View Full Version : Fuel Prices....

02-10-2003, 20:50
Anybody out there in the petrochemical business know when this MADNESS is going to stop?? Just fueled up for a trip to Dallas tomorrow, and paid $1.679. That is OUTRAGEOUS. :mad:

Is there a proverbial 'light at the end of the tunnel'??

02-10-2003, 21:12
They say it's because of the impending war. I have seen prices around here jump 20 cents in the last week at some stations, some others only 10 cents. Highest I've seen is 1.97, lowest is 1.69. All diesel prices are more than regular unleaded. I guess because of winter prices. It is pretty incredible how the prices fluctuate. The stations that don't go through much must make a h@#$ of a lot on the inventory in thier tank when they raise prices without getting a delivery.

02-10-2003, 21:18
Up here in the north east the fuel has gone from 1.58 to 1.98 in the last 7 days!!!!!! Dam middle east! :rolleyes:

02-10-2003, 21:18
Be happy Alli-max, I just heard on the news that LA gets about 20% of it's oil from Iraq. Last price I saw for Diesel was 1.69. I think they gave us that 20% BS so they could gouge us somemore. Ba$tards. Maybe we'll be riding bicycles soon.........weeeeell, maybe not.


02-10-2003, 21:20
Hope you don't need fuel when you get here. I paid $1.46 on Thursday and the price was $1.69 tonight at the cheapest place. The most expensive was $1.77. Still, I pay less per mile than the wife's Expedition and regular being $1.53. This is getting out of hand. This is like 9/11 where everyone is going crazy with the prices.
needbigtruck, AMEN BROTHER! I am sure my normal fuel stop hasn't got a delivery everyday, but the price has jumped both morning and night for the last 5 days straight. :eek:
The only light I see is fading to black. :(

02-10-2003, 21:51
The cheapest here in Tallahassee is 1.77....up 20 cents in two days :mad:

02-10-2003, 22:08
I got to the gas station and filled up before the owner could
move the price up today...... so said the clerk. Cheapest
in Santa Cruz, CA was $1.69 this morning--- going up she said

02-11-2003, 05:57
Just filled up - $1.62 here in Minneapolis - gold artic diesel.

It has been right around $1.49 for the longest time. Some stations are as high as $1.72.

02-11-2003, 08:22
Another thing that could be fueling the high prices is the fear the doofus will torch his oil fields. Was watching MSNBC last night and apparently the US has photos or whatever showing high explosives near his oil rigs. They were saying that the troops will have to get to the oil fields quickly to avoid another torching like he did to his neighbors. He has something like 1,500 oil rigs, so it will be tough to secure them all without losing a few.

I can't complain about prices...yet... Filled up Friday at $1.39 while other places were charging $1.48 to $1.54. Been watching the gas prices skyrocket past diesel these past few weeks while most of the places carrying diesel have not made huge jumps in price every other day. Diesel is still cheaper than 87 octane here in Aurora, Colorado.....crazy, huh??


02-11-2003, 08:26
I guess I need to move to CO :D

02-11-2003, 09:07
I see that CA is running around the same as TX. :eek: We used to be a good .30-.40 cheaper a gallon. I was thinking that I heard something was going on in Venezula (sp?) that had shortened supply. I have not heard that was resolved either. :rolleyes: I still don't know how they can justify the last week of hikes. :mad:

02-11-2003, 09:41
$1.89 @ Sunoco in East Windsor CT yesterday ! :mad:

02-11-2003, 10:05
Here's the thing I don't understand. I live in Baton Rouge, where Exxon's largest refinery in the nation is located. The stuff is MADE here in my town. Diesel prices are $1.65 at the cheapest place and upwards of $1.80 on the high side. Gas is easily $0.20-0.30 LESS than diesel. Someone please explain to me how they can sleep at night charging more for something that they would have anyway because of the refining of crude into gas (diesel is a byproduct of refining), they don't have to truck it but across town so there's less freight, and have less labor and time into it's production????? :mad: :mad: :mad:

Reb [><]

02-11-2003, 10:05
Filled up w/ 47 Cetane at Amaco here in Central VA. Price was $1.79, the same as premium unleaded. :eek:

Everyone else only carries 40 Cetane, but at least that crappy stuff is still in the 1.6x range... for now...

