View Full Version : Priming Every AM After Fuel Filter Change?

Rick T
08-17-2004, 05:47
Had the fuel filter changed last Friday and now find that I have to prime every morning (first time this has happened after 47,000 miles and two previous filter changes). I know there have been many posts on this, but would appreciate some info on the most common cause of this problem. I would assume the dealer has damaged the o-ring. I'm on the road now, but plan on returning the truck to the dealer in a few days. Any help in point the dealer in the right direction would be appreciated.

Rick T

More Power
08-17-2004, 07:35
Sounds like you have an airleak in the fuel filter assembly. One of the o-rings may not be seated correctly, or the air bleed screw may not be tight.

Might be a good time to remove the filter, and check the o-rings.


08-17-2004, 10:27
Gotta watch that big o-ring on the top. It slips off very easy during installation. A quick check is in order.

Rick T
08-21-2004, 08:28
After three days of having to bleed the system the problem ceased. Unfortunately, once I hooked up my 12,500 lb. trailer to return home the truck lost power and died on an offramp. I called some friend to pick up the horses. Called one towing company to move the truck and trailer 300 feet to a level spot and AAA came and towed the truck. The truck had thrown one code, something like "major fuel leak" and the data showed low fuel pressure (computer requesting 23000 psi, actual pressure 3000 psi). The dealer checked the fuel filter and pronouned it "clean as a whistle, ran some diagnositcs and pronouned everything in order. I did a test run with the trailer and proceeded to drive the 260 miles home.

Any thoughts on what sort of problem would cause this one shot failure?

Rick T

08-21-2004, 09:26
Yep, sucking air at the fuel filter. When the injector pressure drops down low the computer sees this as a large fuel leak because it is not getting sufficient fuel to the main rail. When it was at the dealers he must have corrected the filter leak. A plugged (very dirty filter) will cause the same symptoms, ask me, BTDT.

08-25-2004, 17:14
You didn't happen to get stuck in ORLAND CA. did you??? I was stuck there for 10 days, found the mechanic sitting on top of my engine cross legged with a manual vacuum pump in one hand and a list of operating instructions in the other, I just new I was in trouble. Who knows what they did for 10 days.

Turbo Al
08-25-2004, 20:14
outside chance they may have left one of the old O-rings in there.

09-03-2004, 06:07
I had the same problem after I installed a secondary CAT filter. No fuel leak, as the leak is vacuum, not pressure. I tightened all fuel line connector fittings on the secondary filter base, taped the threads, and haven't had a problem, since.

Rick T
09-03-2004, 13:30
Just to close this thread: It's now 2 weeks later and no problems whatsoever. I'm convinced the original dealer did not adequately tighten the fuel filter. The strange thing is that other than having to prime in the morning I was able to pull my loaded trailer 260 miles without problem. I believe what happened is that once at the horse show the filter loosened further just from normal road and engine vibration. Then, when I tried to pull a real load, the fuel pump sucked major air. I learned a few important lessons:

1. I need a towing service that will at least move a truck/trailer combination.
2. I need to buy the right filter wrench for the fuel filter. Looks like an offset strap wrench which will take a socket extension should do the trick.
3. The Chevy dealer in North Santa Barbara stinks. Wouldn't even look at the truck.
4. The GMC dealer in North Santa Barbara was great. Worked on the truck for 45-60 minutes and didn't charge me a nickel.
5. MOST IMPORTANT - If you tow a large trailer you must have chocks that can hold the trailer on a real grade. Try www.ichock.com, (http://www.ichock.com,) they carry chocks for every application you can name. I picked up a pair of real heavy duty rubber chocks for $16.50/pair plus shipping.

Rick T

09-03-2004, 13:47
Rick I am confused. First you said the dealer the north pat of town stinks wuold not look at truck. then you said they worked on it for free. As for the towing two sugestens AAA rv serves or Good Sam club.
