View Full Version : EGT Gauge Q's

08-28-2003, 08:25
I know this has been discussed many times. I did a search but still have questions.

1. What are the pros & cons of installing the pyro sensor pre-turbo versus after-turbo. Any warranty concerns?

2. What are the pros & cons between using an analog gauge versus a digital guage?

Thanks! :confused:

08-28-2003, 09:10
cdhd2001, installing the pyro pre-turbo will give you a better idea of the temps going into your turbo. Temp's will always be higher here, versus post-turbo, and I think that is more important for us to know (IMHO). If you do go post-turbo, your EGT "limit" will be lower. They say the average difference in readings from pre-turbo to post-turbo are about 300 degrees. There should not be any warranty issue's with a pyro/gauge install, but if you are installing them in combination w/ performance mods, it depends a lot on the warranty claim itself & if your dealer thinks the mod caused the problem. Digital versus analog is strictly a personal preference, I think. Readings will depend more on the quality of the probe itself than the gauge. The only con I have heard about some digital gauges, is they are sometimes hard to read. I will be installing my new Quadzilla Monster Monitor 3 in 1 digital gauge this weekend, so I will be able to tell you more next week. Quad sez it is brighter & easier to read than others. We will see. Went with Quad gauge because it will give me 3 readings (egt, boost, oil temp) from a single gauge, and will easily mount in my overhead console (which I prefer over a pillar mount). Hope this helps, DinoMax :D :D

08-28-2003, 09:49
I agree with everything he said. But I'd like to add a little more.

The post-turbo pyro probe readings will be masked by the turbo. How much? It's hard to tell. It all depends on amount of fueling, where on the turbo map you are at, drive pressures, RPM, and on and on.

The other good reason to have the pyro pre-turbo is because the aluminum alloy in your engine will melt before your turbine will. So you want to accurately monitor the temp of the most limiting component. That means the best place is pre-turbo.

As with all things, where you decide to put it is entirely up to you.

08-28-2003, 20:03
2 hours tops if you have the correct size bit and tap.....good time to buy a new set of bits......check hoots long signature I think there is a step by step there.......... :D dave