02-11-2003, 10:08
The fuel prices have been creeping up due to the winter heating oil season and the labor strike in Venezuela. I believe that about 20% or more of our oil comes from there. I think the strike there is over but it will take some time to get their oil back into our supply.
The spikes that We are getting now are mostly due to the extremely cold weather and the impending Middle East Conflict. There are ways of buying oil that does not come from the Saudi's. I just got this e-mail today and I will post it here. The content is very enlightening.


We CAN buy gasoline that's not from Middle East. Why didn't George W. think
of this? Gas rationing in the 80's worked even though we grumbled about it.
It might even be good for us.

The Saudis are boycotting American goods. We should return the favor. An
interesting thought is to boycott their GAS. Every time you fill up the car,
you can avoid putting more money into the coffers of Saudi Arabia. Just buy
from gas companies that don't import their oil from the Saudis. Nothing is more frustrating than the feeling that every time I fill up the tank, I am sending my money
to people who are trying to kill me, my family, and my friends. I thought it might be interesting for you to know which oil companies are the best to buy gas from and which major companies import
Middle Eastern oil (for the period 9/1/00 - 8/31/01):
Shell............................205,742,000 barrels
Chevron/Texaco.........144,332,000 barrels
Exxon /Mobil................130,082,000 barrels
Marathon/Speedway...117,740,000 barrels
Amoco.........................62,231,000 barrels

If you do the math at $30/barrel, these imports amount to over $18 BILLION!
Here are some large companies that do not import Middle Eastern oil:
Citgo...................0 barrels
Sunoco............. ..0 barrels
Conoco...............0 barrels
Sinclair............... 0 barrels
BP/Phillips.......... 0 barrels
Hess....................0 barrels

All of this information is available from the Department of Energy and each
is required to state where they get their oil and how much they are importing.
They report on a monthly basis. Keep this list in your car; share> it with friends.
Stop paying for terrorism.............
But to have an impact, we need to reach literally millions of gas buyers.
It's really simple to do!! Now, don't wimp out at this point...keep reading
and I'll explain how simple it is to reach millions of people!!
I'm sending this note to about thirty people. If each of you send it to at
least ten more (30 x 10 = 300)... and those 300 send it to at least ten more
(300 x 10 = 3,000) ... and so on, by the time the message reaches the sixth
generation of people, we will have reached over THREE MILLION consumers!
If those three million get excited and pass this on to ten friends each,
then 30 million people will have been contacted! If it goes one level further,
you guessed it..... THREE HUNDRED MILLION PEOPLE!!!
Again, all you have to do is send this to 10 people. How much would all that
take? If each of us sends this e-mail out to ten more people within one day
all 300 MILLION people could conceivably be contacted within the next eight


02-11-2003, 10:30
On my way to work yesterday I noticed a local station had Diesel for $1.58. Today it had already jumped up to $1.79!!!! Maybe I see a Honda Civic in my future... Just kidding!! I already spend nearly the same amount in fuel as my truck payment every month!

02-11-2003, 10:31
Now thats freakin' kool ! Dually, could you e-mail me this letter so I can forward it through my address book ? Thanx..... ;) Nice work...

wild bore
02-11-2003, 17:23
I normally get fuel at Citgo, glad to see it on the list. Last nite it was 1.75 up .25 cents since xmas.

02-11-2003, 17:33

Don't waste your time emailing that letter - it is not true. This letter (or similar) has circulated on the internet a few times in the last few years.

Check this link:


02-11-2003, 17:40
It's BS.

One of our local talk radio shows did some extra research and found most of the info was wrong. Just buy your fuel and stop worrying about who it funds. Until we start producing enough home grown fuel again to replace the imported fuel we are at the mercy of OPEC. What we really need is to do is demand the government lift stupid restrictions that make it more profitable to import the oil than to drill for it ourself.

Big O
02-11-2003, 18:37
You hit the nail on the head. I think it is all BS--they are just using the pending war as a way to raise the price. And you are absolutely right, about diesel being a BY-PRODUCT. It should cost less than gas, as it did 20 years ago, befor diesels became popular.

