View Full Version : Juice fuel mileage?

02-08-2003, 17:22
With fuel prices going through the roof, I can't help wondering, has anyone kept records to confirm if there is any difference in fuel mileage between a stock D'max and one on Juice? I am specifically refering to normal, around town driving as opposed to hauling a load? Does one Juice setting yield any significiant difference from another> ... Jim

[ 02-08-2003: Message edited by: JEBar ]</p>

02-08-2003, 19:30
Jebar,I had mine off for a week and all town driving normally get 12.35 mpg in level 4 running empty.This last week while I had the juice off the truck I got 11.77 mpg.Now keep in mind with no juice I'm not mashing the throttle all the time so you think the mileage would go up some.When the juice is installed I'm constantly getting pushed back in the seat cause I'm standing on the throttle.
I fuel at the same place every week with the truck parked the same direction and 3 pump clicks when she's full.Not very scientific but fairly accurate imho. Blake smile.gif

02-08-2003, 19:59
My last tank was 13.7, but I usually hit mid 14's on winter blend. There is ALWAYS significant idle time on my truck, most of which is with the exhaust brake on. I'd say minimum 1.5-3 hrs per tank when it gets cold out...

02-08-2003, 20:01
My truck has about 8000 easy miles on it so it isn't fully broken in yet. I get 14.5 in town and 19 on the highway with Juice on level 4--unless I repeatedly put my foot in it. JK has suggested the best mileage would be with the Juice on lever "zero," which is a timing adjustment only.


02-08-2003, 20:24

I have the HOT Juice and on L4 - Northeast Winters with 5-25 degrees avgerage temps and 15 minute warmups I am seeing 13.5 mpg not adjusted for 285 tires. If I guess at a 8% difference for the tires I am getting about 14 to 14.5 mpg.

I do not see any difference with it on or off :D

I was getting over 18 mpg when we had warmer temps and better diesel.

GMC ;)

02-08-2003, 23:05
I consistently get 3-4 mpg better with the Hot juice on level 2. The throttle position is considerably less with the juice on. It takes less throttle to get the truck moving and less to maintain cruise. My truck is an 03 California truck with a CAT and EGR. It seems as though many people on this board have complained about their 03 trucks having less power than their 01s and 02s. I think the General may have detuned them for emissions. That goes triple if it is a California 03. Just my observation/opinion. However, the Juice gave me the power I expected when I bought the truck and more, and better mileage to boot. It's a beautiful thing. :D

02-09-2003, 08:41
Think over the next few months I will experiment with different settings to see if any impace ti makes ... I haven't really been able to tell any difference when using the truck for empty, everyday driving .... Jim

02-09-2003, 10:37
I track my mileage and costs continuously, but trying to read any change in fuel mileage is a wasted effort in this season. Too many variables: extremely cold temperatures, in and out of 4wd, winterized fuel, etc. I can say that I have at least maintained my excellent overall mileage (18.4 mpg) with the Juice and don't doubt that it has actually been a little help, because there's usually a significant winter fuel drop in economy that I haven't seen this year. Will be making a Florida run coming up in a few weeks. A couple thousand miles of interstate in warm weather on straight #2 will tell the tale! :cool:

02-09-2003, 11:02
I have no juice yet but I get over 18 running 80 with the cruise set and about 16.25 avaerage mostly town driving.

I'm no racer but I drive pretty aggressively.

I have 5500 miles. The mileage has steadily improved.

02-09-2003, 12:58
I finally got the hot juice and the wife took the empty truck on a 220 mile interstate drive in level 2 yesterday. She normally will drive about 80mph. When i checked the mileage on the business tripometer it said she got 21.8 mpg. The computer usually is dead on as far as accuracy. I just passed 2500 miles on the odometer and cant wait for it to get broken in and see what it really will get.

02-10-2003, 04:42
Wow Sam that's great. Just another reason for me to get one. Soon as JK has them refurbs again...


02-10-2003, 19:24
SamIAM, check your mileage manually and I think you will find it to be different that what the trip computer is telling you. These boxes usually mess the on board computer up. This has been mentioned before.

02-10-2003, 20:53
27k miles hot juice level 4 (is there any other)mixed city/hwy........14.5........driven hard and tested daily......during some cold weather recently(cold to me)8-25 degrees installed front grill cover got 16..........hotter must be better.......... :D dave

02-10-2003, 21:28
Don't have the Juice yet, but I have picked up about .3-.5 mpg with my JK 4" exhaust. sdaver, you are correct, hotter is better. It has to do with thermodynamics and how efficient everything is in the motor. I won't go any deeper as I need to preserve brain cells. :D