fun !!
And see how much funner your truck will be to drive. But how much faster your tires will wear out. smile.gif :cool: smile.gif

05-30-2003, 13:49
red sled,

You said you just got it, where, I wanted a 3.0, is there any more????????

email me.

GMC ;)

red sled
05-30-2003, 17:22
GMC-2002-Dmax: The 3.0 came out of a friend's truck, he sold the truck for a Motor home.
Sorry just a one time deal, but I'm kinda thinking why the newer versions if the 3.0 is worth keeping. Hey by the way what is "FISHBITE" ???

05-30-2003, 20:09
red sled
"fish bite" is a nice way of saying the truck has a slight surgeing when your just holding it steady! If you didnt notice it in the first few hundred miles you may not have it! even though these truck are mass produced they all react differnt to differnt juice thats why Edge has sooooooooooo many differnt up grades. Ithink the latest is v.4.61? I had v 1.1 it had a slight surgeing problem , waited for 4.61 befor takeing it out of the truck...... ;) then got the extra HP at that time!

05-30-2003, 22:35

What's a 4.3_ worth? and whose gots da bestus prices on dem used ones? LOL

Just checkin in after a long hiatus. Good to see your still around.


red sled
05-31-2003, 09:20
Mackin watch for the big brown truck comming your way, I'm sending the 3.0 to you for safe keeping. Well if I can part with it. The hot juice must be too much this thing makes the ole big truck hual *** I think I'm going to need new tires in about a week :)