[ 02-11-2003: Message edited by: Big O ]</p>

02-11-2003, 19:21

Sunday night - $1.89
Monday night - $1.99

When the war starts $ 4.00 :mad:

They don't want to just screw us when the war starts, they started screwing us months ago when they thought it might start.

All I gotta say is I can remember when diesel was cheaper, alot cheaper than gas. That's when no-one was driving a diesel. Then the politico's and the oil companies decided since everyone wants a diesel let's SCREW them more :mad: :eek:

They wonder why we hate big corporations and the politicians!!!!

Sorry for the RANT ;)


02-11-2003, 20:41
Anguish is driving in an unfamiliar area and buying 22 gallons at $1.829, then going down the road 3 miles and seeing it for $1.709.

Oh well, easy come, easy go.


02-11-2003, 20:42

Dude this stuff hits a nerve with me.....

Diesel fuel around me is climbing QUICKLY......

I have minimized my blasting around......

Part of the problem is taxes on Diesel also .....

Feds get =&gt; like .24 Cents ,higher then gas by the way.....

Our state robs like =&gt;.26 cents....

Hope your sitting =&gt;The total average "tax rate" for residents of Connecticut is the highest in the nation, at 36.7%......

So DUDE we are working "THREE MONTHS +" out of the year Just to pay taxes......

Revolt !!!!!!!!!! Boston tea party !!!!!!! History repeats it self !!!!!!

READY ?????? :eek:

To move to ALASKA, silly !!!!! =&gt;Alaska 50th with 6.3%.....

MAC :D :D :D

[ 02-11-2003: Message edited by: mackin ]</p>

02-11-2003, 21:56
Last nite seen Union 76 diesel posted as 199.9 in Penryn.
Beacon, just acrossed the street was 1.79 but last week was 1.59

02-11-2003, 21:57

I have been to Alaska. I got friends there.


My buddie has a wife + 4 kids and get's $12,000.00/yr.

Sound right to you AKmax????

This state SUCKS!!!!!

GMC :eek: :mad: :confused:

02-12-2003, 00:55
They do pay you to live there. It's roughly 1500-2000 per person depending on the revenue from the pipeline and how well the bean counters invested for the year. Rumor is that the dividend will be zilch in the next couple of years. Damn politicians finally gettin their grubby hands on it to give themselves a pay raise so they can afford the high fuel prices that they are doing nothing to prevent(oops! soapbox). Man, I thought fuel was high priced in AK; Hawaii is about 50 cents higher for diesel, if you can find it. I have only found 2 stations within 10 miles of me that sell it here in HI. Can't complain too much though, I don't have to plug in and the grill cover is history.

02-12-2003, 08:51
Go ahead Mackdaddy, move to Alaska....Dude to Chic ratio of 13 to 1 ! :mad:

02-12-2003, 08:52
Here's a story on CNN.com about fuel prices:


Two quotes stand out from this story:
"nothing fully justifies the dramatic increase in gasoline prices experienced across the United States in the last month."


"After September 11, 2001, state authorities took aggressive legal action against gasoline companies that sought to profit from the attacks. AAA said it would support similar action now if that becomes necessary."

At least it is not going un-noticed....


02-12-2003, 10:14
One thing that REALLY grips me is this.... Fuel prices will spike at the drop of a hot, and I understand that. Problem is, they spike quickly when going up, but they fall extremely slow! These are HUGE profits for the individual fuel stops. Just sell your fuel for your normal margin WHAT YOU BOUGHT IT FOR!!!! :mad:

02-12-2003, 10:20

We've got both Conoco and Citgo refineries here in Lake Charles and pay as much or more than other places I've been that are far removed from any petrochemical facility. Never been given an adequate explanation as to why. Maybe not a good example, but fresh shrimp here is less than what it costs in the mid west. The difference is the transportation/distribution costs vs. buying right off the dock. There's even a Citgo station right outside the plant, heck you could be pumping directly from the refinery tanks, but not any cheaper.

