View Full Version : Starter drive is failing

11-12-2002, 20:54
I have one of the earliest trucks, built in first week of production in October 2000. It has 43,000 miles and only had the software upgrades and a minor adjustment or two so far.

Now, the starter drive seems to be going out. About every 8 or 10 starts the starter drive does not engage the flywheel, only makes a high pitched screech. I am taking it to the dealer and I fear they will not be able to replicate the problem.

I have been monitoring this forum for more than two years and I cannot recall anyone posting a story about having a starter drive go out. Does anyone have a story or advice on getting mine fixed the first time in to the dealer. One time it didn't catch for about 10 times in a row, then it went. The sound reminded me of my old Ford pickup that ate Bendix drives regularly. I would rather not get stranded!!

11-12-2002, 22:33
I haven't noticed anyone complain about a starter problem on this site either, but I have seen complaints on batteries going out prematurely. Have you checked out your battery connections and the batteries themselves. If you haven't I'm sure the service people will at least check the amperage draw coming from the starter itself and if there isn't any problem there they'll check the batteries.
Unless your dealing with my local dealer,...then they'll keep it for two days and tell you they can't repeat the problem so it's all in your head.

11-12-2002, 23:08
I had the starter fail last year , mine is a Feb. 2001 build . I don't recall the mileage at the time of failure , but somewhere under 36,000 . Went out one morning, after never having any problems , and the starter turned than quit . Waited , tried again and it started , didn't mess around and took it direct to the dealer , less than 5 miles away . At first they couldn't replicate , but as the shop foreman started the truck someone else saw sparks comming out from under the truck . Failed starter , removed and replaced . Now have 57,000+ miles .

Hope this helps


11-13-2002, 20:14
OK, here is the rest of the story on my starter.

Took the truck to the dealer early today with the thought in mind that my out of pocket cost should only be $100 because it should be covered under the 100,000 mile warranty. WRONG!!!!

Turns out the starter housing was broken. Dealer says this is NOT covered under the 100,000 mile warranty and they accept no responsibility. Cost will be mine alone.

Result, new starter installed for a total cost of $812.40. This included $513.06 for a rebuilt starter, $229.95 labor, $25.00 for "service materials" and $44.39 sales tax.

I didn't even get to see the broken starter because they had locked it up for return to the rebuilder (or else another $200 core charge).

Was the dealer right about the starter not being covered under the 100,000 mile engine warranty?

11-13-2002, 20:35
someone had Duramax starters on EBAY for sale awhile back..They claimed they were brand new..

Just a FYI...

11-13-2002, 20:40
While my truck was torn down in the dealer shop, I visited with a local rebuilder for starters. He could have obtained a starter for me for only $295. He said the Duramax uses a Hitachi gear reduction starter. But even though I paid $513, it was too late to get a better deal.

Yes, it pays to shop around. I will know better next time.

11-13-2002, 20:40

And cheap !!!! Or you didn't want to rub it in....OOOPS sorry .....I almost bid on one for a spare.....I don't think they sold either......


04-08-2005, 07:15
I apparently have the preliminary signs of starter failure as well - about every 6 or 8 starts the starter gear drive doesn't quite engage the flywheel and makes a terrible screech.

I'm checking on a price from gmpartsdirect.

More Power
04-08-2005, 13:41
As was mentioned above, I also found a listing for Duramax starters on eBay for cheap... Might be worth a check.

Secondly, I bought a used starter that looked almost new from www.spaldingautoparts.com (http://www.spaldingautoparts.com) in the fall of 2003 for $200 - no core charge. Has been working great in Lil Red ever since.

Thirdly, assuming the housing is OK and there isn't some other problem, you may just need to pull the starter and lube the starter drive mechanism. The sliding gear can get grunged-up, and not allow the solenoid to engage it properly.

Lastly, the starter isn't included in the 5/100K engine warranty. After 3/36, we're on our own.


04-09-2005, 17:31
Funny you guys are talking about starters that don't work. Some time back I reported here that my starter started working without me even being in the truck. After parking the truck I walked away from it and lo and behold the starter engaged and cranked the engine without the ignition being on. I tried to disconnect the battery cables, first the driver's side, oops that was the wrong one, then the passengerside and it worked untill I almost had it disconnected,with so little connection to the battery terminal it burned the cable. All this happened at 40000 miles after the warrantee had offically expired. However GM bought me a new starting motor and installed it to the tune of $750. Thank you GM. The moral of the story here is that the starting motors may be a weak part in this D/Max story. Stu

04-11-2005, 03:54
My "failed starter" appears to have been just a connection problem - both the positive battery cable post and the solenoid post were just a little loose, about a 1/4 turn of the wrench for each.

Yes, it is amazing the prices to be found for a starter - from $804 at the dealer to $150 on ebay.

04-14-2005, 08:53
Now have over 430,000 miles on my 02. Replaced motor at 282,000. Replaced tranny at 419,000. Starter----- ORIGINAL. Go figure !!!!

Oh, by the way. Solenoid was broken while tranny was being replaced. Being it was a Sunday with no where to get one, mechanic put it back together with JB Weld. still working fine. :D

04-14-2005, 08:56
Starters on Ebay going from $150.

04-22-2005, 05:04
I went ahead and bought a new starter off Ebay as I am continuing to have intermittent starter issues - starter not fully engaging flywheel - after double checking all electrical connections. Since it seemed I was going to have to pull the original starter to continue the diagnosis, seemed like I might as well replace with a new one. Worst case, I'll have a spare starter for $165 delivered.

MP, I haven't pulled the original starter yet, but I do see that it has leaked some oil/gunk thru the weep hole at the bottom, so perhaps the "gunking" is the issue.

05-02-2005, 04:01
I finally got to the bottom of my starter issues. The plastic end of the solenoid had a crack in it which was allowing the solenoid cable mounting post to flex, and finally break off when I was removing the starter.

I was glad I had installed a 4" exhaust system several years ago as I had to remove the downpipe section to be able to remove the starter.

I'm now looking for just the solenoid so I will have the original starter to use as a bckup.