View Full Version : so hoot. did kennedy steal your prom date years ago?

05-29-2003, 17:07
hey hoot.....what gives? you seem to have it in for jk............all these comments make it seem like you have a ax to grind...........jk is a straight up guy and not worthy of the implied comments.......... :confused: dave.........4000+ positive and informative posts for jk :D

David Proske
05-29-2003, 17:46
I don't think this board is the place for the drama that this will start. Take this outside! Like in a private e-mail.

05-29-2003, 18:51
"It is man's heart, not uranium, that needs to be purified."

05-29-2003, 19:18
I just call it as I see it.

Home brewed engineering. Filter traps air. Trucks stall.

I went through a similar R&D effort before with him on another product. Was not the greatest experience.
I don't believe in saddling the customer with figuring how to make a product work without some sort of give. Who will be the responsible party if something serious goes wrong by dumping air pockets into the system? I'll leave it at that.

Sorry boys but tip toeing around here just is not my forte.

Yep, my heart needs lot's of purification. Who's here doesn't? I'm working on it but it's a slow process.

[ 05-29-2003: Message edited by: hoot ]</p>

05-29-2003, 19:34
I don't see Mike grinding any ax here. The mega is getting treated just like anything else. A man can have a good reputation but that does not mean he can't be under the micro scope on something. I would much rather have someone tell me what they think up front than to act like everything is OK.


05-29-2003, 19:49
I truly believe JK has a passion for GM diesels and tries hard to put out good products. The Mega filter looks to be a great effort. Seems well made and up to the task.

Does that change anything?

05-29-2003, 19:53
Exactly .....

This is what it's all about ..... Sharing our views and opinions .....
I also feel Hoot was just speaking his opinion .... Think of it as a summarizing of the facts that were reported on the subject .... Legit questions and concerns were asked in that thread .... Go back and read Hoot's first post and start from there .... I see no problem where and how it ended except the real question were not answered .... Seems they never do on this subject ....

If air in the fuel is a serious as mentioned three years later going on four it certainly isn't going to take a fuel filter to bring this issue to light all of a sudden ..... Think about it .... ;)


[ 05-29-2003: Message edited by: mackin ]</p>

Mark Heiken
05-29-2003, 20:28
I've been watching this forum for a short year but only posted a couple of times. One of the things that has impressed me is the quality of regulars on this site. There will always be differences of opinions and here they usually stay that way without becoming ****ing matches. Much better than alot of sites where you have to sort thru alot of BS to get any good info.

That said both Hoot and JK are right. Every product is ultimately tested by the end user. We sell a after market product that at one point had a problem that our supplier had not told us about. These are priced at 45k each and we had both of the ones we had sold go down within 24 hours of each other. You can bet that our supplier heard about that!!! But they fixed it and we now have happy customers that would not give them up. All new things go thru growing pains. It's how they get resolved that counts.

PS This forum is what tipped me to a Dmax over a 8.1. THANK YOU

05-29-2003, 21:33

05-30-2003, 03:37

05-30-2003, 06:27
my wife just loves this picture of me :D dave..........hoot how did you get it? :D

05-30-2003, 06:35
But yet still unanswered questions: 1. Was the original intended design of the mega suppose to be used in vacuum applications? 2. Did J/K steal Hoot's girl?? 3.How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop??

05-30-2003, 08:21
I hope I don't get in trouble for laughing so loud a work. :D Thanks guys. :cool:

05-30-2003, 10:06
Ah, Dave... you so love to stir things up! Kinda like a big blender... gives me an idea for a diesel powered blender with a really BIG container! 500 gal of margaritas, coming up! Gotta find a lift pump that can handle 32* slush... LOL

While I agree, the exchange of ideas is what makes this forum great, the tone of some of Hoot's most recent posts did strike me as being overly critical. I just chalked it up to Hoot being his usual perfectionistic self.

While it would be nice if everything came perfect "out of the box", it's the real world. Just think how much less money Bill Gates would have if he had nailed DOS or Windows perfectly the first time. What version of Windows, IE, etc are you running to surf this BB anyways? How many versions of crappy code did we swallow to get to this swiss-cheese-security-nightmare-fulltime-job-to-patch-hope-the-newest-virus-update-comes-out-soon-version we're running now. I'm sick just thinking of how much money I wasted on one flawed OS after another.

Anybody sent an angry email to Bill Gates about that? I know I haven't gotten around to it yet. Too busy rebooting my PC to get it done. LOL

Since JK doesn't have the vast resources of MS, I'm inclined to cut him some slack, especially since his tech support is INFINITELY better on a much smaller budget.

Regards, Steve

PS: Hoot, did Duke give you permission to use that pic? Haha, yup, it's Friday!

[ 05-30-2003, 10:15 AM: Message edited by: SoCalDMAX ]

05-30-2003, 10:20
:D :D :D

05-30-2003, 10:45
Overly Critical :eek: :eek:

What happens is I get a little tunnel vision and persue some things a bit too long. I need to let some stuff go once in a while.

But then some of these issues are pretty complicated and have lot's of avenues to explore.

The J/K thing has always been there. I like his knowledgable posts. He has been pretty free with his discoveries. But when you see all the Mega issues, than all the fuel system redesign going on after installing it, I have to wonder what's driving the info he is supplying.

Our exhaust is 409. :D

05-30-2003, 11:19
The air issue was not created by JK, it is a part of our stock system. JK's particular filter setup just traps it, and the other ones just pass it through. Having seen what cavitation can do, I'd rather trap the air and get rid of it. We just need to figure out a way to that conveniently.

05-31-2003, 14:20
So sdaver-- which one is you?

The one with the red hair? :eek: :D


05-31-2003, 17:58
Originally posted by svpdiesel:
The air issue was not created by JK, it is a part of our stock system. JK's particular filter setup just traps it, and the other ones just pass it through. Having seen what cavitation can do, I'd rather trap the air and get rid of it. We just need to figure out a way to that conveniently. Unless you know for a fact there is cavitaion taking place, I think this project is a shot in the dark.

If you want to remove air, buy something specifically designed to remove air. Let us know how it works out.

06-01-2003, 08:36
actually my pics in my profile... :D dave

06-01-2003, 16:55
You look like a friggin' party animal if I ever saw one! :eek: If I ever meet you, the case of beer is on me!!

06-01-2003, 18:13
Originally posted by sdaver:
actually my pics in my profile... :D dave This will keep him in check =&gt; http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:49PtdPWq4GgC:www.planetnaboo.org/~superman/manofsteel/metropolis/sights/kryptonite.jpg

Mac http://forums.thedieselstop.com/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif