View Full Version : Newbie Says Hiya!

10-31-2002, 22:50
You People ROCK!

I have been wanting to do something with the MAX for a while now, but too timid to step up to the plate. I've studied all the Modules, and settled on the Juice. I landed a deal on Ebay, and was turned on to this site by the seller. I started reading your posts a few weeks ago, and when the juice arrived, I was ready to do it right. Got the gauges. Studied the recommendations. Calmed myself down(hehe) and installed the juice. (SES LIGHT) But all kinda power. Called and talked to Bryce at Edge, and explained to him that I am the second owner of this product(just in case they wouldn't warranty it, I didn't want that to come out later) and to my amazement, he immediately asked how they could best serve me. I found out from him that there is a Cali version to get rid of the light, and some smoke. All I can say is WOW. The service was impeccable. I had a new juice module within two days. Anyway, I wouldn't know a fraction of what I do now if it hadn't been for my fellow D-Maxxers. I would have posted earlier, but my access wasn't approved right away. Thanks all, Take care, Chuck.

10-31-2002, 23:18
welcome to the forum. Excellent info here, and of course the occasional ribbing as well!

Keep a close eye on John Kennedy, as he likes to do group purchases at a discount, as long as Big Jim doesnt find out! (sorry, JK, I am feeling a bit spicey tonight) tongue.gif ;) :D

Chris N5CWM
10-31-2002, 23:58
I believe that every new Duramax GM pickup should
have this website URL on the FRONT or first page
of the owner's manual! Whaddya fellas think? :D

Chris N5CWM
11-01-2002, 00:01
Oh, and congrats on the new truck Chuck! smile.gif

The folks at Edge are definitely TOP notch!
I bought an Edge fueling module from them two
years ago and they were great. It's nice to hear
that they are still doing business in such a
personable fashion. I look forward to doing
business with them again someday.-

11-01-2002, 00:50

I know it may appear that I just got the truck, and it feels like it too. But it's just over a year old. I was just waiting to jump into the mod's until I was sure, and then was told about this great site. Hey, maybe the DieselPage would benefit by getting us some decals? Just a thought.

11-01-2002, 09:20
Welcome aboard! Glad you like the forum, lots of great info, just watch out for that Alli-max character. He's been mumbling something about a leaf blower for a long time now, but switched to a rain gutter... if that wasn't enough of a warning! :D

You know, if one's rubber wastegate hose were to get plugged and become inoperative, one might accidentally see boost levels continue past 20psi and continue on up to 32psi. Of course the bad side effects of that would be slightly lower EGTs, a little more air to go with that Juice, the MAF seeing the increased airflow and objects appearing smaller in the mirror than they used to.

I'm still trying to figure out how it got plugged in the first place... ;)

See ya around! Steve

11-01-2002, 20:11
where exactally did you notice your wastegate to be plugged? and with what? :confused: Just thought I should know. In case mine were to end up plugged. ;) Some pictures of this Phenomenom might be nice to let us other TDP members be able to duplicate ... I mean spot this rare condition.

[ 11-01-2002: Message edited by: chevmeister ]</p>

11-01-2002, 20:21

I don't know what someone did to Socal's,but someone went to the parts store got some vacuum caps 5/16 and some spring clamps to match......They some how got under the hood and took that plastic cover off..Took a 6" approx. line off that comes off wastegate that dumps back in the other side, and so kindly plugged both nipples.....They even put everything back and put the line in my tool box so I could replace in case I had to visit dealer....Thanks whom ever !!!!!!!


I guess I should add WASTEGATE DEPRIVED to my SIG.....

[ 11-01-2002: Message edited by: mackin ]</p>

11-01-2002, 23:38
That's pretty dang cool. I'm gonna try that tomorrow. However, someone already removed that 6.6 plastic cover thingy off mine already, and tapped into a 6" hose with this lil' dinky plastic line and hooked it up to some gauge on the pillar. I found that 6.6 plastic thingy in the garage with some other plastic stuff that used to snorkel wheel well air to the turbo. There's some big Ol' metal pipe hooked to some pretty wirey cone lookin' thing there now. Must be the D/A Fairy huh?

11-02-2002, 07:24
Welcome, Oongawah!

Geez, guess I'd better upgrade the 3.61 to the "hot juice" now...I'm feelin' left behind! :rolleyes:

Hmmm...the only thing I can find out here in the Piney Woods is a tobacco plug...reckon that'd work? :D

[ 11-02-2002: Message edited by: DMAXDiva ]</p>

11-02-2002, 10:00
Hey Mac how bout a pic for the evidence file. By now the Dmax fairy must have took half your truck and put it in your basement! Hope somebaody catches that fairy soon. if they do give it my address. I need someone to blame, "I needed it" isnt enought for my wife anymore.
Thinking of it id love to see a pic of all the crap that is no longer on your truck. basement full yet???? :D

Wonder who has the biggest pile of ex-Dmax parts laying around in there shop or basement..... I bet if we get them all together we could build another truck. :D

[ 11-02-2002: Message edited by: chevmeister ]</p>

11-04-2002, 10:24
I tried the wastegate trick. Wow, this engine never ceases to amaze me. It even brought my EGT's down by atleast 100 degrees. Thanks guys!