View Full Version : Pulling power - MPG

09-05-2004, 05:31
Last week we sent a couple of our pickups on a run to get a load of stone - app. 230 miles one way. One vehicle was 97 Powerstroke (completely stock) and the other was 02 Duramax running 40 hp Predator tune. Both rigs are 3/4 ton, CC, SB - pulling nearly identical flatbeds. They were both hauling equal loads (19,000 lb of stone on the flatbeds) and travelled together. Once loaded, the powerstroke had to run in drive - couldn't handle the load in OD. The Duramax had no power issues - plenty to spare! Didn't figure out the mileage exactly, because I don't know the exact distance they drove - but the Duramax burned 33 gallons and the Powerstroke burned 47 gallons of fuel! Quite the difference in performance, not to mention ride, cab comforts, etc.... Still have 4 more loads to get - might have to get the 04 in the mix and see how it compares!


09-05-2004, 06:15
Get another 02 or an 01. The new trucks seem to be hit or miss right now. If you gotta try an 04 I have one for sale.

09-05-2004, 09:37
I already have a 2004 and really like it! Mileage seems to be much better than my 2002 when it was new, and hopefully it will continue to improve! I haven't pulled that heavy a load with it yet, so curious as to how it will do when we haul heavy. I only have about 5,000 miles on it - so it is still pretty new. So far, mileage with the 2004 is WAY better than my 2002 was with the same mileage - hopefully some of the other bugs stay away...


09-05-2004, 10:57
Where are you getting the stone from?

09-05-2004, 11:11
Some quarry north of Winnepeg - Gillis I think is the name. My Dad built his house in the 60's and did a bunch of the outside in stone. This summer we tore off the garage and put on a bigger one, and needed a bunch more stone to match the old stuff. We got some about 10 years ago for a fireplace project, and it blended in well!