The link Mdrag posted is basically what I have been told by friends who work in the petrochemical industry. There is so much buying and selling between companies you don't really know who refined the gas. I did not know that Citgo was owned by the Venezuelan until a few years ago. The strike has hit this plant hard. Most of the contractors have been fired, but I don't think any actual Citgo employees have been let go. Rumor is the plant may be sold.

02-12-2003, 10:48
Here in Jersey there are a couple of big refineries and I see fuel that is cheaper farther away.

The part that really gets me is the fact that a retailer can raise the prices daily according to market fluctuations to make more profit, but when there are drops the price doesn't go down until a new load of fuel comes in and the cost was less. If a new load came in and the wholesale price was different then fine, adjust the price. But don't change it twice a day for the same batch of fuel because the market will bear the increase.This certainly is not usuaully the case with price decreases.


02-12-2003, 11:22
wanna know what everybody else is paying??


02-12-2003, 11:37
Fuel prices affect everyone....The trickle down affect to all consumers due to transportation cost !!!!!

Chances are if you bought it, it came via a truck, burning Diesel......From bread to the double whammy on fuel prices at the pump, their added cost to TRUCK to distribute......
Horrible .....

But the cost to drill and refine are the same last week as this week......Highway robbery, due to supply and demand and the threat of war.....

MAC :mad: :mad: :mad:

02-12-2003, 11:49
Friend lives near big convienence station, one of several in a chain of stores. She says they raised the price some $0.20 +/- in the last few days but the first new load of gas just showed up this AM. Headlines in the paper about price goughing.

02-12-2003, 12:07
thos is a interesting site..


02-12-2003, 14:02
Just as a side note...
You might consider fuel prices over in Europe, I know it doesn't have anything to do with me and my local Exxon/Citgo,whatever but the rest of the world looks at us crybabies with our monster SUVs and whining about paying an outrageous price like a $1.50 for gas, I don't think their price has been less than double that in 20 years.
Of course I realize they have completely different tax structures and "road" fees but refining fuel is refining fuel regardless of geography. How do you think they feel about the "gouging".
The Moral here is be careful what you wish for, this is still America and I'm dang happy to pay 1.75 for diesel considering the alternatives.....

02-12-2003, 14:11
Here in Guelph, ON we are paying around $0.83CAN/L which works out to be $3.79CAN/Gallon which works out to be about $2.05US/Gallon. It has just shot up in the past week, but there is no end in site. I just wanter an aux. tank so I can fill up now and last for the next 3 months until the war is over and prices go back to normal.

02-12-2003, 15:28
I'm sure many of you are old enough to remember many years ago when diesel prices skyrocketed and the independent big rigs protested by shutting down their rigs and would not haul. It was costing them more in fuel than they were making on a load. I don't understand why they are not up in arms about the high cost now...Big rigs, where are you??? :confused:

02-12-2003, 22:59
Anyone know how today's fuel price compares with what we were paying 20 yrs ago, inflation adjusted? This might be a real-world price we are paying today, I fear.

It would be nice if fuel prices were always constant, like the price of milk, but that would be socialism.

Big O
02-13-2003, 04:42
Just as a side note...
You might consider fuel prices over in Europe, I know it doesn't have anything to do with me and my local Exxon/Citgo,whatever but the rest of the world looks at us crybabies with our monster SUVs and whining about paying an outrageous price like a $1.50 for gas, I don't think their price has been less than double that in 20 years.
Of course I realize they have completely different tax structures and "road" fees but refining fuel is refining fuel regardless of geography. How do you think they feel about the "gouging".
The Moral here is be careful what you wish for, this is still America and I'm dang happy to pay 1.75 for diesel considering the alternatives.....
I am as patriotic as anybody, BUT I will never be HAPPY to get ripped off with a 33% increase in the past few months. This has nothing to do with patriotism, but rather with the oil companies gouging us. Just because other countries are getting screwed on their fuel, does not mean we should be happy for getting half screwed! If all of our fuel had to go to the military for the war, that would be understandable. If we lost our fuel supply, that would be understandable. But neither is the case. They look for any opportunity to raise the price and make obscene profits. :mad: :mad:

02-13-2003, 07:26

MILK you say. I got three kids and I wish milk was priced as cheap as diesel!!!! :mad:

There is a consortium called The Northeast Dairy Producers --something or other---. It's like the MOB controlling milk prices.

