View Full Version : Fuel Mileage

red sled
02-03-2003, 12:41
First I would like to say thanks, I've been lurking for a while now, and I must say you guys are the greatest. I'm a newbie to diesels, but I have done the search and I see mileage reports from 15 - 22 Mpg. I keep a very close watch on my truck as a hobby and I can honestly say the best mileage is 15.2, the worst is 14.6. Is there anything that can done to improve on this? I have an 02 cc short box 2500 4X4 all stock with 10,000 miles. The truck seems to run great, I changed the first fuel filter at 7500 miles with no noticeable change in mileage, or power. Am I expecting too much, or is everyone not being too honest in reporting mileage?

02-03-2003, 13:01
First of all, Welcome to the forum. As far as milage goes, it seems fairly common for mileage to be on the low side for a few thousand miles. Some have reported improvements well beyond where you are now. I have been following my mileage since mine was new and it was on the low side for about 5K. I now run 18-19 in town and can flirt with the 21 mark on the open road 28.5K on the odo). I saw 19.9 running 89MPH for 800 miles on one recent trip. All I can say is be patient and keep an eye on it. If it doesn't improve in the next few thousand miles, I would start to look for cause. Good luck!


02-03-2003, 14:50
My mileage was right where yours is until 14K miles (I track every tank). At 14K miles it started trending up and now I'm running about 17.5mpg and it's still rising.

- Mark
'02 Sierra 2500HD D/A 4x4 CC SWB

02-03-2003, 17:41
Right from the start I got 17+ mpg, but I don't stomp on it and am a pretty slow driver, no more than 80. This winter my mileage has gone down some, but I do let it idle a lot more waiting with the kids at the bus stop. I think you should notice some improvement with the more miles you drive. Hang in there it will get better.

02-03-2003, 18:25
In my experience, and others I've heard from who regularly break the 20 mpg barrier, the key is watching the rpm gauge. At 2000 rpms (70 mph in 5th gear with the allison) or a little less, you should be able to break 20 mpg during highway driving with a 2500HD. I've ranged from mid 16's to mid 18's daily driving. I hammer on it on some occasions, but if you keep off the pedal hard all the time, you should be able to get that higher mileage. Also, I felt mine improved some on mileage and power around 10K and then again a little over 20K. I'm over 36K now, and it runs stronger than ever.

Joe P
02-03-2003, 19:31
Red sled, very impoetent to keep tires inflated to at least 65 psi , anything less then that you see a drop in MPG . Also as bluenote stated,keep the rpms under 2000 ,think 1800 is about best for gas mileage . I have 12600 miles , most of which was on the highway, and i always get between 17-20MPG,if you jump on it your mpg will go down slightly.

02-03-2003, 19:47
Red: I was real disappointed when I first got my DMax. I pulled in 15 mpg around town and got less than 18 mpg on the highway, but came close at times. Around 25K or 26K miles I started getting better mileage and currently get 19.5 mpg on the highway, driving unloaded. I'm pushing 36K miles and haven't tipped the 20 mpg yet, but almost a couple of times. It's a heavy truck and I'm puzzled at some posts claiming 24 mpg. I keep every full-up in a log book and know exactly what I'm getting. Good luck to you.

02-03-2003, 21:21
RED: not trying to be a brager but ben having some real good numbers once i came off the 6000 miles or so, the truck was not very impressive for the first 6k, i just came back from a 200mile road trip tonight, filled again when i got home, the truck made 22.8miles per gallon, i was not pulling anything, and driving at 74mph, i think my van anken box is giving me at least 3to5 miles per gallon extra from looking at my fuel records

02-04-2003, 09:55
Red Sled:

I think Fredw is right, some of these trucks aren't real impressive at first, I had an '02 which had 26k on it, got good mileage, tons of power and started easy. My new '03 is a bit weaker and slower but it's new and needs a break in. I only have 500 miles on it, last weekend in the cold I got 19.5, no load, stock. 17.5 coming home in the slush/snow, grill bra on. I wonder if different stations and there fuel mixtures maybe play a part in what kind of mileage we get. MAC would know, he seems to know ALMOST everything!
:eek: :eek: :eek:

02-04-2003, 12:47
Red sled

Do you have a modest right foot? If, so then continue. also, you didn't say, if this was in town, or highway.

A couple of suggestions:

1. Can you tell if the torque converter is locking up?

2. Have you tried different brands of Diesel?

Poor levels of cetane will effect your mileage.

02-04-2003, 13:26
My mileage isn't exactly spectacular. Around town I get about 14 to 15. Highway I have no idea what is is unloaded because every time I'm going somewhere I've got either my flatbed hay trailer or my gooseneck cow trailer on. Plus I need to get my TCM reprogrammed becasue my truck thinks it's cool to downshift into 4th anytime I lose 1 or 2 mph. Anyway, I know I need to get some new shoes because the ones I have now are so heavy. My cousin gets about the same mpg I get and can get 18 or so running 80 on the super slab. My truck has 51,000 and his truck has about 75,000. I'm hoping to cut my muffler off this week before I go to the Dixie Nationals. Maybe I can get a good idea of my highway mpg.

Reb [><]

02-04-2003, 14:26
One factor that must be considered when someone speaks of great mileage, is whether it is a 2 wheel drive or 4 wheel drive vehicle. Also where it is driven....in hilly terrain or on a flat and level interstate in Nevada or Texas. I've found there are several variables that can affect mileage but as long as I'm in the hunt, I'm happy.

I have found my biggest factor to be speed. If I keep it between 55 and 60, the mileage is upwards of 18 (4x4 system not engaged) but if I run it at 75 to 80 then I see 15 mpg. Second biggest factor has been the switch from #2 to blended or #1 during the winter months.....you'll see a drop then too.

02-04-2003, 16:03

I've been seeing this "van anken" term popping up, what is it, is it the same as the juice? Your mileage is right on with my '03 3/4HD 4x, last weekend I got 19.5 at 73 mph, mostly level ground.

Where did you get the van anken?

How much?

How does it compare to the Juice?

Thanks for the help, this weekend I'm pulling my 42' Featherlite car hauler for the first time, weighs in at around 11k. :eek:

02-04-2003, 16:15
We see about 8-9mpg loaded. :D

02-04-2003, 16:47
I have an 02 4x4 CC SB with a little over 20K on it. I have a lifetime average of 16.0 mi/gal. Best was 22 (only time ever above 20) and worst on a full tank has been just a bit under 14. I usually get around 17.5 on highway and 15 in town. Mostly stop and go on my 17 mile to and from work. Got to love the big city. tongue.gif Oh, and I run on pretty flat ground and don't put my foot in it too much. Just enough to keep the grin going. :D

[ 02-04-2003: Message edited by: chuntag95 (Chris) ]</p>

02-04-2003, 20:24
the vanaken box is very simalar to the hot juice box, i think same supplier with different brands and different settings acheiving the same goal

02-04-2003, 22:39
Just took a trip to Indiana, with the Winter cover on, going 72-75MPH & got 20.5MPG!

Loaded grossing out at 25,000lbs truck & trailer we got between 10 & 13 MPG.

Except for the batteries dieing that one time it has been a great truck.

I think its got about 7000 miles on it, not sure :confused:


02-04-2003, 22:48
bobcat: that is some great milage with that amount of wait, gassers would be in the low singles ;)

Colorado Kid
02-05-2003, 13:42
Mine is 2WD and 6 speed.

My best tank ever was 24.7 MPG commuting to work last August. Avg. speed on that tank was 44.5 MPH.

Worst non-towing 19.7 MPG with tank average speed 70.4 MPH westbound (into the wind) across Wyoming on September 6th Last year.

Worst ever (towing) 12.5 MPH in stormy weather in Southern Idaho and Northeast Utah with average speed 59.2 MPH.

Lifetime totals:
17,026 Miles (1,950 Towing)
413.0 Hours
847.76 Gallons
$1108.00 Fuel Cost
20.08 average MPG
41.2 MPH average speed
2.05 average gallons/hour
7 cents/mile average fuel cost

I didn't expect to get better mileage with my truck than with my wife's Honda Odyssey, but that's what has happened! :D I do run 65 psi in the tires, and I do routinely shift at 2000 RPM unless towing or otherwise demostrating that some trucks do not accelerate as well as mine ;) I rarely exceed 70 MPH in my commute.

I couldn't be happier :D