View Full Version : Heads coming off

Dvldog 8793
07-15-2004, 17:11
Any opinion on haed gasket make? At some point somebody posted regarding thicker gaskets to lower the compression? has anyone done this? Any recommendations on things to do to the heads while they are off? I plan on haveing them cleaned, checked and polished up. I also plan on port matching everything.
Thanks in advance!

07-15-2004, 17:55
'Sleeve' heads to prevent leakage between
compression/waterjacket. Check that the stock valve seats haven't been pounded down to a level below specs.

Felpro makes stock gaskets.

More Power's TDP R&R guide is helpful.

07-16-2004, 10:33
Port match is good. You won't believe the amount of material that can be removed. Especially in the intake manifold ports. I used felpro gaskets. Don't forget new bolts.

07-17-2004, 06:52
Are you leaking, or just pulling them for good measure???

If there's coolant in the crankcase, I'd pull the engine and look for cracks in the block...

Dvldog 8793
07-17-2004, 17:10
Well today I spent pressure testing the cooling system. NO leaks cold or hot at 18psi. This is with a guage hocked up for at least 2hrs for both. I tried running the rpms up to get the temp hot and still no loss. I would think that if I am losing coolant then the system should lose pressure?
Any Ideas?
See "appetite for antifreeze" post also

07-18-2004, 07:43
I'll copy this to the other thread as well.

I'd sugest an oil analysis and look for glycol presence.

Typically, a head gasket or cracked head will overpressurize the cooling system.

Typically, a cracked block will make gelatin in the CDR, and eventually crankcase.

Being a 99, I'd hazard a guess that the block is cracked up the cylinder wall from the oil spray hole. Some cracked on the deck, but that seems to be more Hummer related.

You may get lucky, but IMHO, it is more practical at this point to pull the engine and dismantle on an engine stand where you can inspect/evaluate most thoroughly and accurately, as you'll likely end up there anyhow.