I never paid attention till the wife heard me ranting about diesel. She said if you think that's bad check out this. :(

The wife bought one gallon carton and paid $3.59 for it fom a grocery store - not a handy stop or gas station :mad: :eek: :confused: . It won't last me more than a day.

Getting sqeezed and screwed some more.


[ 02-13-2003: Message edited by: GMC-2002-Dmax ]</p>

02-13-2003, 08:22
Well guys and girls Diesel comes out of the unit I work in. Our unit is in one of the largest plants in the US. I don't get it any cheeper then you guys, so location, convience, trucking, etc, is all bull****. It is a matter of Margins. Margins have been down the last year. Now that there is a chance of war it is an easy way to increase the cost of fuel and therefore increase the margins. Granted, the Venezuala(sp) strike did effect us. But don't let that little blip fool you.

Also the US Gov. is loading equipment at our local port. The guys near the railway stopped counting Hummers at 900 in 4 days. That was 3 weeks ago and they are still moving through. What do hummers, tanks, and 5tons run on? Thats right! Diesel! I bet they all have full tanks too.

I personally think we have been lucky. The US is an overweight out of shape country. We haven't had to diet since the 30's and I really hope we don't have to again, but we might.

02-13-2003, 10:05
Raptorrider2001 stated-
I'm sure many of you are old enough to remember many years ago when diesel prices skyrocketed and the independent big rigs protested by shutting down their rigs and would not haul. It was costing them more in fuel than they were making on a load. I don't understand why they are not up in arms about the high cost now...Big rigs, where are you???
Part of my job requires me to check in the incoming steel stock which we receive by truck daily. On each invoice is an added line item called "Fuel Surcharge"

The truckers are passing it along to the customer so it no longer affects them. It hurts everyone else, but those big wheels keep rollin'

02-13-2003, 17:04
Heres the deal guys and gals,

Venezuela is a shambles, we get a lot of oil from them. Currently we are EXPORTING 700,000 gallons of gas a day to Venezuela. The middle east is a bomb waiting to go off. History says this : pre any war -- major nervousness, during most wars -- things settle down quickly. If Iraq goes off line AND interdicts the flow of oil from the middle east as well we are going to be squeezed, and hard. Crude supplies are at a multi year low right now. The price of a barrel of crude reflects this nervousness immediately. The oil companies are VERY quick to pass that along. It seems to take them a bit longer to back it off again.

Until Venezuela and Iraq are settled it's going to be very uncomfortable from an economic stand point and fuel prices are going to get hammered. I wouldn't be suprised to see diesel over $2.00 before this is over.

I say that because Pres. Bush is going to have a hard time charging in alone, despite all the rhetoric. The rest of the world wants to wait a while. It could take several more months before Iraq gets dealt with and at least that long before Venezuela gets back on line. We suffer in the meantime.

I paid over $2.00 for premium gas in the Rockies in the summer of 2000 and may get to pay that for Diesel this May/June when I go up again.

Not happy thoughts but likely to occur anyway.


02-13-2003, 17:35
just to add a year ago paying .489/l or 1.84 US gal to .755/l or 2.85 US gal :mad:
Right now gas is .839/l or 3.17 US gal. and forecasting 1.00 liter for reg gas.

02-14-2003, 09:28
When I fueld up yesterday, the guy who owns the station say's he expects it to be over $2.00 by next week. Right now its $1.79.

02-14-2003, 09:48
We just had a price drop from $1.81 to $1.71

02-14-2003, 10:43
hoot: Thats encouraging, hope the price drop travels a little further east!

02-14-2003, 14:13
Just drove to Fort Worth from Huntsville Alabama, noticed the fuel prices averaging $1.65 / gal. at the truck stops in Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas. Some of the little independent corner gas stations are trying to get upwards of $1.89 but they don't have anybody lining up to buy it. That's still 25 cents a gallon more than I paid 2 weeks ago on the same trip, but it seems to have stabalized for the moment.
Cross your fingers! :eek:

02-14-2003, 17:09
I filled up last saturday $1.59 today drove by the same station diesel was $1.81 . I heard it's going to over $2.00 next week here in MA.